Do you think Xbox One will catch up to the PS4?


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2013
So I just read the news about the PS4 outselling the X1 3 to 1 despite the X1 getting a price cut. What exactly is driving the PS4 that makes it so popular? It isn't like their games are better since most of them are multiplatforms and right now I think the X1 still have the better exclusives. Even the free games offered by Games with Gold are getting better.
I'd say that gamers believe in the PS4 more than the Xbox One moving forward. Perception is key, and Microsoft flubbed the One's release long before it hit shelves. I would say that the PS4 has better exclusives, especially moving forward. It's even getting Titanfall 2, and it had the early release for the Destiny beta. Sony create the concept for Games with Gold through PS Plus, too. Basically, I'd say that gamers have more faith in the PS4, and plenty of Xbox 360 users were convinced by Sony more than Microsoft with the next generation consoles.

As for the original question, I doubt the One will catch up to the PS4 anytime soon, if ever.
Sony probably gets it for losing the most money on console development in history, but would anyone agree Microsoft tends to mess up their launch more often and they also seem to dislike allowing backwards compatibility on their hardware for whatever reason. I also hear some of the policies they try to attach to Xbox for DRM sake are just down right ridiculous and beyond unreasonable sometimes. They always seem to work something out in the end to be fair, but they generally seem to mess up the start every time.
I don't think so, especially with all the rumors going around about Microsoft dropping xbox altogether. I have both and equally enjoy them but have more friends on PSN than Xbox live.
I don't think Microsoft is going to drop the Xbox, at least this gen. It may not be as good as Sony sales wise, it's not that bad that they have to sell off the Xbox division. I also believe that no matter what Microsoft does now, the PR damage to the Xbox One is done. It's hard to gain back the credibility which is lost because of their silly announcements before the console's release.
With proper marketing decisions, good exclusives and a better price the XBox One still has a chance. After all, it's still riding on the high wave the 360 caused.
All that's needed is for Microsoft to wake up and deliver on those three points.
I don't think Microsoft is going to drop the Xbox, at least this gen. It may not be as good as Sony sales wise, it's not that bad that they have to sell off the Xbox division. I also believe that no matter what Microsoft does now, the PR damage to the Xbox One is done. It's hard to gain back the credibility which is lost because of their silly announcements before the console's release.

I have to agree with you on the PR stuff. I never played or had a PS3, same with all my friends. Now that I have both I almost only have friends who play on PSN. Most of them made the switch from Microsoft to Sony because of all the stuff the Microsoft was saying/doing pre-release.
I really can't see any games that make me want to go get the PS4. Maybe the Last of Us when it comes out. I reckon Xbox will catch up though, Sony usually finds a way to shoot themselves in the foot. :P
Doubtful.. the launch mistakes and the huge price are keeping people from buying it..
They are getting a bit desperate on the matter. The hardware cap already sees the PS4 produce what about 50% more raw power. On top of this they want you to pay more for it ven though it clearly has a much larger angle on making extra avenue through advertising. I love my xbox but dark days are looming for it.

Interesting article by the way relating to the hardware cap difference is on extreme tech if you Google it. The thing is though when and if they bring this new one out, I am sure it will have a beefed up price tag. But it may finally see this one go down in price.
I really can't see any games that make me want to go get the PS4. Maybe the Last of Us when it comes out. I reckon Xbox will catch up though, Sony usually finds a way to shoot themselves in the foot. :P
It already came out???
Well it depends on how MS will handle things but I'm pretty sure a cheaper Kinect-less Xbox One will contribute somehow but I as far as things are going, it might not be the case. I really think it's in the price but quite frankly, MS has failed hard since day one and people realized early on that the Xbox One might not be the best choice after all. As far as the market goes, I think it's how MS marketed the Xbox more as a multimedia powerhouse rather than an actual gaming console so it might've alienated some gamers. It might also be the games. Let's give it a year or two and see what happens.
I believe they could still "kinda" catch up to the PS4. If they bring out top tier games, release sequels to their more popular games and produce real innovation in regards to technology, they may have a chance. Right now, they appear to be doing a "whatever Sony does, we'll do too..." approach.

Phil Spencer has bee doing a great job as the new head I think. There have been a lot of positive news lately with Microsoft. Like the EA Access thing, although I don't like it but it's no doubt people are interested. As to whether this will help boost sale that I don't know. However, news of Xbox letting go of a couple of exclusives is going hurt them a bit. What it needs right now is for Sony to screw up, one stupid move and it's an opportunity for the Xbox bounce back up.
I believe that until Microsoft fleshes out the Xbox One a bit more, software wise as far as how the multi-media aspect of the system is truly going to be used, then there will be a PS4 advantage. From a purely hard ware point of view, yes the PS4 is a more powerful console for games, BUT, for games and much more, then the Xbox One will see a rise in sales towards the end of the year and into the next.
Well as far as pure hardware power yes the PS4 is alot more powerful than the XB1, but the PS3 was also alot more poweful than the 360 and that didnt really do anything in terms of gaming experience. But Microsoft really fumbled this console out the gate so im not sure if it can ever fully recover. Its really a shame because Microsoft never seems to learn from their previous mistakes!! They just keep coming out with more ways to piss off their fanbase. Now granted they're trying to regain some of that lost trust, but at this point, im not sure they can...
I have observed that DirectX 12 could improve the performance of the Xbox One. Also, I've heard that removing Kinect boosts up the performance by 10%. If DirectX 12 releases, Xbox One could catch up. Microsoft messed up their launch by their bizarre DRM policies. The 24-hour online check policy was extremely stupid, in my opinion.
I think if microsoft were to put in the effort and release the console worldwide then they would be able to catch up to the PS. The thing is right now I think that the console is only available in certain countries whereas the PS4 is available in a lot more countries then the Xbox one. Right now though I will tell you that although I am a faithful Xbox player I think that the PS4 console is superior. I think that Microsoft tried to put to many features on the console and forgot the reason that people actually buy consoles and that is to play video games.

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