Xbox One Character Customization, Gender Coming to Battlefield 4


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2013

Evil Avatar posted what looks to be a promising advertisement for Battlefield 4 that reveals multiplayer customization for characters.

  • Fight your way up to Commander with real time awards and unlocks including artillery support, scans and mobile spawn points.
  • Customize your soldier to be unique on the battlefield choosing among a large number of options, including gender and facial features.
  • Experience the brutality of war with five new classes and the new injuries and suppression system.
  • An unmatched level of visual and audio fidelity, superior character animations, and dynamic environments.

Battlefield 4 is expected to release on Xbox One, Xbox 360, PC, PS3, and PS4 late 2013.
I'm not really interested about the character customization or the genders because they don't really appeal to me. What I am interested in are the new classes. I wonder how the graphics will improve as well. Not like BF3 was already a graphic-intensive game right?
That's cool. I always love customising my own characters in games, it adds a whole new element of entertainment to the game. I'm always serious about making the character look cool, but then I also like to make stupid characters too, it's all good fun.
I guess it's a good feature. When I'm playing a game I don't really care if the character is male, female or neither....I don't think I would have enjoyed a game like Halo more or less if I found out Master Cheif was a woman lol.
That's cool, but it's just like what I said about call Of Duty: Ghosts. This character customization is nice but it just seems like it's a little late haha. It is a nice feauture though and I think more games should have it.
That's cool, but it's just like what I said about call Of Duty: Ghosts. This character customization is nice but it just seems like it's a little late haha. It is a nice feauture though and I think more games should have it.

Its never too late. Rainbow Six Vegas had it first and like 10 years later they finally start doing it on the popular games. I say its about time.
They make that game over and over. For Call of Duty it comes out every year. For Battlefield it comes out every other year. It is the job of games press to be critical of games, so this trend is a glaring issue to some of them. If that’s how it is being billed and sold then fine. They don’t hype the plot or story for a FIFA game because, why? Who cares, you just want to play the sport. If they make a FPS like that, and sell it like that, it’d be fine, but here they were saying that BF4 is going to be something more, when it just was not. I'm totally content for what it is however, a great FPS. I do like this new feature however, I wan't to make a bad ass black guy Ha Ha.
Finally! They will start winning over a lot more gamers for this installment.
Injuries and suppression sounds pretty interesting to me. I like the customization options, but they don't change the game's dynamics all that much. I just hope they focus less on trying to edge out the competition and more on improving upon what they already have. If they do that, they shouldn't really have to worry about competing with Call of Duty and other games of that nature.
This will be so nice, to actually stand out on the battlefield. And make it so you don't always have to look the same as every other medic/recon/soldier/etc. Def looking forward to the female models too, women are misrepresented (by not being represented half the time) in video games. So it's good to see them giving recognition to female soldiers finally, only took them what... 13 years?
While character customization isn't exactly a major selling point for me, I like to see it in place all the same.
I enjoy making my character look different, standing out from others, or at least being unique to some extent. It also helps me recognize others, like friends - or that guy who keeps killing me - so I know who's around me without having to read the tags.

It's also often a show of power, being able to equip a highly ranked item means everyone knows (without looking at your profile or otherwise examining you) that you're experienced. Clans will likely adopt an attire to help them recognize one another, or just be cool.

There's plenty of reasons character customization should be present in Battlefield - these are just some :p
I've always loved customization in video games. It's one of the few reasons that I actually like Halo. The more customization, the better. That's just my two cents though, I know some people don't care that much about it.
I have no interest in aesthetic customization within an FPS, I think it's pointless. Unless we are talking about gloves, or gun camo, being those are the only things you see in an FPS. What I wish they would do, is simply can classes altogether. I am a huge BF:3 player, but I did dabble in BLOPS 2, and the ONLY thing I liked about it was the fact that you could roll out with any loadout you wanted. You aren't confined to pre-determined classes with locked in perks and guns. I know in a game like Battlefield, that would mean major balancing issues, but I'm sure it could be done. If I had it my way I would love to roll with a KH2002, land mines, and throw ammo packs!
Female Characters on the battlefield, I'm not sure if I'm going to be a softy and not be able to kill them. Even though It'll be a bunch of dudes portraying to be females (WoW anyone? :P)
This'll be a great addition to the game, it however is not too great of an option or feature for me. I will however be looking forward to the new frostbite 3 engine!
It seems as though it will be game changing and completely change the game :)

It's about time tbh, it's been what.. 11-12 years with the battlefield series and the closest we've come to making our soldier look even remotely different from the next one is changing our uniform color.
i like the idea of character customization.. it would be pretty cool to do the fps gloves/hands ... maybe even a helmet or a swat style sheild helmet would be pretty sweet. having visual glare across a sheild or what not seems pretty wild.. saving from a head shot.. or debris from an explosion on the mask would be cool.. idk looking to far ahead maybe in the next gen.

the customization is really aimed towards the watch mode where you can watch a game and do world exploring follow a gamer or an area. i liek the idea of having a now level(if their is one) and having white digital camo or a sniper having a gilli suit.. for jungle or various maps with cover i think the capability of a camo that blends in would be sweet.. i dont like the idea it would push the camper aspect but if a clan was built around 4 players it may force diffrent classes to work together having a ranger class with a snipper would be more realistic than 4 comanders or 4 rangers.

the cloud/streaming ai and gamer matching would really take advantage of matching like level clans or players together.. so if you had say 4 skills unlocked you didnt get stuck in a room with clans that have 7 skills unlocked. even if it was a 3 skill spread in matching it would keep it much tighter.

like every thing else tho people will exploite the ai and matching to gain an edge... like people who self kill or what not to get bumped ot a lower room/level to rank up or get that 35++ kill streak...

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