Battle between PC and console players

Its stupid, everyone has opinions on stuff like this and I respect that other peoples might differ greatly from mine.
Some people get way too worked up over silly little things. Some people enjoy PC gaming more and others like consoles more. There isn't much more to it and people should let the other guys game in peace. Gamers get enough of a bad reputation from the media nowadays that they definitely don't need to be at each other's throats.
I own a gaming PC and an Xbox 360 - they both get used as much as each other.
I see no reason for having to pick a side. I enjoy both platforms for different reasons, and buy different games (some games a better on the TV with a controller).

Am I the only one who only sees minor graphical differences between PC and console? Battlefield 3 was about the biggest difference I've seen, which was alright, but no enough to make me rant about how much more amazing it looks.
I also discovered that the PC has just as many idiots as console, so the "mature fan base" argument is also false.

It's just down to preference, really.
I've always leaned more toward a PC enthusiast, I guess I still am to a degree; mostly due to modding. But I never understood the hate between PC and consoles at all. I've been to MLG tournaments I've watched players compete on both platforms and sure, it's different but skill is skill. Not to mention, it's all meant to be fun; so if you're having fun who cares what platform. People just want to make fights over anything I guess :\ everyone has to be think they're better than someone.
Just like console wars, it's some crazy overly-fanatic people being jerks to everybody else because they have nothing better to do or because to "justify" their decision for whatever reason...

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