It's a good looking game as it is. It doesn't need much treatment. It running at 1080p & 60fps would be kind of magical even if the assets were the same as on 360.
i would be fine with no changes and 900 @60fps id rather it be on next gen than 360... i personally dont think the shading/rendering from 900-1080 would be any bit noticable with processing power... im not saying 1080 isnt nice but i have yet to see where its leaps and bounds noticeable... if anything i prefer 900 @60 it keeps lag and frame tear at a minimum. allows for allot more focus on gameplay, proper texturing and much better lighting dynamics.. till developers figure out how to make things work like the snow drop in(tom clancy) where lighting changes and things happen with them.. i care so little about the visual number as i do dynamics of the game.
i havnt played gta5 so i am taking a shot in the dark hear...
its visually nice in pics... but its optimized to the 360 to a t.. i dont think it was the gameplay/story that took the time i think it was the time to polish the game to what is is or was at launch.. and hey that is great.. that is where the 360 was at... i understand and except we are on xb1 and its a new game for developers.. but many developers say its just new.. figuring out how to do the same things on the new arcatecture is whats taking the time..
i think of development as a vacuum. for 10 years the industry was basically sucking thru one tunnel every developer knew the system.. once they jumped 1 hurdle it was like cake owrk for the next game.. and they started on another hurdle.. 10 years later it was easy to start with something nice...
now we are in next gen within 1 year of the everything changing... their is no vacuum... none of the developers know the exact method of approach once a few 1080 games hit the market as big aaa titles and the engines are developed it will work allot easier and those new hurdles will than begin.
but the gaming industry is very slow to real change.. its not easy to adopt something that may be slightly less than previous... its hard to grasp the fact its a new concept its not the 360 its not the same system... and those 10 years of r&d are about out the window.. starting fresh is hard
but think of where rockstar would be in development if they actually released the xb1 version... think of how far ahead they would be with the system and development.. sure it mught not have been launched beside the 360 but even at 6 months out... it would give them a leg up on other developers and they have a huge game with a big backing from the community.. all it would do is benifit them.. if its to late of a launch its counter productive and the market is dried up for the game..