Xbox One Arkham Knight revealed! (The titular villain)

Are any of the original voice actors coming back? Or will it be the actors from Origins? They were ok but Kevin Conroy is God in these.

I heard Kevin Conroy is reprising his role as The Bat! Boom! Hahahah. As for Mark Hamill... well, just play Arkham City and find out. But the others, not sure. But Conroy's Batman voice is coming back.
I heard Kevin Conroy is reprising his role as The Bat! Boom! Hahahah. As for Mark Hamill... well, just play Arkham City and find out. But the others, not sure. But Conroy's Batman voice is coming back.

I think Hamill is done with the character. Troy Baker did a very good job in Arkham Origins, so I don't mind if he reprises the role. Anyway, has Joker been confirmed at all for this game? I wouldn't mind a game without him.
I think Hamill is done with the character. Troy Baker did a very good job in Arkham Origins, so I don't mind if he reprises the role. Anyway, has Joker been confirmed at all for this game? I wouldn't mind a game without him.

Hmmmm... nope. No confirmation so far. Maybe just an easter egg? I don't know. No news yet.
I heard Kevin Conroy is reprising his role as The Bat! Boom! Hahahah. As for Mark Hamill... well, just play Arkham City and find out. But the others, not sure. But Conroy's Batman voice is coming back.

Nice! Now at least we can hear the familiar Batman voice once again. It's a little disorienting hearing Batman's new young voice in Arkham Origins. Its... man, what is up with me?
Are any of the original voice actors coming back? Or will it be the actors from Origins? They were ok but Kevin Conroy is God in these.

As marthyrocks said, Kevin Conroy is confirmed for comeback. The Arkham Origins actors were hired to portray the younger renditions after all so since Arkham Knights takes place AFTER City, then you'll know the original actors have to come back. Kevin is one.
Is this really Batman? I mean wow, I always complain about him not getting a bullet proof suit and a some decent armor but I never expected to actually make him look like that. I'm now curious as to what the franchise will go into, I mean the first two games were great, I've never played Arkham Origins yet,but my girlfriend say's its pretty good. I'm looking forward to playing this game.

That's the ARKHAM KNIGHT, not Baman himself. The one one the ground is Batman. I thought Arkham Knight referred to Batman but he's actually a new villain that DC is making. The details are being kept in secret so we don't know much yet. But no, not Batman.
That's the ARKHAM KNIGHT, not Baman himself. The one one the ground is Batman. I thought Arkham Knight referred to Batman but he's actually a new villain that DC is making. The details are being kept in secret so we don't know much yet. But no, not Batman.

Yeah, it's not batman. It's the villain who has a suit of armor that looks way better than batman.
Is this really Batman? I mean wow, I always complain about him not getting a bullet proof suit and a some decent armor but I never expected to actually make him look like that. I'm now curious as to what the franchise will go into, I mean the first two games were great, I've never played Arkham Origins yet,but my girlfriend say's its pretty good. I'm looking forward to playing this game.

It ain't batman. You have to really check another post in this site about it. It did show how Arkham Knight would really look like.
That's the ARKHAM KNIGHT, not Baman himself. The one one the ground is Batman. I thought Arkham Knight referred to Batman but he's actually a new villain that DC is making. The details are being kept in secret so we don't know much yet. But no, not Batman.

I wish that was Batman, but too bad it ain't. Actually, it IS good that ain't Batman. Man, would hate to suddenly feel like he's the Terminator or something. Hahaha.
This is a completely new villain, right?
Or does he appear in any comics? I don't think I've heard the name before.
This is a completely new villain, right?
Or does he appear in any comics? I don't think I've heard the name before.

That's right, he is making his debut in the game.
I don't know if he will transition to the comics but I bet he will if he's well received.
That's cool, I don't think that happens very often, a character from another medium jumping back into the comics.
The only other example I can think off the top of my head Darryl in The Walking Dead, he's not in the original comics but he is so loved in the TV show that they are thinking of bringing him over to the comics as well.
Static made the jump from cartoon to the DC Universe. He was with another comic book imprint prior (a DC affiliated imprint that focused on heroes of color), but that one closed down. Jessica Priest became a part of the Image Universe when Rob Liefeld's Chapel couldn't be used in that horrible Spawn movie...but as Strykstar said it's very rare that characters from one canon of a series (TV/movie) jump to the official canon.

Also never liked Batman with armor or even current riot response gear Bats. I always liked bulky ninja Batman from the 80s-90s comics and The Animated Series. The game should be good regardless as its distinctly Rocksteady.
Your comic book nerd is showing, MetalSwift.

Yeah... DC's just mum about this. Why? Hehehehe, intriguing indeed. Cannot wait to see more of this guy.

DC were probably quiet because there's no plans of bringing him into the actual DC Universe and it doesn't affect their plans going in.
Static made the jump from cartoon to the DC Universe. He was with another comic book imprint prior (a DC affiliated imprint that focused on heroes of color), but that one closed down. Jessica Priest became a part of the Image Universe when Rob Liefeld's Chapel couldn't be used in that horrible Spawn movie...but as Strykstar said it's very rare that characters from one canon of a series (TV/movie) jump to the official canon.

Also never liked Batman with armor or even current riot response gear Bats. I always liked bulky ninja Batman from the 80s-90s comics and The Animated Series. The game should be good regardless as its distinctly Rocksteady.

Yeah I agree. The ninja batman could have been a better option. It would be more suited because he always excels in hand to hand combat.

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