Xbox One Do Indie Games Matter?

I guess I was thinking of the actual Indie page on the marketplace. I do like a few Arcade games though. Not sure why MS splits Indie and Arcade if the are develooed by Indie people.

Maybe its jsut me but I look at Arcade games as Indie games. If arcade games ar enot indie games...then i will say that they dont matter as much even more. That would mean that I have never played an indie game lol
Maybe its jsut me but I look at Arcade games as Indie games. If arcade games ar enot indie games...then i will say that they dont matter as much even more. That would mean that I have never played an indie game lol

I consider "indie" to encompass whatever games were made independently from publishers. I'm not 100% positive on this but I believe most Xbox Arcade games qualify. Heck, flash games in your browser would fall under that definition too.
Indie games are extremely important to the gaming industry because they show us new talent, and what can be done on a low budget. Even high-budget indie games benefit from not having a publisher to answer to, especially in the Horror market with games like Vanish and Outlast.
right now not so much. indie developers have not had the exposure to next gen console/programing.. in time yes. indie titles will be ultimatly what opens up the next gen.. indie developers are who is going to push the boundry's and set the market.. but once they figure it out the big titles will ultimatly do it better and in short time. where an indie dev may be able to pump out game in 6 months(small game) the big titles will use that plus thier tec to build upon it and make it better.

look at cod/bf4 huge titles pushing the envelope at this point. with them as big as they are their wiggle room for change is allot smaller than we would think. they still have to deliver a farmiliar game to some degree. where an indie can start a new ip and build upon it.

this is the same reason we have forza4 and horizon. their is a huge core of driving simulated gamers who want the structure and play style of forza4. and some like the open world of horizon. yes their are people who addopt both but their is generally a like/dislike towards one or the other. forza5 is going to be amazing imo.. but i dont think a horizon2 will compare or really be that great. it is the same lines as the crew.
I think that Indie games holds a very important part of the gaming community in its hands. These are often times the people who are going to drive innovation and competition. There will always be a Call of Duty that's going to pop out and show up... but Portal only showed up once. There is some awesome fun in Dark Souls, but if you just want a couple of minutes to pass by, FTL is the way to go in the form of challenge. I may never get stranded on a desert island...but Don't Starve is a blast.

So, Indie is important and will continue to be important.
Do you think that both Microsoft and Sony would change their stance if indies were not the next big think? Sony was the first to realize that.
There were a few really great indie games on the 360. Though now that I am thinking about it, I think they were more PC games that worked well on the Castle Crashers and Super Meat Boy
Do you think that both Microsoft and Sony would change their stance if indies were not the next big think? Sony was the first to realize that.

Honestly I think Sony just played the card that was right at the time. Everything was hating on MSFT at the time and everyone thought that MSFT was gong to crap on indies so what did they do? Went out and showed they LOVED indie games. Then MSFT come out with their policy that 1 upped Sony. So in the end...for me I don't think they will care in the long run. THATS me though.
What do you think? Would Sony and Microsoft invest so much time and effort in indie gaming if it didn't matter? They wouldn't.

Of course, the indie market is lucrative and they can see it.
Honestly I think Sony just played the card that was right at the time. Everything was hating on MSFT at the time and everyone thought that MSFT was gong to crap on indies so what did they do? Went out and showed they LOVED indie games. Then MSFT come out with their policy that 1 upped Sony. So in the end...for me I don't think they will care in the long run. THATS me though.

Microsoft one-upped Sony? All I'm seeing is some too-little too-late, half-hearted indie support that basically amount to mod tools. Sony is still the way to go, for Indie devs.
Here are the differences:
Over here you have an AAA game development company creating a next-gen game for the next-gen consoles under the collaboration of thousands of people. Over there you have an Indie game released by a lone wolf or a small team or group. The time it takes to produce a top notch game for indie game developers will of course take much longer than that of an AAA game company. With the advancements of hardware on the Xbox One and PS4, it will probably take even longer for Indie developers to release their game if they want it to compete with the next generation of AAA title games released by big companies. Indie developers will have to catch up to the hardware advancements (mainly graphical improvements), so unless the games they release are unique and different from a thousand other games, I doubt that it will make much of a difference in this near future of ours.
They sure do, and in my opinion, they should be supported more (Microsofts policies are less than favorable for indie devs). I think we'd see some indie awesomeness if there weren't as many roadblocks.
Microsoft one-upped Sony? All I'm seeing is some too-little too-late, half-hearted indie support that basically amount to mod tools. Sony is still the way to go, for Indie devs.

Making retail consoles developing ones with access to all tools and full power, MSFT giving 2 consoles for free, no fee's, and self-publishing. I guess that's not support. But if that's how you stand with that comment then you just further more supported my claim that Indies wont matter that much in the long run. If indies matter then why aren't anyone buying up the Vita, like the other commenter said, 80% of all those games are Indies. Like I said, I don't hate them, I like Indie games but as of right now, these big companies want only what is proven, even if its over and over again. Hence CoD and Halo, and etc. I think Sony went big on indies this time is because they have really no launch games and only a few after. Take away all those indies launch titles and you will see what I mean. But like Knight said, we will really need to see in the long run, consoles may go hard the 1st 2 years on indies then kick them to the boot. Anyone remember when MSFT put the indie game tab in a hard place to find it on the Marketplace? Indies had to complain publicly before MSFT made it easier to find.

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