Original Xbox Best Memory Of Xbox

It would definitely have to be Morrowind. While that game is better on PC I didn't have one capable of playing it at the time but was still blown away by how great it was on Xbox. I could play that game for ten or more hours straight, right through night until the sun came up during summer vacation. The fact that there was no fast travel to anywhere other than cities and no exact directions made everything feel like a truly epic quest and it had a really unique fantasy world that wasn't overly reliant on Tolkensian fantasy tropes. I'm kind of nostalgia-ing pretty hard just writing about it.
Learning how to play Halo and watching how the game developed. Being amazed at the evolution in all of the games, not just Halo.
I remember when i use to play music on my xbox and i first fund out how to make the colors display. It amazed my broter and sister. The thing about it is i found it out on an accident. It was m most fondest memory though.
Playing Dead or Alive on XBox for the first time is probably my best. Also can't forget Midnight Club racing was it that launched with the console? I remember there was a racing game because you get Kudos points for cool stuff you did. I just last year played Ninja Gaiden for the first time though I didn't get to finish it. It is surprisingly difficult to defeat the ninjas on horses who corner you in the village that's on fire right around where the little old guy keeps the shop.
Dead or Alive 3 was pretty sweet. It was an amazing looking game for it's time.
For me the best memory for every console is always the moment I open up the box. Don't forget the moment I set out to look for the best bargain. These are all the best memories I have of the original Xbox.
it's hard to say. So many great memories. I just remember going to Hollywood video to rent a new game. So many great games I rented.

I fell in love with Midnight Club ll. It was like I was really there, racing in all these cities, being part of this worldwide underground racing scene. France, LA, Tokyo, I felt this glow of happiness while I played that game. Beating the guy with the eye patch felt incredible. The scenery of all the races. I wish they would remake that game and replace the bump mapping with better quality mapping.

So Midnight Club ll will be my fondest memory.

Damn it, I don't know why I didn't buy it with my last group I games I just bought. On my wishlist!!!
Fondest memory for me on the original Xbox was playing the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic for the first time. My first true enjoyable RPG (excluding Morrowind) on console. Changing the colors of your light-saber was freaking awesome!
Best memory was when I played the first Halo...I never played that game in the dark again. That's really the only time a game has scared me and I don't know why it did.

Well I had a similar experience there. Mine was definitely getting Halo, and I also remember that it was dark. Mine came earlier though when I first turned it on and I thought I was in a whole other world there for a second. I think I was just so excited to finally have the game, and it was probably the most excited for a game that I have ever been, which is saying something.
My fondest memories are playing Sega games that I felt help continue the legacy of the Dreamcast.
Okay games like Panzer Dragoon Orta maybe not but most of those Sega titles were meant to be on the Dreamcast. Enough about the Dreamcast other find memories are playing games like CVS 2, MVC 2 and SF anniversary collection with friends and playing retro 2d 16 bit games on my Xbox when I got it modded.

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