Xbox One Bad news - Oculus Rift won't do Xbox One and PS4

my personal thoughts...

i dont think vr is a gimmick.. but it does one thing that dosnt sell well to me.. it isolates you in that world detached from those around you... multiplayer gaming really becomes a solo gaming with other players in that world.. true imesrsive (ilumiroom) brings more to the table for me..

the one question i have always had with vr is its tole on the mind/senses... if you watch 3d tv/movies when you take the glasses off you are generally disoriented eyes take a bit to get adjusted.. and tht is for 1-2 hours normally.. now take a gamer who is playing 4-10 hours...

with ilumiroom i like the tec.. i could see a dedicated gaming room.. square room white whalls dolby digital 7.1 surround sound a few gaming chairs or a nice couch.. 2-4 buddys chilling playing a fps with explsions in the let corner and bullet tracers passing thru the room. to me illumiroom bring vr/multiplayer to a bigger platform and at a less disconnected scenario... i think its really cool they used the kinect 2.0 as part ofthe tec...

but in the end oculous is the closest to vr we will get... if playstation takes that big leap.. it may sell and allot of people will want and buy into it.. but will it have the staying power or fall in line with what the kinect on 360 was?? even on the xb1 to get the tec to us the customer it was a forced piece of tec..and wasnt that a turn off for the community?? how much tec does playstation really have in vr?? how polished do you think it will feel.

we have not seen very much with the playstation vr which tells me its not something that have a ton of confidence in.. every tec company that is trying to upsell and generate hype releases info,vids,pics gameplay.. we are really only just hearing about it. how soon will it be in market.. are we talking 5 years or are they pushing a year or so out? price point..

oculous has said they took allot of the general vr tec and found the cost effective way to package it.. the newest dev kit is 350 dollars.. and the company just sold to facebook for 2 billion dollars...
my personal thoughts...

i dont think vr is a gimmick.. but it does one thing that dosnt sell well to me.. it isolates you in that world detached from those around you... multiplayer gaming really becomes a solo gaming with other players in that world.. true imesrsive (ilumiroom) brings more to the table for me..

the one question i have always had with vr is its tole on the mind/senses... if you watch 3d tv/movies when you take the glasses off you are generally disoriented eyes take a bit to get adjusted.. and tht is for 1-2 hours normally.. now take a gamer who is playing 4-10 hours...

with ilumiroom i like the tec.. i could see a dedicated gaming room.. square room white whalls dolby digital 7.1 surround sound a few gaming chairs or a nice couch.. 2-4 buddys chilling playing a fps with explsions in the let corner and bullet tracers passing thru the room. to me illumiroom bring vr/multiplayer to a bigger platform and at a less disconnected scenario... i think its really cool they used the kinect 2.0 as part ofthe tec...

but in the end oculous is the closest to vr we will get... if playstation takes that big leap.. it may sell and allot of people will want and buy into it.. but will it have the staying power or fall in line with what the kinect on 360 was?? even on the xb1 to get the tec to us the customer it was a forced piece of tec..and wasnt that a turn off for the community?? how much tec does playstation really have in vr?? how polished do you think it will feel.

we have not seen very much with the playstation vr which tells me its not something that have a ton of confidence in.. every tec company that is trying to upsell and generate hype releases info,vids,pics gameplay.. we are really only just hearing about it. how soon will it be in market.. are we talking 5 years or are they pushing a year or so out? price point..

oculous has said they took allot of the general vr tec and found the cost effective way to package it.. the newest dev kit is 350 dollars.. and the company just sold to facebook for 2 billion dollars...

I don't think it's time for this to sell completely. It might take a year or so before everyone recognizes this new concept.
oculous was sold to facebook for 2 billion the other day...

idk what facebook has in mind but i would think its gong to be more pedestrian than gaming. vr has a much broader aspect in real life application that gaming..

think realtors being able to give virtual tours of a house without intruping a family to show house at odd times ect ect
the ability to take you to playes without leaving the room.. a safari cruise, a dusk harbor cruise on a boat.. all things that could be shot like google earth does) where you an walk forward,look side to side ect ect and never leave a room.

oculous was sold to facebook for 2 billion the other day...

idk what facebook has in mind but i would think its gong to be more pedestrian than gaming. vr has a much broader aspect in real life application that gaming..

think realtors being able to give virtual tours of a house without intruping a family to show house at odd times ect ect
the ability to take you to playes without leaving the room.. a safari cruise, a dusk harbor cruise on a boat.. all things that could be shot like google earth does) where you an walk forward,look side to side ect ect and never leave a room.


I could say it's a good thing for those who developed the tech, they earn a lot of money, but bad for us. Why the hell would FB want this?
I could say it's a good thing for those who developed the tech, they earn a lot of money, but bad for us. Why the hell would FB want this?

expand their portfolio... same reason they bought instagram.. and that app(like snapchatt) they are huge markets that are quite new... facebook is proably the biggest outlet on the internet.. think of the marketing it can do without spending a dime.. its all internal.

i can bet oculous didn't have 2 billion to drop in tec/r&d... its not really a bad move for the technology. but fb proably dosnt care that much about gaming.. its a decent market but they are not going to take on microsoft/ps4 heads on.

on a side note i could see fb buying up gaming developers and or selling off titles to microsoft/sony. think of what they could do with nintendo titles.. forget the console.. but porting mario,donkey cong ect ect..

we look at it from a poor mans perspective not from a business standpoint.
expand their portfolio... same reason they bought instagram.. and that app(like snapchatt) they are huge markets that are quite new... facebook is proably the biggest outlet on the internet.. think of the marketing it can do without spending a dime.. its all internal.

i can bet oculous didn't have 2 billion to drop in tec/r&d... its not really a bad move for the technology. but fb proably dosnt care that much about gaming.. its a decent market but they are not going to take on microsoft/ps4 heads on.

on a side note i could see fb buying up gaming developers and or selling off titles to microsoft/sony. think of what they could do with nintendo titles.. forget the console.. but porting mario,donkey cong ect ect..

we look at it from a poor mans perspective not from a business standpoint.

Yeah, well FB still has other plans for Oculus most likely, who knows they might release some games online that they can add some VR to it.
Yeah, well FB still has other plans for Oculus most likely, who knows they might release some games online that they can add some VR to it.

Nice idea. Well if they can come up with an online game where they could integrate Oculus that would really make FB awesome.
Nice idea. Well if they can come up with an online game where they could integrate Oculus that would really make FB awesome.

Hmm. I don't really want to play browser games. I hope they could utilize it and make a good game that isn't a browser game.
Yeah, well FB still has other plans for Oculus most likely, who knows they might release some games online that they can add some VR to it.

fb can afford to push the tec... it has enough backing and partners who can turn oculous into more than the (old parent company) ever could have.. i wont even get into the resources/developers/and general industry ties it has.

just like microsoft hyped up titanfall facebook can hype up oculous like its not funny.

dont think they will get rid of th gaming ector they will just put tht department in someones hands who has experience in that field.. again something the parent company couldn't do.

you have to look past gaming to really appreciate what it could do across the board...
fb can afford to push the tec... it has enough backing and partners who can turn oculous into more than the (old parent company) ever could have.. i wont even get into the resources/developers/and general industry ties it has.

just like microsoft hyped up titanfall facebook can hype up oculous like its not funny.

dont think they will get rid of th gaming ector they will just put tht department in someones hands who has experience in that field.. again something the parent company couldn't do.

you have to look past gaming to really appreciate what it could do across the board...

Yeah, FB bought the whole thing but for what?
lol I told my girlfriend Facebook was gearing up Virtual Cityville. She was so excited about VR at first. The deal is no sign that Oculus will be used for worse, just that there are opportunities to make it mainstream.
Wow that would be a waste of technology to use it for some browser games. I don't see them doing that, but it would be.
Yeah, FB bought the whole thing but for what?

diversifying the portfolio... expanding the brand....

look at pepsi co. Pepsico owns Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, and KFC,fritolay along with 100++ licensed brands.. facebookis in the tec sector they are going to buy comapnies in that sector.. its not like they buy the company and shut it down or disband the people developing it.. they just ad a much bigger bank roll,
diversifying the portfolio... expanding the brand....

look at pepsi co. Pepsico owns Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, and KFC,fritolay along with 100++ licensed brands.. facebookis in the tec sector they are going to buy comapnies in that sector.. its not like they buy the company and shut it down or disband the people developing it.. they just ad a much bigger bank roll,

I see. Well I hope that this will lead to oculus making it's own games.
Cool. I hope we get to see a real full virtual reality game just like in the anime (Sword art online)

If they could actually make a full virtual reality game it would really change the way we look at games.

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