Call of Duty vs Battlefield

Battlefield or COD? Which do you like better?

  • Battlefield

    Votes: 3 60.0%
  • COD

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • Neither-I'm not a big fan of shooters.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
..but FPS games give me headache and make me feel sick (kind of like motion sickness).
It's not as bad on the PC though.

THIS! ++

I keep trying to get into FPS on the XBox because my PC can't really handle the latest games, but on the XBox I cannot disable view bob, run roll, or any of those subtle 'realism' tweaks that make me motion sick.

On the plus side it prevents me from spending all day on the XBox and I can still get some code work done to pay the bills. ;)
My boyfriend called me crazy when I first said it makes me feel sick. I can never play for too long even though I try.
It just thought I was "bad" and didn't want to play then realized that I actually look sick when it occurs too.
For some reason, zombie FPS games don't seem to mess with me as much either. It may be somewhat due to the lighting.
I suffer from this aswell sometimes. But I have to play for a long period of time before this sets in. Oddly enough it hangs around until maybe 6-12 hours after so it keeps me off the console.
It has to be Call of Duty for me, I much prefer the close up action of Call of Duty where there is always something going on to the huge maps on Battlefield.

However, it's always nice to have a bit of variation and must admit to enjoying games of Battlefield as well.

As a couple of people have mentioned above though, none of my friends play Battlefield and these games are so much more enjoyable when playing with friends so a vote for COD over here!
...FPS games give me headache and make me feel sick (kind of like motion sickness).
It's not as bad on the PC though.

This does happen to me, but strangely only on the single player campaign never on the MP.
But I would have to say that my game of choice is Battlefield, as was said that Battlefield feels more realistic and CoD more like a cartoon.
I like Battlefield more too. I think the scene is more lively. I also think it's a faster paced action game. I also like it more because I play it more and that means I play better - get further along in the game.
I enjoy both. Battlefield and Call of Duty can hardly be compared, as the two are extremely different beasts. Sometimes I'm in the mood for fast and furious action, so I play CoD. If I'm looking for a more tactical time, then I'll play Battlefield.
Agreed Pie!

Whilst they are the same genre they are very different in how they play online, but you're sat on the fence!

If you could only have one... Which would it be?
I think, still, it's a matter a matter of one's prefrence. I prefer Call of Duty. Why do I prefer Call of Duty? because I enjoy the "Run-and-Gun" playstyle that has been there with every Call of Duty title. I also enjoy the small maps and fast action associated with the smaller maps. You get on Battlefield and on some of the bigger maps you can go 20+ minutes without seeing a single person. Also on Call of Duty it is easier to communicate, whereas on Battlefield you have to set your VOIP if you want to talk to your whole team. It is just one extra step that detracts from the beauty of the game.
I'll have to with Call of Duty over Battlefield EASILY. AND I DO MEAN EASILY!! (hence me typing in all caps,lol)
Both games have their perks. I like playing Call of Duty for running around and shooting everything I can see as soon as possible, and Battlefield for more strategic team play on eliminating enemies.
There's a lot of debate over this one. Some who prefer Cod say it is more pick up and play, but Battlefield is supposedly more realistic. What do you guys think?
Each game has it's strengths. I am more accustom to CoD and rarely have played Battlefield. I guess when you get used to one certain game you always compare others to it.
It's hard to pick, both are pretty different when it comes down to it. Call of Duty seems to be more fast paced, though, but Battlefield has a lot more stuff going on with the vehicles and stuff, doesn't it?
Both are different in each game, they shouldn't be compared.
Might as well compare CoD 1 with CoD 2
Battlefield is more of a team and tactics experience and the modern call of duty is more like an arcade game. Both are good for their own strong points.

...but i still like Battlefield more because of the early memories of the first in the series!
I personally prefer Battlefield due to its superior maps and vehicles, authenticity, and graphics. Playing Battlefield with friends is just so much more immersive than playing Call of Duty.Call of Duty also seems to recycle the same broken down game every year. They get away with making some changes here and there, but the game is still relatively untouched at its core. I play both games but Battlefield is definitely more fun for me.
I've had more fun with Battlefield. There's just more variety than Call of Duty. CoD is always the same, you spawn, you sprint around, and you shoot some people in the back. With Battlefield, there's all sort of vehicles and diverse maps that can create unique scenarios.
It looks like Call Of Duty doesn't seem as good to many of you. I agree that Call of Duty are releasing the same game every year, whereas Battlefield include variety. However I do love the arcade like experience that you can achieve only from COD. Is everyone looking forward to Battlefield 4 then?

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