Xbox 360 Do you prefer gaming alone or with friends?

I like to play Battlefield 4 with my friends but most often I perform better when I play alone because I'm not distracted by the constant banter.
Exactly as you said, some games are MEANT to be played alone. Take Silent Hill for instance, it's fun to play it with friends alright, but that feeling when you're home alone late at night and you have no idea what's gonna pop up next, is awesome. I also love playing trivia games with my friends, they're super fun and with some pizza and good company, you can really have a great night.
I'd say mostly alone with local multiplayer being a distant second. Not a fan of online multiplayer.
I get really bored playing alone. I almost always play games online. Even just knowing you have the option of joining others in a game, while mostly playing alone is more of a motivator for me. Like if I want to get good at a game or have awesome gear, at the end of the day if you're alone no one is going to be interested with it. Part of the draw of WoW to me was to gear up, then max out the DPS charts in a raid. Skyrim lost me once I got pretty far, then I realized everything was basically scaling to my gear and I started to wonder what the point of continuing to play was. I've been playing Dragon's Nest online lately, mostly solo, but the idea that I could get good and play with others is a motivator for me, even if I never get that far/good.
Some games are fun to play with others just to mess around. The more freedom, the better. Watching people play GTA IV together is so funny because of how huge the map is and how unpredictable things get.
Some games are fun to play with others just to mess around. The more freedom, the better. Watching people play GTA IV together is so funny because of how huge the map is and how unpredictable things get.

This reminded me that I had more fun playing with others when I was much younger. It was always fun when a bunch of your friends came by to see what new game you had or bring theirs over. Now and days, I simply prefer to play alone and main get single player titles.
Most definitely prefer to play by myself. When it comes to playing with other people, I still prefer the traditional style of having your friend physically next to you. But I'm not opposed to the online play, I adapted to it.. I guess I'm just an old school gamer haha
It really all depends on the game. If I'm playing something like Call of Duty, then I want to play with friends because I find it's not as fun to play on my own. If I'm playing Madden, I enjoy just playing by myself, knocking out some ranked matches and enjoying myself. If I'm practicing for a Madden tournament however, I went to play with all of my tournament buddies because the best competition makes me better
Certain games are better played with people, and some alone. Which are your favorites?

My favorite games to play with others online are the Call of Duty, Halo, and Battlefield games. They're the "holy trinity" of multiplayer online games, ha ha!! Seriously though, I have three friends from grade school and all four of us get on almost daily and play. Right now it's Battlefield 4 on the One but it cycles through the 3 as new titles come out.
I normally play alone as that's how the campaign's are designed to be played but I do have friends over for all out warfare.
Depends completely on the game. If it's single player you don't need someone over your shoulder telling you how to play. However some games are designed specifically for co-op and just aren't as fun alone, plus you don't want to be holding the weight with some NPC player that you'd have to babysit in place of an actual person.
Like many others have already said. It all depends on the game!

Something like Skyrim, I'd much prefer to play on my own so because if it had a friend there then they'd constantly be saying things that put me off playing the game and also when I'm on my own playing it I can get as immersed as I like. A game like Left for dead or COD I'd much prefer with other people mainly friends. When I play those games with strangers I get pretty bored and pretty quickly. But when I'm playing them with friends its much more fun because we can just troll people together and it is a lot more fun!
Most definitely prefer to play by myself. When it comes to playing with other people, I still prefer the traditional style of having your friend physically next to you. But I'm not opposed to the online play, I adapted to it.. I guess I'm just an old school gamer haha

I'm one as well. I always preferred local multiplayer since smack talking and high fiving beats "Good game" with a voice that sounds like a drive-thru speaker.
To paraphrase a certain fedora wearing cynic, games should be able to stand on their single-player.

However, borderlands is a hella more fun with a friend.
To paraphrase a certain fedora wearing cynic, games should be able to stand on their single-player.

However, borderlands is a hella more fun with a friend.

I think that strongly depends on the game. Some games are just designed with multiplayer as the prerogative.
Playing with friends is the best for me, i look weird talking to myself. :P
It depends. If I'm playing an online game (MMORPG) I'd rather be alone since I can concentrate a lot more in leveling that way compared to having a group. But if it's an FPS game, it's way better to have a few folks around to play as a team.

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