I don't use the hand gestures, voice commands are the main function of the kinect for me.
Maybe make hand gestures a little more easier to use.
Yeah. voice commands often times don't work on mine anyways.
The Kinect for xbox one needs a longer cable. I'm remodeling a room and am running the kinect from the mantle to the xbox that is in a cabinet and the7ft cable is WAY TOO SHORT. Talking to the audio company that is installing the speakers, hardware, etc they said they've run across this before and that 15-25 feet would be ideal. For real, when you have an 80" TV and you want to run it from beneath it, through the wall to a cabinet it's more than 7ft.
Could work if only it was available for a longer cable. But would it work well with that?
Yeah. i would like to add more games. Lol
I know that sounds basic, but it is true. There are no games out that use the connect. We do not even know the power of the kinect, or what it is capable of yet. We have not had the opportunity to use it yet. Microsoft need s to focus on utilizing the features that the kinect currently has, instead of adding new ones.