Xbox One Battlefield 4 - 17 minutes of gameplay reveal!


Former Moderator
Dec 16, 2012
Here it is people - 17 minutes of gameplay from the upcoming next gen game "Battlefield 4"!


Don't about you guys, but this looks phenomenal. Absolute amazing graphics. Thoughts?
I am somewhat disappointed, mainly cos I was just expecting way more, being next gen n' all.
I do have to say that the cinematics are pretty amazing, and that I guess there is still alot of room for improvement before it gets released.
I'm actually really disappointed in everything I have seen so far from Battlefield 4. I mean, it simply looks like Battlefield 3 all over again. I've seen nothing really exceptionally new, other than the fact that there is a different story and different levels and the like.
They probably developed it right after making Battlefield 3, because it looks just like a patch. Not a bad game, just nothing extra to enjoy. They should have taken a bit more time and try add something new to get more fans.
It looks pretty cool to me. I don't know how similar or comparable it is to BF3 since I've never played it, but it definitely looks like that campaign/story mode has a lot of cool things happening. I'm more interested in multiplayer gameplay when it comes to shooters so I'll wait patiently for that.
Bleh, I have to agree with the general consensus. This game does not look intriguing at all. The game play looks exactly the same as BF3. From the looks of it, they have just amped up the texture quality. Woohoo. All the prettiest graphics in the world don't amount for shit when the core game play is trash. I have to blame this on EA personally. They have ruined so many franchises. Battlefield is turning into Call of Duty. It's all about that money money money.
That building collapsing, even if it's scripted, was so awesome! Can't really wait for this, hope that the multiplayer is even better than the last one, expect more close quarters maps!
I don't know it looks a little like BF3 with better graphics and maybe some added features but overall it doesn't look appealing to me at all. I think EA is ruining many games just like someone else said above. They should have taken more time with this making it an outstanding game over Halo and COD but so far it doesn't look so.

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