Xbox 360 Did you ever regret buying a game?

Sure, though I think usually its the case of mistaken expectations. Often I think the game will be one thing and I am sorely mistaken and let down. Sometimes, I am pleasantly surprised and below are the games that were disappointing regardless.

1) 007 Legends - I think most of us thought this would be a faithful Goldeneye 007 refresh, but it was so awful
2) Quantum Theory - a bad Gears of Wars clone with awful game design
3) Syndicate - Cool concept but such a generic and boring shooter
4) Hunted: Demon's Souls - I thought it was going to be an awesome Action RPG, but it turned out to be a sword/sorcery 3rd person shooter with a lot of bugs
5) Modern Warfare 3 - I was so mad after finishing it that I wasted my money on a game that should have been an expansion, and not a full release (even though it was ok).
I hate when they over-hype a game. Some games might be just fine on their own if it weren't for people overselling it ahead of time. I like to play games that get good reviews and everything, but I find that a lot of them aren't quite as good as people are saying.
Assassins Creed revelations. Up to that point I was a huge fan of the series and I loved AC 1 and 2, Brotherhood was a bit of a meh but it wasn't bad, just more of the same. Then Revelations made me loose all hope in that franchise. It was the same stuff reused for the thrid time. It was just the same old stuff but without that charm of playing it for the first time. Really disappointing, I haven't bought an AC game since.
I'm guilty of this but it's my own fault because I always buy into the hype before release and get super pumped.
I'm guilty of buying such "classics" as Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, Sonic Unleashed and Mercenaries 2 (in my defense, I liked the first one)
I really regretted buying Need for Speed Shift 2. The game was really bad and I already had Forza which was pretty much similar.

EA did a really good job of marketing it and I was convinced somehow it would be better. But really I was wrong I guess I should have believed the reviews for this one...
This wasn't an Xbox game, but I do regret buying one game in particular- Superman 64. I think I learned how to rage from this game. I was around 6 or 7 years old and I was the most upset little child you would have ever seen when I played this game. I googled the game a few years ago and found out it was literally one of the Top 10 worst games ever created so I felt a little better about myself.
I have regretted buying a bunch of games, but nothing can be the game Jumper. This game is worse than eating your own vomit. It's graphics are horrendous and it's gameplay is repetitive. All you do is teleport around your enemy, throwing punches until they die.
The only game I really regret buying is probably Pure Football.
It was really bad, nothing special about. The mechanics was bad in general a really bad experience playing that game.
I regretted buying The Orange Box when I did. I bought it to play Team Fortress 2 and found out that it was not widely played on the 360. Of course, I didn't find out until it was too late. I started Portal, but I never finished, I need to go back to do so. Half Life 2 doesn't really interest me and I've heard that people get sick while playing, so I'm stuck with one achievement out of 99 on my Gamertag and I could've waited a few months to save $40.
I regret buying The Sims 3. It totally disappointed me, I don't know why, but it did. I loved The Sims 2 , but it was totally a waste of money. I didn't bought any exapansion packs or any other things.
I also regretted buying The Sims 3. I'm not a Sims fan, but my friend convinced me to give it a try and it's really a popular game so I thought something must be good about it. Unfortunately, I didn't like a single thing about it at all. I'm not just into those kinds of games. It's the only game on my collection that I haven't played for more than three hours.
2 games come to mind.

1) F.E.A.R. Files for the Xbox 360. I played 20 minutes and promptly returned it to the store. Got full credit luckily. I have beat and loved every other FEAR game though, but FEAR Files was terrible in my opinion.

2) War of the Roses for PC. I actually really enjoy the game, but the dev support and lack of players killed the game super quick. I really regret spending the money on this instead of buying something better/more enjoyable for the long-term (probably would have been Starcraft 2).

BONUS #3) DEFIANCE for the PC. Gameplay and whatnot is fun, but I didn't play it after the first week. Not sure why, it just didn't click with me. This was a good $50 or $60 wasted for me.
Mortal Kombat. Don't get me wrong, I love fighting games and MK is an amazing game in it's own right... but I want Injustice now, more than MK and it would have given me the same exact game, but with more characters I love.
Did you ever buy a game, play it, and then just regret buying it?
It happened to me a couple of times unfortunately.
For example:
1) 007 Legends
2) Sniper Ghost Warrior
3) RAGE (Just because of the ending)
4) Brink

Did it ever happen to you?

Also, if you would mention reasons, would be nice :)

Impressive how just the end of RAGE was the thing that got you, i found that game to be lacking in a lot of fields.

But for me, the game that i regret the most is Fable 2. I heard a lot that it was bad, not as good as the first, but still, i had the idea that they could be wrong. They weren't.
I regret buying some Xbox Live Arcade games with microsoft points. Some were terribly boring and not worth the price, others went on sale for 50% off the week after I bought them. Good riddance of the established microsoft points, no more of that crap. In terms of disc games, I've never really regretted buying any. I love halo, bought CoD to play with friends, AC franchise is quite amazing, and the rest of my games were bought on sale at a very cheap price so I can't really complain.
Ever since I got my Xbox 360 I stopped purchasing games that I thought would be weak. I stopped purchasing games off of impulse and start looking at the reviews of games before I actually purchased them. I find that actually looking at a game's review will help you in the long run.
Well one of them is on your list already. Brink was a good game but it is way too complicated and hard for me to play. I just keep getting confused and the team options are awful on there. I managed to get a few missions done but then I couldn't get pass one so I was stuck. It seemed like a deathmatch to me more than missions. I just didn't get it. Also I regret buying Transformers. I find that game way too hard. I can't get past one of the starting missions. I don't know why!
Ah, there are way to many of them to mention here. I always find myself buying even the ****tiest games if I can get a very good deal. The latest game hag I bought and regretted playing is Aliens Colonel marines.

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