Do you replay the games after you finished?

I can honestly say that I have only beat 3 games out of my collection... my collection consisits of atleast 40 games.
I replay games after I finish them all the time. First I, beat them game normally and have fun with it. Then, I go for the rewards. Then every once in awhile I come back to the game for the hey of it.

Bottom line, these games are too expensive to be "one shots". I'm getting my money's worth.
I sometimes replay them, but only if I remember I have them. I've got so many games in my collection and keep adding new ones, I forget about some of the old games I used to play. It's the same with PC games, too many choices.
I try to give myself a little time and variety between them, but I very rarely leave it to just one time unless the game was really awful. lol.
All the time. I've only got a small collection of games to play on my 360 and I wait a while between each play to let things settle. After I beat one, I wait a week, try another one that's been sitting, and keep the cycle going until I'm back where I started, but this time wait around a month before restarting.
I tend to play a game again if I feel that the story had captivated me enough. I usually complete the story mode of a game first and come back to it later in the year if I feel the need to play it again.
When I complete a game, if i have liked the game I tend to play until it is 100% complete, i rarely replay games, the only ones I remember now are Half life 2 and the two episodes, but that´s only because they are my favourite game series of all time.
I was only able to replay the Metal Gear Solid's series.

and maybe pokemon.
I replay games if they have an open world. For example, I beat Grand Theft Auto 4. But it's an open world, so I could still roam around and cause trouble and steal cars, even though the main story has been resolved. There are also really simple games that are fun to replay, like Beautiful Katamari.
Sometimes I just go back and see if I can beat my previous time and roll a bigger katamari.

As another poster said, games are too expensive to just play once.
I replay very few again, only the ones that I really enjoyed. I don't think of actually replayed any Xbox games but a few PC games have been worthy of a replay (most notably Dungeon Keeper 2).
Usually I play games over and over and over again until I can't stand them anymore.
I replay Prince of Persia when I have the flu. I know I keep talking it up, but it's honestly one of my favorite games since childhood!! And Spyro 2, back when I owned it as a kid; I used to play that over and over, just to get to my favorite levels. Crash Bandicoot 2 as well, but only the first three or four sets of rooms.
I usually don't play video games again after I have completed them. They only games I find that have replay value are those with great online options. I like games that can be played in groups. It makes the game more fun and interesting. This increase the value and makes the game stay fresh and not go stale regarding game play. If a game doesn't have those options it truly has to be a great game for me to want to play it again.
Since I don't often finish the non multi-player aspect of games I don't think the question applies to me but I do start over with new multi-player matches all the time and never get bored so I guess that counts.

If I've done it once I'm not tempted to do it again against AI, it's got to be vs people with me.
There are many games I can play over and over again and never get bored, but I usually don't play them back to back. Maybe once or twice a year depending on the game. For example I've probably played Legend of Mana, Vice City, Resident Evil 3, Resident Evil 4, The Darkness, etc dozens of times. I think one of the few games I actually played back to back was Bioshock, because I wanted to see the different endings and get more achievements :)
Usually after I've finished a game I tend to not go back and play them again until a few months later. This is to play other games and to let the experience become fresh again when I go back to it.
Depends how much I liked the game :p. Unless the thing was a total piece of crap I'll usually replay the game a good 3 - 5 times. Also depends on how lengthy the game is.
There are games that I can't play through once but there are some classics that are timeless. I can sit there and replay any Pokemon story and still be entertained. Sometimes I do the same story of the same game on a harder setting like I'll move to Veteran in a Call of Duty story.
It honestly depends on the game in question. Some games warrant a second or even third playthrough, while others are only fun for the first one. Games which have a new game + feature are, naturally, usually the ones with the highest replayability.
I definitely play my games over and over no matter how many times I have passed it. I like to go back to my favoriten missions once I have finished the whole game.

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