Do you still trust Microsoft with Xbox One?


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2013
Microsoft lost a lot of fans with the announcement of the Xbox One. They also intend to limitter the sharing of physical games
Sony took the E3 to show them that they have won the players. Sony does not want to destroy the used gaming industry as Microsoft hoped.
In the end, many want to buy the Xbox One, but I wonder if the confidence is still there.

Personally, I must admit that I'll probably buy a PS4, but it is possible that I take a Xbox One if all goes well in the future.

So .... your opinion?:confused:
Not to many people like a back stabber, and IMO that is what Sony did to MS. The only difference between MS and Sony was they changed things before they did there E3, MS changed things afterwards. MS is being up front with everything, while Sony is hiding afraid to say anything to upset customers.
I wouldn't say I distrust Microsoft for their original decision. Just like any company they made a play to attempt stopping pirating software. And then they were "in touch" enough to listen to the consumer and quickly change their policy.
their are so many ways that big brother is in your and most anyones home its almost pointless.. camera's,laptops,cell phones

if u really think about it the smart phones these days already link your photos to your location via gps... your trackable thru photos and facebook... the cmera on your cell phone.. the webcam on ur laptop.. all of which can remotley be controled...

having the kinect do the same with privacy setting is really no diffrent... who is to say your cell phone isnt voice recording all the time its on.. its not far fetched at all...
I don't in fact trust Microsoft as much as I did. The speed and completeness of their backpedaling shows that the unpopular things they put in place were never that important nor even necessary. It was all just a quick bid for money and that tells me that the minute they see a chance to profit they will never mind give a second thought to customer loyalty. So I think I'm just going to skip this time around and go with the PS4.
I'm a bit in between when it comes to trust with Microsoft. One reason I'm worried about is about the NSA and Microsoft's Kinect. Microsoft says that it is impossible to have an online 24/7 video camera that's running all the time and records sound, but what about home security systems? They are very similar to eachother, and I don't see many differences between the two. Trust issues between Microsoft and their users are big, while on the other hand, they announced that they will be listening to their users now. Maybe if we make a petition or start e-mailing/tweeting to their reps, they would release some information about things we want and need to know.
Not to many people like a back stabber, and IMO that is what Sony did to MS. The only difference between MS and Sony was they changed things before they did there E3, MS changed things afterwards. MS is being up front with everything, while Sony is hiding afraid to say anything to upset customers.
Why would you say that? Who is to say that Sony did not merely do their research more smartly and thoroughly than Microsoft did, or who is to say they don't actually just listen to consumer feedback and chose to consider it more carefully than Microsoft did? There is no such thing as a back stab when it comes to competition; business is business. Microsoft had the wrong kind of vision for the future of console gaming, they decided to change things a little too much, which is never a good thing when fans are accustomed to a certain way of doing things, which a brand should always specialize in. If you change it drastically, people will complain. This is the mistake they made, and Sony decided to go the opposite route long before this year's E3. They can't just change things on impulse three or so months away from release.

No one can blame Microsoft for trying, though. I do think they are working hard to repeal some of their changes and win over the fan base they had lost.
Do I still trust them? They never did anything wrong. They were going to add new features that had reasons for use, nothing was intended for spying or whatever everyone thought of. But they seen what people were thinking of and stuff that may have slipped their minds when developing it. They reversed. No harm done except chaos in the video game discussion world. Unlike Sony who had hackers break into the PSN and steal personal information etc... I think you have your trust in the wrong company.
I have a willingness to allow Microsoft to sort things out, but even though they've already mended some of their missteps, I am still leaning more towards the PS4. That being said, I'll probably pick up a One eventually, but I'm not changing course just because they have, not that I don't think they've made some welcome changes.
If they drop the Kinect requirement I think that is a big step in the trust department for many. This NSA thing will get used by Sony. At this point I think the Kinect is a big negative for them. It is also the source of mistrust for me. The argument that smartphones etc are more of a risk may be valid but I know that going in. I am buying a video game console even if Microsoft doesn't want to admit that is what it is.
Do I still trust them? They never did anything wrong. They were going to add new features that had reasons for use, nothing was intended for spying or whatever everyone thought of. But they seen what people were thinking of and stuff that may have slipped their minds when developing it. They reversed. No harm done except chaos in the video game discussion world. Unlike Sony who had hackers break into the PSN and steal personal information etc... I think you have your trust in the wrong company.

Sony didn't hire hackers... they simply got hacked on their free online community. Maybe if they'd been charging in the first place like Microsoft they could have done better security and avoided all the brouhaha, but split milk and tears - things happen. Besides which I prefer the company that hasn't decided only rich people with no sense of privacy deserve game systems. So I would think my trust is in the right place.
Well it's kind of hard to define the whole trust issue as the Xbox One is their console and Microsoft is free to do whatever they want with it and we as gamers would have to accept it. Still, if you know your history you can see that this was Microsoft's plan from day one. Even though they did reverse their policies, I wouldn't be surprised if the issue of "always online and DRM on used games" comes up again.
Why mistrust them? I mean, they're a corporation like anyone else. They're not perfect, and I don't expect them to be. I wouldn't trust them in the same way I would trust a family member, but I'm not exactly asking them to babysit my newborn child, either.
Still trusting them implies that I trusted them in the first place :p I must admit that all the bad stuff they revealed and the whole NSA debacle made me somewhat suspicious of Microsoft, but at the same time they are trying to rectify some of those mistakes, and I think if given enough time they will rectify even more. That's the best case scenario anyway. But I guess you should never fully trust any corporation because at the end of the day they are out there to make money.
Sony didn't hire hackers... they simply got hacked on their free online community. Maybe if they'd been charging in the first place like Microsoft they could have done better security and avoided all the brouhaha, but split milk and tears - things happen. Besides which I prefer the company that hasn't decided only rich people with no sense of privacy deserve game systems. So I would think my trust is in the right place.
Sony might as well have hired hackers, they done almost nothing to prevent it, and got fined because of it! Sony will never get my CC information again. I find it really funny you think a person needs to be rich to own a X1. At least MS was trying to stop pirates from stealing games, Sony just plain chickened out.
I wouldn't say I don't trust Microsoft. Yes, they were making bad choices, but they changed after they realized how much their customers were against it.
I don't plan on buying either the XboxOne or the PS4 right away. Usually I wait for the price to drop and probably another gen or two to come out.
Hopefully Microsoft sorts their stuff out and finally decide on what they want and what their customers want.
What? No. Of course not. I've never trusted them. I don't trust them. I don't really trust Nintendo or Sony either.
I trust Microsoft more than Sony the hold drm thing Microsoft was up front with us but Sony had the same drm plans they both was going to leave it up to the developers Microsoft just should have explain drm better , i also Don't like how Sony threw pop shots at Microsoft at e3 when they had the same policy .
You also have to factor in the different publishers and their nonsense. I know a lot of people have a problem with EA, but I've never personally been affected by the things they complain about. I don't care for the DRM stuff they're getting into, especially because I've never pirated games or anything like that, and yet I feel like I'm being punished for things over people do.

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