Xbox One Any idea of release date?

Hey there. All right, so here's some update on the Phantom Pain:

Next year, Phantom Pain's first part, Ground Zeroes, will be released. It is a standalone prequel and will be released Q2 2014. It will cost you $19.99 digital, $29.99 retail. This story takes place in the late 70s, a few years after Peace Walker. Phantom Pain, the second part and the main story, is still in development. This story will take place 9 years after Ground Zeroes, and is set in the 80s. Kojima explained that Ground Zeroes will be an introduction to what we will all expect in Phantom Pain, from the graphics, gameplay style to the storyline.

Many believed Ground Zeroes and Phantom Pain would be like Snake Eater, where the prequel and main story were all wrapped into one game but it's different now, with Ground Zeroes and Phantom Pain separated. So pretty much, yeah.

So if you're vying to have some good ol' Metal Gear Solid next-gen, you'll be getting Ground Zeroes first. Phantom Pain is still getting made.
Yay Solid Snake. Is there a video out there about the game? If this is the prequel to the story then this will be more interesting. I guess once it's available I'll get it on digital (since it's a lot cheaper). That way I can buy more games. By the way, what are your thoughts about Call of Duty? When will the release be?
Yay Solid Snake. Is there a video out there about the game? If this is the prequel to the story then this will be more interesting. I guess once it's available I'll get it on digital (since it's a lot cheaper). That way I can buy more games. By the way, what are your thoughts about Call of Duty? When will the release be?

You know, there might be a video about this. It had some news a few days ago. I'll see if I can find it. Yup, I'm interested in playing this one. It's going to be sweet! Finally, a next-gen glimpse into the future of the MGS series.
You know, there might be a video about this. It had some news a few days ago. I'll see if I can find it. Yup, I'm interested in playing this one. It's going to be sweet! Finally, a next-gen glimpse into the future of the MGS series.

Way ahead of you buddy. Here's the video you've asked guys:


Looks gorgeous doesn't it? This IS what we'll all be playing next year. Kojima states that this game is a preview of what we'll be playing in Phantom Pain, the next part in the story. Enjoy it :cool:
Wow. THAT's Ground Zeroes? Then all those videos of the FOX Engine reveal was no lie at all. It looks just as good as Kojima says. Man, I cannot wait to get my hands on the prequel. I don't care if it's a standalone prequel; more MGS is good enough for me.
Sometimes I wonder if people on this forum even bother doing actual research or looking things up. Gameplay for MGS 5 has been out for a looooooooooong time now, so as someone who's "Super excited for more MGS" you shouldn't be surprised at one video. Man, getting harder and harder to take people seriously on here.


And for those who want more information but are either too lazy, or don't understand how the internet works, here.
I'm wondering if MGS V: Ground Zeroes is just going to be taking place in the camp entirely. Phantom Pain will definitely have more locations (especially the desert camp) but Ground Zeroes... so far, the video has been showing the camp mostly. But we'll see.
I'm sure it's going to take place in a much larger area then just the camp. That's mainly just a very solid location they chose to show off as a demonstration for what the game is going to be like. In the first video I posted, it shows wide range and a mission that takes place in a village. While the end of the video shows "Phantom Pain", I do believe it's from when it was believed both games were one in the same. So who knows.
Yeah, who knows indeed? Well, we'll see how Ground Zeroes will be big when we get it next year. Heck, we still don't know how big that PS1-themed mission will be in the PS3/PS4 versions or even what content Xbox gets, so there could be some good replay value in the game.
The PlayStation 1 themed mission isn't really going to be "Big" in the grand sense of the word, it's more for nostalgic purposes for long time fans of the series, such as myself. They did something similar in Guns of the Patriots with the face camo. It too was also very low res and looked like it was ripped straight out of the PlayStation 1 which was fantastic. However, this is supposed to be a full body outfit which makes it even more awesome to someone like me.
The PlayStation 1 themed mission isn't really going to be "Big" in the grand sense of the word, it's more for nostalgic purposes for long time fans of the series, such as myself. They did something similar in Guns of the Patriots with the face camo. It too was also very low res and looked like it was ripped straight out of the PlayStation 1 which was fantastic. However, this is supposed to be a full body outfit which makes it even more awesome to someone like me.

Yeah, guess you're right. It is really a homage to us who started wit the PlayStation, so seeing that blocky Snake will make smile and laugh at the same time. Still, curious what Xbox gets. We'll just see when the release date approaches.
It does seem like a Play station one themed game. But, hey, Snake looks way better on this. Plus he looks more brutal with his moves. I love the graphics on the video. I hope they release this soon so I can play this. I'll keep an eye on this game. There might be other developments after this December.
Woo Hoo. This game rocks. Just by looking at the video makes me excited. This will be the best ever version of Metal Gear Solid. I like the way they changed Snakes appearance. He looks younger and tougher in this game. I guess it's because it's based on the PS1 version.
Woo Hoo. This game rocks. Just by looking at the video makes me excited. This will be the best ever version of Metal Gear Solid. I like the way they changed Snakes appearance. He looks younger and tougher in this game. I guess it's because it's based on the PS1 version.

Yeah, sure looks good right? And by the way, if you'd like some info on this, here: the Snake you see here is Big Boss, the bad guy from Metal Gear 1. He also appeared in Metal Gear Solid 4. He is the original source of Solid Snake, who happens to be a clone. So while Solid Snake and Big Boss (or Naked Snake, as fans would call him) look alike, well, Naked Snake is a bit more different in a way that his view on the world is radical compared to his clone Solid Snake. And by the way, Naked Snake is kinda old already in this game. He was actually younger in Metal Gear Solid 3, the prequel of all this. What we're seeing in this game is an older Snake. MGS3 takes place in the 60s while this game takes place in the late 70s.

Also, the PS1 version talks is the fact that the PS3/PS4 version is getting a mission that is themed around the PS1 Metal Gear Solid, which takes the polygonal blocky graphics of the former and putting it against the MGS5's graphics.
It does seem like a Play station one themed game. But, hey, Snake looks way better on this. Plus he looks more brutal with his moves. I love the graphics on the video. I hope they release this soon so I can play this. I'll keep an eye on this game. There might be other developments after this December.

It's not really a PlayStation-themed game. It's a mission. It takes some assets of the PS1 game and puts it in the modern setting of MGS5: Ground Zeroes. It's a tribute to the fans of the PlayStation game Metal Gear Solid, to show how far MGS has gone. I'm one of those fans and it excites me to see how well it's going to be done.
I just preordered this today from Amazon for $39, the release date is 3/18.
I definitely can’t wait to see this game released, and have high levels of activity of long plays and commentary videos on YouTube. Even though Ground Zeroes is just an introductory, or prologue to Phantom Pain, the level of quality just makes me wonder on the potential Phantom Pain has.

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