Xbox One At what point in time do you think the Xbox One will stop selling out?


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2013
Not including special sales and price drops, necessarily. To be clear, I'm not asking where to buy one; I know there's already a thread for that. What I'm asking is when people think the Xbox One won't be in such high demand that it will be out of stock online and in stores. I'm generally wondering about online since it's a lot easier to get than in the store (in terms of the fact that you don't have to leave your home). Plus, how are you supposed to know when stores are getting things in stock? Even if you ask, can you really trust their judgment?

Do you think the price will drop before retailers stop selling out of consoles? I know that the point of price drops is to move more product, but you never really know what they're doing nowadays.
I have a wild guess, call it intuition though. Xbox one will stop selling out after maybe 4 months. Roughly that's how the other consoles last in sales. Like PS3 and Xbox 360 when they were first released. By that time we can buy more consoles and games for ourselves.
It will be rough until after the holidays, my best guess is it will be a tough find until March. As far as price, normally with new consoles you don't see a price drop for at least 2 years.
ya I agree with everyone else, it'll be rough til prob around February (we should have a pool :p) but hopefully we get some more for the holidays and for us Canadians boxing day that should help tide most of us over.
Probably by March ish. People will be using money from their families over Christmas and during January. by February everyone will think that it will stop selling out, so everyone will go to buy, and it will sell out once more. By March I think there could be a dead period, where no exclusives are announced. Then over the Summer, heaps of exclusives will be announced, and peoples interest would skyrocket.
It will stop selling out neat the launch of the next Xbox, for sure! Right now it is a great addition to your gaming arsenal, and will be in the future, too. Specially with all the improvements, don't see a reason for it not to sell anymore. Maybe if their supply ran out?
It'll be going pretty crazy until early next year. There's all of the holidays plus Christmas coming up as well as a lot of birthdays year round. They'll be sold out pretty for a while but I'm in no rush to buy one so I don't really mind.
I'd say around March or April is the time when they would sell out. Only a guess here. But the holidays are just about to hit this month, so there's a chance it'll be sold out by then. But Microsoft has proven to be good in stocking up (look at Black Friday). But yeah, give it maybe by March,
Definitely some time in the spring. I bought a 360 the spring after launch and I remember picking one up off the shelf sometime in spring (Don't remember the exact month). You'd have to hit the store just as a shipment comes in to get one before the holidays.

I do not think we will see a price drop for some time. It was 2 years before the 360 had a drop, and even that was only a bundle that saved like $20.

As for online vs in store, online is always convenient if you can get free shipping and have somewhere to send it where someone can sign for it. As for retailers, you might be able to find a good person at Gamestop to talk to, but of course with people like that some of them are really cool and helpful, while others are just... well not helpful.

I went online for launch. I typically don't like to get big items online (I can't ship to where I work for example so signing is a pain), however I went right through MS for my X1 and it worked out great.
Sometime after the Holidays, right now it's though with everyone wanting one for Christmas and even after Christmas they will be lots of kids that receive money as a present that will want to spend all the money they got on one.
It will still be hard to find one after this but at least it won't be sold out everywhere like it is now.
Definitely by march. Thing is, it's the holiday season, so the sales are up on the charts. It would take probably a year or so for the games to depreciate. I guess, Xbox one's popularity will last until the next console shows up.
It would take a while for the prices to drop, especially because it's the holiday season. It's new so it might take about 2 or 3 years till it sells out. Either way, I've seen prices dropping for the game titles. I just hope they could go even lower after the holidays.
It would take a while for the prices to drop, especially because it's the holiday season. It's new so it might take about 2 or 3 years till it sells out. Either way, I've seen prices dropping for the game titles. I just hope they could go even lower after the holidays.

Prices will drop after the holidays, but I doubt that the console will sell out in two years. It may go more than that, judging from the huge success of Xbox One.
spring ill be the drop off point on supple/demand fight. right now its cold and holidays.. once its gets warm and people start spending free time outside,traveling,boating,vacations it will drop off. we also dont get any block buster games in summer for this reason.
fall things will pick back up,sales,games but dont expect a hang up on consoles till christmas/black friday 2014.

some fall.2014 holidays it should pick back up for all the q4 games.. its already said the division is a a4 game.

look a how mrcsft planned the launch. they had pre order numbers under control, they had consoles avail for black friday. they are still releasing them to stores and spreading the numbers out thru gamestop,bb, ect ect. ifyou really want one you can probably get one within a few weeks. both consoles/developers learned allot from 360/ps3

all the talk about oh ps4 beat xb1 on launch is a wash. ps4 lost black friday because they didnt have the stock where microsoft left some for the day. units/unts both are on par...and in all both have sold a ton of units...
This is very difficult to ascertain. It's likely that some people are sitting on a nest egg waiting until the hype dies down. I'm thinking that in the spring we will see the consoles sitting pretty on the shelves.
Yeah, I agree Titan Fall will drive the sale. I have the game pre-ordered. I hope they could release more games earlier this month but well to answer the question, Xbox One will probably stop selling out in about 2 years. Well, if you look how Xbox 360 had it's sale before it's roughly going to be the same.
Let's not forget Titanfall will likely drive sales and that's early spring.

Yup, Titanfall may drive the sales up. After all, since E3, people have been hyped about the game for so long. You can't forget Titanfall has been putting up a lot of hype for people to get in on the next-gen.
Yeah, I agree Titan Fall will drive the sale. I have the game pre-ordered. I hope they could release more games earlier this month but well to answer the question, Xbox One will probably stop selling out in about 2 years. Well, if you look how Xbox 360 had it's sale before it's roughly going to be the same.

Yup, I agree. With Titanfall coming out and some good news coming in, Xbox One will have a steady sell after the initial period. Now we have to see if it can exceed the Xbox 360's total lifetime sales. We'll have to see that,.