Xbox 360 Do The Cheaters Get On Your Nerves?

Is the spawn system bad? Yeah very much so, but run&gunners like yourself have no place to complain since it is designed this way to benefit you 90% of the time. That's why respawn time is 0 (zero!) seconds in many game modes, so you can easily get back at the guy that earned his kill.

Actually, that is a pretty solid way to handle a camper. Lucky spawn or not. You really don't have a leg to stand on with your silly rant. You just seem mad that he was able to kill one of your camping buddies .

Quit looking for reasons to crap on people. Take a chill pill.
I don't really mind them. The only time that a cheater will get on my nerves if they are trying to brag about their playing style. If a user is cheating and he is also bragging about how good he is, and how much he "pwns all us newbs", that could get on my nerves. At this point in the game however, I have either muted him from voice chat or everyone in the game chat is against him, so they usually stop talking pretty quickly. I do agree with your point, that a cheater is just someone who is not good enough to actually play the game and be good at it, and I can see why that would get on your nerves.
I don't like cheaters at all, and they do indeed get on my nerves. They ruin the game and the experience of the other players. I can recall back to this one time we had a lag switcher in the lobby. He would freeze in front of us then three seconds later the whole team would be killed. Needless to say, I reported that guy for three days straight.
Cheaters do my head in to the extent that I report them for unsporting conduct.

I had a perfect example of this on Hijacked, I got killed by a guy on the upper ledge (which is fair enough), and respawned nearby at the end of the boat, I then went to check my surroundings and got shot through the wall and then respawned in the same place, went to try and be sneaky and catch him off guard and did the same thing again without so much as letting me get a shot or anything so quit the match and reported him after I found out from other users that he was using hacks to reveal exactly where I was spawning.
Cheaters used to bother me really bad but not so much anymore. I guess I've just been dealing with it for so long now that I'm used to it and I'm over it. I think I became resigned to it somewhere along the lines, because the cheaters aren't going anywhere and no one is going to ban them for being unsportsmanlike. I think it helps too that I still beat them most of the time, even though they're cheating. Just goes to show you how bad they really are. ;)

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