Do you care about leaderboards?

I'm competitive when I want to be but the majority of the time I'm playing for fun. If I lose its cool with me but when I hit competitive mode don't push me because I won't stop until I win.
Nope, I stopped caring about Leaderboards LOOOOOOOOOOONG time ago...

Ever since people mod and hack with the leaderboards, it became practically useless. The point of the leaderboards is to challange your friends to become better at the game. Obviously, my friends decided to f$%k it up and be the top people in the globe with only a couple clicks on the computer. Then again, it depends on what king of friends you have.
I really do not care much for leader-boards, I was more concerned about the leader-board for PS3 online than Xbox though. Now I don't seem to be bothered at all about it, seems like a fad that died - and only hardcore gamers are so concerned of their position.
I am only concerned about the leaderboard when I am in the top 5. Other than that I pay no attention to it at all.

I think most people put too much emphasis on leaderboards then having fun.
Leaderboards are like the high man or woman in the old Pac Man arcade game. Not something to shoot or strive for. When you can carve out your own niche and create your own score. If you reach that status, good for you. If you don't, no biggie.
I have no care for the leader boards. Ultimately it is just a bunch of hackers and kids with no life. Do you get a free game if you are at the top of the leader board? Do you win cash if you are at the top for a certain period of time? No! So the significance of it really is not a big deal to me. For the hardcore gamer's with a competitive edge it may be something of worth for bragging rights. As for me, it makes no difference whatsoever, to each his own though.
It depends with my moods, most of the times I just play for fun, but there are those times where I really play to win and to be on top of the leader board, but mostly what I usually do is to pick on a certain name that has been appearing often on the leader board and make sure that I appear at least two names on top of it. That usually makes me feel wonderful.
Not at all. I do like to compare my scores to my friends' scores, though, but I don't make it a major priority to best them.
Man, I tend to just be discouraged by leaderboards on online games because somehow the people towards the top all have such outrageously high scores that regular people (aka people who work and can't play games all day long) can't really compete with them. Maybe out of such a large sample of players there are always going to be a large number that are insanely good. So I tend to just ignore them in games usually.
I like having a challenge and take spots on the leaderboards. it's a challenge sometimes and it's always nice to join a game like black ops 2 and compare each lobby to see yourself on top of everyone else.
To be honest no. I mean sure it's cool to see all the achievements people have obtained and it certainly gives you something ascribe to in terms of trying to get the highest score. Me however, I've always been more of a single player kind of guy, so leaderboards have never much mattered to me. I think deep down though, the main thing is probably the game itself. If it's a certain game I really love, then I might try and get my name high on the leaderboard. In general though I don't care to be placed high on a leaderboard.
im not super competative and im not very good gamer.

if i am in the top 50% of the games players i am content. when forza was doing a time attack i was in the top 10% in my class with my s14... i was estatic i think at the end of the month i was in the top 25% and was still happy.

so not really caring but if i do well i feel good about it but dont go posting or acting like im something.. their was still 6,000 people faster than me lol
I remember on Crackdown on a certain time trial race I placed in the top 100 of the leaderboards. I don't know, it seemed like quite an accomplishment for me at the time and I was quite proud of it. Leaderboards can be a fun little challenge for yourself.
I was pretty competitive with the COD4 leaderboards too and cared for my KDA a bit more than I should have. :cool:
Most of the time I might use the leaderboard as a measuring yard to how good I am at playing the game, but most of the other times, I usually play the game at my own pace and with little worry about who is on top or at the bottom of the leader board.

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