Xbox One And we have another bug


Active Member
Nov 23, 2013
I'm sure that none of you will be surprised to know that another bug has been found in Battlefield 4. We have the God Mode bug but now a new bug has been documented in the expansion China Rising. Because of course not only would the base game have problems but the DLC would be an issue to. You'll find the bug in the Dragon Pass map as seen in this helpful youtube video.

I'm sure that none of you will be surprised to know that another bug has been found in Battlefield 4. We have the God Mode bug but now a new bug has been documented in the expansion China Rising. Because of course not only would the base game have problems but the DLC would be an issue to. You'll find the bug in the Dragon Pass map as seen in this helpful youtube video.

Found a bug this early? The developers probably missed this. They should have tested it thoroughly before they released it.
Found a bug this early? The developers probably missed this. They should have tested it thoroughly before they released it.

Each game has it's own bugs. But I'm glad that they found God mode in this. Haha. If I'm too annoyed playing this I might try it out.
BF4 is so full of bugs though, DICE released it too early due to pressure from EA. **** EA!
BF4 is so full of bugs though, DICE released it too early due to pressure from EA. **** EA!

Quite right... it certainly seems like they skipped a good amount of testing where they should have been able to fix bugs like this. Though without knowing how difficult it is to fix the code behind these bugs, we maybe shouldn't judge too hard. But still, it shouldn't have been released like this.
their is a spot on shanghi that similar. its a building top.. but you have to deploy to it from a plane/helicopter its low enough you can pick people off on the ground and far enough from other buildings that the angle dosnt allow a clean sniper shot from the edge. you can take damage but no way to get a shot off.

sme deal on the map where your in the building tops. if you drop from a helicopter on the one spot you can hold the position forever.. no one can shoot from below and you can hide behind a sign to block attack from only spot.

these 2 spots are not realy cheats but im not sure they are exploited much or have been noticed.
I'm sure that none of you will be surprised to know that another bug has been found in Battlefield 4. We have the God Mode bug but now a new bug has been documented in the expansion China Rising. Because of course not only would the base game have problems but the DLC would be an issue to. You'll find the bug in the Dragon Pass map as seen in this helpful youtube video.
That's so funny! It looks like an invisible wall there! Wonder why the grenades didn't work, they are different than bullets (of course), and should have killed the man in front of the wall after so many were thrown. They will probably release a patch for it anyway.:D
DICE, well really EA has already announced that they are not working on any other DLC for Battlefield 4 until they fix the issue so we're good on that front. But I'm sure that the problems surprised no one, it's an EA game after all. If you've ever played The Sims series since EA got then hands all up in it like The Sims 3 entries then it's pretty easy to see why this is happening. It's just constant bugs and patches to fix the bugs and patches to fix the patches. A real trainwreck.
I'm not surprised another bug has been added to the list. This game has way too many bugs for my liking but I still play it. It's a great game, I'm sure when most the of things are fixed a lot of people will realize this as well.

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