Xbox 360 Do You Guys Still Play the Xbox 360?

My 360 is collecting dust at this point.. Nothing at all against it. Just enjoy my Xbox One much better. Upon firing up my 360 I noticed how much faster x1 is in comparison. Also I'm addicted to using my voice to control my living room experience. Soon as I get home, I say: "Xbox on" and my lazy night begins! I do understand people thinking Kinect is gimmickry, but I use the voice functions religiously and don't see me downgrading from that. But yeah, still there aren't very many games on it yet but I've been content.
Nope, I might even consider selling it. None of my friends are ever on it and newer games aren't going to be released on it in the future. It's become redundant in my opinion
I'm in illinois if anyone has a 360 willing to sell.
The 360 holds a special place in my heart. its one of the first "next gen" systems that completely trashed its competition in a time where Xbox stood amongst its own field. The games were breath taking, the experiences were memorable and the legacy it holds will be important as gaming history continues. This is a time when the game industry was being asked if they were a form of art or just another waste of time. The 360 took experiences and showed people art.

Currently Sony has returned some blows with the PS 3's end of time run and the PS 4. I'm hopeful XB One finds its rhythm and can compete but I'll keep playing my 360 and keep it around for years to come,
Well, I never sold my 360 games so yeah, I still game - a lot. Mostly I replay the open world RPG's by Bethesda and some racing games here and there.
I'll probably stop playing it when the XBox One gets more games developed, right now the library is kinda barren.
I still play on my 360 a lot, most of the time I'm just replying a lot of my old games and reliving a lot of good times. Most of the time I stay on my xbox one though. I guess I could say every 2 or 3 weeks I'll hop on the old 360 and have some fun.
Sadly no, I haven't touched my 360 in a long while and I've even sold a couple of games (even though I have both those games on PC).
I'm on the verge of disconnecting my 360, I currently just get on to get the free games from having Gold.
Not nearly as much as I used to, no. I even got the MGS collection a while back and haven't even opened it yet...
Yes, I still play it, but that's only because I don't have an Xbox One yet. Once I've saved up enough money and bought one I doubt I'll touch my 360. For the minute though the 360 does the job, it is still a really fun console and there is plenty of people on GTA V Online and Black Ops 2 online, my two favourite games.
Of course! Who doesn't still play there 360!? *don't answer me people that don't* ;)
I can't say I've played it in quite a long time, I have not had much reason to for the last while at least. I have been recently thinking of maybe playing again but I'm not sure if there's anything I really want to play, I will say that I have at least had a decent run with it so I'm glad I played it and won't be mad if I don't get around to doing so for a long time.
I play my Xbox 360 about every other week because of all the games I have beaten and I do not have as much fun as I used to have when I did play the Xbox 360 because the online experience is ruined for me because mostly all my friends have switched consoles. I think I will buy the Xbox One once more games get developed for it or it can become backwards compatible. I might play the Fable or the Gears Of War series again because they were classics and I want to experience the story again. The Xbox 360 used to be the best because many people were always on and people always had their microphone on in the lobby and very odd arguments would arise or conversations about inappropriate things would arise, this is what I liked about the Xbox where people could just be people and not care at all, nowadays we mostly have the younger generation playing the Xbox and ruining the experience for everyone else.
I still see a number of people online also.I dont think that everyone just umped on the train of new gen. There are some people who wait until certain games are available. There are other people who simply cant afford it right now.
Same here. I play with the Xbox 360 way more. My boyfriend is actually into the Xbox One but not me. I am a creature of habit and I prefer the 360 system. This is bound to change soon in terms of my time I spend with Xbox One. I already pre-ordered a few games for this system on Amazon and plan to get my money's worth!
I'm actually playing my 3Sexy right now. Just MGS HD Collection, though.
Yes I do. I still waste a lot of time playing Dark Souls 2 and Borderlands on my 360. But I think when I get to play Assassin's Creed Rouge that would be my goodbye for the 360 altogether, I'd probably give it away as a Christmas gift to someone.

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