Do you think lag compensation is a good feature?


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2013
Personally, I do not. It is something that is good in theory, but not in practice. Have you had a situation where you've got your sights right on another player, and they kill you before you can even react, and in some cases before they're even on-screen? You probably died due to lag comp, and the killcam will be able to confirm your suspicion. If you know they seen you in the cam noticeably longer than what was seen through your perspective before dying, lag comp is to blame. It isn't fair that a player with a worse connection receives an unfair advantage simply because of their connection, but that's just my $0.02.
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I actually haven't encountered this much myself. What game are you playing that you're getting screwed like that in? I can understand a little bit of lag compensation, but if it's executed so poorly like that, I know it would drive me nuts.
It was first implemented in MW 3, and returned in Black Ops II. It's a feature that attempts to give players with lower-end connections a fair shot, but it ultimately gives them an unfair advantage. It's gotten to the point where some players deliberately hinder their bandwidth to make them win more gunfights.
Personally, it's whatever. I am too addicted to Call of Duty at the present time to put the disc away for good. And I think the developers know that, so they keep putting stupid things in their games. Like in MW3 they had a chance to address the Quickscoping issue, did they? No. Why? because you bought the game anyway. That is just my opinion.
Can't say I've noticed it to be honest, would be interested to know exactly how it works though! Care to explain the mechanics around it some more?
I'm definitely not an expert as to how it works, but it has a very noticeable effect in MW 3 and Black Ops II. Basically, you'll die before they're even on the screen at times, and it's very frustrating. I know this is unique to MW 3 and Black Ops II because I have played a ton of other CoD games as well. As for devs knowing you'll purchase a game regardless, there is a sad truth to that. However, I'll be dropping off the CoD bandwagon if future games in the series feature lag comp.
The only way to "fix" lag compensation (and not what this game suffers from mind you) would be to raise the required minimum connection speed to play. If everyone was closer in terms of speed the compensation would be less noticeable.

Mind you this game suffers from other problems as seen in it's odd implementation of a lag comp like effect in offline splitscreen. Its sooooo much worse in the new game than it was in mw3
I agree that it's worse in Black Ops 2. It was very bad in MW 3 at launch, but they made the right call and fixed it with a patch. It's a shame, really, because Black Ops 2 has really fun multiplayer aside from lag comp.
I find it very noticeable especially when I'm in a party where I not the party leader.In fact the past couple of COD's have had this issue
They really need to recreate what they done in MW2 that game used to run like a dream for me.
Indeed, i first noticed this kind of "feature" at a friend's house. In theory, it could work, but seeing that this can also be exploited, i don't see why it should keep being a standard in online games. If people have bad connections, better to just not play than to ruin other people's games.
I'm not clear on how that would work. I always assumed when something like that happened, that it was actual lag - that my connection caused a pause in the visual and made it so the other person saw things before I did. So are you saying everyone is getting the visual a second (or more) later than it actually happens? Seems like that would be obvious, and it doesn't seem to be that way.
Yes they can increase the minimum connection speed to play, but that doesn't really make sense because no other games have that, so it could cause some issues.

The only other option (at least from what I see) is for the game company to have their own servers and not rely on a certain player hosting the game with their internet. This would be extremely costly, but thinking of how much revenue these games generate, it's probably possible.

Hell, if anything just release some more of those stupid micro-transactions. Release 3 gun camos: a weed gun camo (I don't do that but a lot of people would flip out over it lol), a beer camo and a camo with some kind of hot woman on it. Take all the revenue from that, get your own servers. Done!

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