Xbox 360 Buying used vs. new system

If you buy new you can be sure that there will not be a problem, but if you know the right stores buying used is just as great. You can always go to gamestop and buy the used game there. I have gotten many games there that were used and I have only once had a problem. The problem was that the game was scratched and it would not run, but gamestop took it back and gave me a new, used one, for no extra charge.
I think buying it used is a better option. This option saves you a lot of money.
Personally, I always buy used and have never had a problem. The games are slightly cheaper and are usually checked to make sure they are good to sell. I've bought a few new games, if I really wanted the game and didn't want to wait, and did not see a difference from those to the ones I bought used. That is one reason I always buy used, the difference between the games is not existent. With the new game systems that are coming out and the thought that the games are going to cost $70, it looks like me buying used games will continue.
The only pro about a used video game is that it costs less. That's about it. A new game isn't too expensive, like $40 for a 3ds game.

The cons of a used game is it could break easily. Or Game Stop could have given it to you, which means they ripped off someone else buy giving them $2 for the game and reselling it for $20.
I think that buying games pre-owned it definitely that best choice for any gamer. By buying pre-owned you will a lot of money, even though you are playing the same games that everyone else payed full retail for. The only real downside to buy pre-owned is having to wait for anywhere from a few weeks to a few months, for prices to be lowered on the popular games. Also with buying pre-owned, if you see the price on a game drop right after it coming out, you will instantly know that you probably don't want to buy that game.
if you like the console and are looking for a long term commitment with it, i suggest buying a new one. If you are looking to just play it not so often, i would choose the used system.
Buy Used still has its perks. It's cheaper, it's simple.
For some reason unknown to me, the new games are better for me. J, I really feel that this game will age with me.
And now, with Online-pass ... : S
I buy almost exclusively new games nowadays. I just don't trust people's idea of what constitutes a game in good condition. I've gotten lucky in the past with used games, but not often enough to justify saving a dollar or two over a new copy. With how thrifty I've gotten with shopping, I can almost always find a new copy for close to the price of a used copy, if not less expensive.
if you like the console and are looking for a long term commitment with it, i suggest buying a new one. If you are looking to just play it not so often, i would choose the used system.

Really good point. You don't see people buying used PC's who want to be playing Battlefield on ultra graphics, even with a good video card and processor since it has already been used. It's not at strong as a newer GPU, and there will definitely be some improvements if you buy it new. Like Cailou said, buy a new one if you expect to be playing it everyday very frequently. If not, buy a used one.
At this point, so late into the generation I would definitely buy a used console. I'm not sure where you live but here in the UK you can get a used 360 for like £50 which is really cheap. I don't really see the point in buying it new at this point, it's way too late into the generation and with the Xbox One coming out in a matter of months, I just wouldn't bother unless you are really serious about playing it for a long time even after the One comes out.
I highly recommend you purchase a used system. There are many places you can find a good one for cheap, such as Amazon and Ebay. Amazon has tons of used consoles that are in good condition, but when buying make sure you read the reviews for the person or business you are buying from. If you choose to buy one from Ebay, make sure it's from a top rated seller, and most importantly make sure you read the product description very carefully so that you know everything you need to know about the item. I wish you luck in finding your console and I hope that you enjoy it! :)
I'm far more likely to buy a used game than a console. I personally take excellent care of my things, including my consoles, but other people aren't so responsible and honest. Even when they say it's in 100% working condition, people tend to exaggerate or stretch the truth when they're trying to make a sale. Plus, new consoles come with a warranty (and you can buy extended ones which are sometimes worth it).
I want to play games like Medal of Honor (Black Ops). I don't want to overinvest in an expensive system right now. Is it better to buy new or is there a safe place to buy used ones? What's a fair price for a basic system?

I can understand you wanting to get the best bang for you buck, but I would not invest in a used console. Even used you're going to be investing a significant amount of money, but at least with the new console you'll have a warranty and some guarantee of having a quality piece without any prior issues. With used consoles you'll be dealing with who knows what and if you don't invest in a warranty and it conks out sooner rather than later... Still it's your choice - that said if you must have used then look to a franchise like GameStop.
I agree with that. I don't trust people's judgments about quality when it comes to games and game consoles. I've more or less sworn off buying used games altogether because I keep getting screwed by messed up games. I don't understand why it's so difficult for some people to take care of their games and consoles to begin with.
I never buy consoles used. You never know how old it is and what kind of problems it might have had. Just like buying a used car, it could look and sound awesome, but after a little while driving around it can fall apart in a second. I buy my consoles brand new. Games on the other hand, if the disc isn't scratched up, its good to play. No issues there and plus, its cheaper.
Buying used it usually a safe option if you're safe about it. Don't buy one from someone with little information. Check on ebay and amazon for various prices and compare your full retail prices.
It's going to be a little pricey either way, but you generally should be safe buying a pre-owned console. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask the seller questions.
Well, in my opinion, there is little to no point in buying a brand new console now! Lets fact it, in about 7-8 months from now they will stop producing games for the xbox 360 therefore what is the point in getting one new? Furthermore, the Used 360's are also extremely cheap now and will probably last you up to the release of the Xbox one even if you was to not buy insurance for your console! Furthermore, the brand new Xbox 360's are still quite expensive saying that in a few months they are going to be discontinued!

Here's the thing:

1.) Going by the past they're likely to keep making new games for the 360 for up to two years. And that's ignoring the stuff that comes out just for XBLA like Braid.
2.) Even without new games the 360 has an extensive library of games that should keep him/her going for quite a while. That is also ignoring all the DLC that will extend the playtime of each selection plus the fact that as time goes on each used game will simply get that much cheaper to buy.
3.) The reason why there are so many "cheap" 360s is because on the one hand people are anticipating the launch of Xbone, but on the other hand people are trying to offload their sucky ruined console before it's too late. So at least half of those extremely cheap 360s are worth exactly nothing.
4.) You make the assumption he's going to immediately go out and get an Xbone when really it could be a year or more - will that sucky 360 make it that long? Doubtful.
You know, I don't shop or buy my games the way I shop and buy a car, really. All joke aside, I personally buy new at all times. No hassle, no worries. If the price is an issue or its a game I am not interested in picking up release day, then I wait 4-12 weeks for an inevitable price drop. But even then I'll buy new, but at a reduced cost.
I prefer to buy new because you exactly what you're getting, when you're buying used to you have to be anxious to know what's inside.

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