Do you still trust Microsoft with Xbox One?

I don't trust a device that changes how you expect normal consoles to function. Microsoft is doing stuff that they felt the consumer wanted. They were wrong and I think they are trying to fix some of the mistakes that they made. The price point is a huge mistake though. PS 4 has an advantage in this, but I think that Sony learned from their mistakes and ended up having a generally good end of the cycle. I think the xbox will do the same.

No one wants an always on console, and it freaks me out to think that you could sit here and record your living room but I think that's not really MS's intentions. I think they say things and its comes out wrong and they don't see the full scope. So, its not that I don't trust them, I just don't trust they are making the right decisions.
Yes, I do. I believe in technology rather than Microsoft because whenever there is a change, people will dislike it and try it pull it back to the original self. If we never take a step forward, technology will never grow. Gamers say the company is arrogant but I would say they are making it more friendly for people to enjoy it even more. Besides, simply increasing the hardware capacity after six years with new console body is not what I want. Better graphics is possible every week with a PC! Console gamers need something bigger, something gamer friendly like the Kinect. You can interact with the game which is an innovative idea. I trust in Microsoft!

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