Do you ever get tired of sequels?

Of course! Developers rarely make new IPs anymore when the majority of the time, THOSE are the games that people enjoy the most. The only reason publishers make so many sequels is because it's easier to get someone to buy a sequel to something they are familiar with than to get them to buy something they aren't. But developers do not have unlimited amounts of time and man power so all the time they put into sequels is less time they put into truly new games.

Imagine if Infinity Ward had put out a new game in the place of all 9 Call of Duty games. That's 9 new IPs that never got created just so Activision could whore out their cash cow rehash series.
Just like with movies aslong as the sequels are a continuation of the original and it still has that feeling of the first one but with a fresh twist and more treats then the previous game, I have no problem with a sequel. I can enjoy every Halo because they keep the series new and innovative each time.
What about prequels! BOOM! I just went there. You all thought I was going to talk about sequels, but this redneck had other plans. ;) (Nothing like a little humor guys)
No as long as it's Final Fantasy or Tales. Final Fantasy is now on its way to XIII-3 plus a lot of other spin-offs. I never get tired of them nor would I be in the future. I think it really depends in how much you like as series. If you're a die-hard fan, you'll be a fan even if it reached up to a hundred sequels.
Both of those series that I mentioned hasn't disappointed me even a single time. If there's going to be that one time that they will disappoint in one of their game in the future, I'm still pretty sure they'll make up for it the next time.
Yes, sometimes developers just push a title too far. I'm fed up of seeing Call Of Duty titles, I don't play them anymore, they're all essentially the same and it gets very boring.
Once a video game company finds a cash-cow, it's very unlikely to take their hands off until it's completely drained! You start loving the first game, liking the second part, enjoying the third, bored at fourth. Only a few games can pull off doing sequels without making the game seem meh.
It's not that sequels are a bad thing, it's just that developers throw us these half assed products that were leftovers from the first one, and then dare to release it at full price!

And yeah, there are some games that it would be better if they were just single games, because otherwise it would ruin the story.
The frequency with which sequels are being released these days worries me. I have zero problems with a game coming out say, two or three years after the original, being a worthy successor and becoming a great game in its own right, but it's these annual franchises like Call of Duty that I have a serious issue with. There's no doubt that the overall quality of the game (and the gaming industry in general, since this is what everyone is emulating) suffers as a result of this cash-cow-driven mentality.
I definitely get tired of sequels. The game industry draws a game out way too far. Further than it can handle.
The games end up repetitive or just bad. Especially when they're coming out back to back.
The quality of the game starts to lack because people start buying it for the title.

So yes, I do get tired of sequels.
Sometimes. Unless the game is really good, I wouldn't mind another sequel. Nowadays, there are too many sequels that are an exact copy of the previous one, or something very similar. It tends to get repetitive, and I don't like that companies release them just for the money.
I definitely feel new and fresh IPs are way more exciting and fun than the endless dredge of sequels upon sequels. That being said, there are some titles that I want more than anything for there to be a sequel (Mirrors Edge 2... QQ) so I suppose they're not all bad. I don't know, I think maybe a trilogy is perhaps the perfect amount for a series to become great but the way the industry works is if it makes money, make more of it. For example I highly, highly doubt that Mass Effect 3 will be the last of the series just because it's perhaps Bioware's most successful title. Well, Bioware's got a whole slew of titles on their belt but reviving some of their older ones would take innovation and some balls and I'm not sure Bioware has either of those these days.

Anyways I feel like sequels are not a bad thing at all so long as people enjoy the series and they're not just thrown out as quickly as possible regardless of quality.... but at the same time they've got to not stoop to Valve's level of waiting too damned long to release anything.
Heck yes I get tired of sequals, I think it's only such a problem because it pushes aside other franchises that were never made. But think about it this way, the only reason that companies keep making sequals is because people keep buying them. If gamers stop purchasin the sequals just based on the game title less sequals would be made and forced down our throat.
It does annoy me sometimes but that does depend on what series it is. If it's carrying on a story such as God of War then I'm quite happy to
buy the sequels as they carried on the story and improved with every new game. Some series though such as the Call of Duty games do annoy me.
There doesn't seem to be any new elements to each title that comes out, they just seem to be the same but with better graphics. With the latest
one they now have a dog or something? It's nothing new and it's been done before. That series does annoy me.

I was presenting at a event for young teenagers about alternative careers and talking about working in the games industry. When I asked what games they played
pretty much 90% of them said Call of Duty. When I asked if they'd played any others (mentioning some amazing IPs) they didn't have a clue what I was talking about.
A random story I know but it does sadden me that original IPs aren't being made because most would rather play sequels of games that, in comparison, aren't good.
I don't know. The old attache of having too much of a good thing applies here. Take movies, for example: there are many movie franchises that I have loved throughout the years. Resident Evil, the Fast and the Furious, etc. are just some examples. No matter how good these movies may be, there is a such thing as overkill. Just like with movies, some video games are meant to have an end. Game developers feeling the need to crank out relentless sequels can lead to basic "recycling" of older materials; the idea well basically runs dry. This may happen, or the completely opposite becomes true when developers try to "revamp" franchises in the hopes of holding on to consumers. These revamping normally fall victim to intense criticism for not being loyal to the original source material. Everyone dies, and all franchises need to have an end, no matter how good the sales or reviews have been.
My answer: YES. OH MY GOD YES. (I'm done yelling now).

Seriously though, I'm tired of all of the rehashed sequels which feel exactly like the previous installment. The easy target is Call of Duty, but countless titles and companies are guilty of slapping on a few new colors, new weapons, etc. and calling it a new game when it's really just a slightly tweaked version of the older title. Sports game might be the absolute worst. You're essentially paying for an updated roster and that's about it.

Never before have I been more ready for a new title. I think that's why I'm so excited to get my hands on Watch Dogs. Don't let me down, Watch Dogs!

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