Xbox 360 Battlefield 3 vs. Planetside 2


New Member
Jan 6, 2013
I have been playing Planetside 2 on the PC quite a bit lately. I have heard many people compare Planetside 2 to Battlefield 3. Is there anyone in here that has played both games? I am trying to find out if I should give Battlefield 3 a chance since I am enjoying Planetside 2.
That's me! I've played both, and I'll tell you what, Battlefield 3 is amazing. Go for it. The two games are extremely similar. Battlefield 3 is basically Planetside 2 in a modern setting, with better graphics, and better-controlling guns.
I agree with Pei, if you like Planetside 2 you'll love Battlefield 3.

If you don't have any Battlefield games yet then definitely step up and grab the Battlefield Premium offer, you'll get a copy of all expansion packs without having to buy them individually. The cost is 49.99 for all five(Back to Karkand, Close Quarters, Armored Kill, Aftermath and End Game) so you'll save $15 or so.

You'll also get some premium in game items like a knife and dog tags, unique camos etc.
Assuming you're playing the PC version and have the PC for it, BF3 has far superior visuals, but the graphics in PS2 aren't too shabby either.

They play very similarly, but Planetside 2 is an MMO and therefore instead of the 64 players max you get with BF3 you can have hundreds and hundreds of players all battling at once in PS2 across a map that is 10x the size of the biggest map in BF3.

Basically, if you want dynamic combat that doesn't require you to suit up with an outfit and use teamwork, go with BF3. If you want sheer scale and far larger battles (and more unlocks), go with PS2.

PS2 is free, so it's not like you have to pass up buying BF3 to get it.
I like both games as Planetside 2 is more mmo style while BF3 looks cooler and more action packed. if BF3 didnt have so much effects/screen shakes then I'd like it more.

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