Benefits of the Xbox One over the PS4?


Jan 26, 2014
I'm still on the fence between getting a PS4 and an Xbox One so was wondering what the benefits of the Xbox One are over the PS4. I guess it would be good to hear from people who own or have tried both consoles. Any benefits you can think of in terms of current or future games, features unique to the Xbox One etc. would be great!
I personally own only an XB1, however I've played well over 50 hours on a PS4. With the XB1, you're not just paying for a gaming console, you're paying for a whole entertainment system. The Xbox One can do so much more that the PS4 can't. I personally believe the Xbox One also has a better exclusive lineup. You basically get more from your Xbox One then you will for a PS4.
The biggest reasons for most people choosing a certain console over the other would either be exclusives (Not sure what kind of games you're into, but give exclusive titles a look) as well as what consoles your friends are getting.
Ps4 is cheaper right now, but I feel that the library of games is far better on Xbox.
I depends on your preference for games. Like what others said, take a look at the exclusives down the line and decide for yourself. It also falls on what you want from a console, if you fancy more features than just solely for gaming than the Xbox One is for you as it can do more. In terms of performance, it's too early to judge so that shouldn't factor into your purchase now. What your friends buy should be secondary because your friends may not have the same preferences as you do.
A benefit I see the Xbox One has over the PS4 is more or less the entertainment part. Xbox One was built to have more media stuff so if you're the kind that loves to watch TV shows and movies next to gaming, then the XB1 is the good one to have. But for me, I'd just get both. I don't own any of them yet but eh, I'm not the gamer who chooses one over the other.
I think the Xbox One has more of a network that's fun. The gamers on there are awesome and so are the games. I also like the Kinect more and think the games just look better. Some disadvantages are that you have to pay for Xbox Live.
its all what you do.. if everyone you know is on ps network.. an xbox one will leave you friendless till you start getting into the games and meet new people and build a little friend base or people who play games at same time as you.

yes you do have to "pay" for xbox live but you are paying for stability in the network.(except ea/origin) games. titanfall should be on microsoft servers so its a good thing we hope. the idea of paying for gold is ehh to me. you can pick up 12 month live cars for 40 bux sometimes if you look around. you piss away 40 bux a year so its not really an issue.. if you are use to ps network and its bugs u may find the stability refreshing.

in the ned it does come down to what you want to play. most of the big title games are multiplatform so odds are unless its an exclusive both systems will get it.

i love my xb1.. the apps,ease of user iterface how responsive it is. plus the built in tv stuff is quite nice.

i am sure the kinect is much better than the eye..
Ps4 is cheaper right now, but I feel that the library of games is far better on Xbox.

I agree. I love most of the games that are on PS4 now. But what I like the most on PS4 is that they have more RPG games on it compared to Xbox One. Still Xbox One has a great thing going on but instead of focusing on gaming they are leaning torwards an all in one theme.
There seems to be a theme with the Xbox One being better for online and also for non-gaming related things. I know on my PS3, pretty much the only non-gaming feature that is any good is Netflix. A good point was made about whether my friends are going for a PS4 or Xbox One, and at the moment they are all still on either PS3 or Xbox 360, so I'm not entirely sure which way to go in terms of that.

With the comments for why the Xbox One is better as an all rounder (not just for games) - would anyone be able to give me some examples? And thanks for all of the replies so far!
i am a person who has very few "friends" who actually even know that xbox one is out and frankly wouldnt care if they did know. (yes these people exist) and hear is my take on it. oh yea.. they find it very funny i "play games" and can sit in front of a tv and get enjoyment.

when using the tv app you can talk to your system and it responds to commands.. you can browse live tv via your voice.
the kinect has free apps for "fitness" that require no payment(yes you can get add on packs" but allot of content is free... you can work out and keep track of your progress in your own home.
you have the ability to bounce inbetween games/tv/apps on the fly... all digital gaming.

you have apps like the nfl that will keep you up to date on all things nfl.
you also have the slew of various other movie/tv apps.. hulu,amazon prime,netflix,redbox along with xbox's own market place.

microsoft itself "stands" behind the product.. xbox live is justworks.. its one of those thing you take for granted when you game on xbox systems.. if microsoft is handling it you dont really have to question if its going to work.. not the case for ea/origin or letting a developer handle it.

dedicated servers.. while it may seem very small it does level out the playing feild.. it takes away from the guys who host and have killer connection and leave you lagging.. and again microsoft is duming millions into this department.. holding everything from games to apps...

microsoft is known for operating systems and the xb1's is simple.. its a tile layout.. you can change it up add pins/favorites but its simple..

i have made some decent friends playing xbox games people i have never met and talk to online.. so if your wanting to try something new and think of yourself as an early adopter i think th xb1 is the way to go.. its in its infancy with a ton of room to grow.. lots of new tec,apps to come..
heck we have project spark comming soon.. you cna build your own games and tinker with the workings of design. and its "free" iirc..

at some point microsoft said they wil do games with gold but obviously it wont be to soon as we dont have a ton of games.. but either does ps4...
More exclusive and better online experience make me to get Xbox one. If you have a girl friend who likes to watch tv with you when you play go for it as i do all day. DAMN
I agree xbox one has more to offer plus exclusive games and micrsoft is working on multiple updates for the system to requess from members
I guess the best benefits that Xbox One can offer to us which PS4 doesn't have is the possibility of having more functions entertainment wise. They are not just into gaming but they are taking into account other people who don't play that much and use the console for other things.
I agree. Not just gamers but everyone gets to use it. That's what they want to do.
That's why they are so focused with getting the console to complete their project into an all in one system. I guess it's worth it.
yes you do have to "pay" for xbox live but you are paying for stability in the network.(except ea/origin) games. titanfall should be on microsoft servers so its a good thing we hope. the idea of paying for gold is ehh to me. you can pick up 12 month live cars for 40 bux sometimes if you look around.

You have to pay on PS4 as well. Online gaming was free on the 3 but not on PS4. So that is no longer an advantage of going with Sony.
Yeah, that's why I don't play online games on PS4 since it's a big risk since I play some online games already on pc which have monthly subscriptions.

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