Do you think Xbox One will catch up to the PS4?

The problem is microsoft. Xbox 1 is good enough console but microsoft just isn't working on locking good content for xbox on a exclusive basis where sony is doing this time and again.

Moreover, if you look into the perception game, sony has won it hands down due to which even the newer versions of the console are beating the established versions of xbox.

It is time Microsoft, starts taking xbox 1 marketing seriously.
Of course the Xbox could catch up if they did release the console worldwide, but they have a lot of catching up to do when it comes to the features on their console and sheer hardware power.
Well I would like to think so. I guess it is pretty far along though, so I am not really sure how much these things change when you start getting this late in the game, but I guess you never know. All it really takes is a good game to come out and recapture everyone's attention, so I guess we will see if that happens. Fingers crossed for me, but I would not be surprised either way I suppose.
To be honest seeing as we are now seeing bits of the Scorpio being released by Microsoft, I think that even them themselves have given up on trying to get the Xbox ONE to compete with the Playstation 4.

I kind of get the feeling, especially over here in the UK, that Microsoft have conceded defeat and they are now saying that Sony might have won this battle, but with the release of the Scorpio then the war is certainly not over just yet.
I know why, because when the ONE launched, I remember people complaining about the specs of the system. Although they are good, it couldn't be matched with the PS4. Plus when I watch the live event when they announced the ONE, it was much bigger than the PS4 which was a turn off for me.

Probably so much negative buzz about the system made the sales much lower then the PS4.
I have to agree @Guy and I do think that to some extent Microsoft shot themselves in the foot in the build up to the release of the Xbox ONE. We was promised and all singing, all dancing next generation console that would blow us away and what we got instead was an upgrade on the Xbox 360 but that was about it.

The way that manufacturers go on about their new devices, is it any wonder that when they are eventually released they can't possibly live up to the expectations that people have built up, so it's no wonder we tend to be disappointed.
As we all already know, PS4 is like Windows in some ways, most people have grown up with Sony as well as most people have grown up with Windows, it is like if we were making a comparison between Linux and Windows, however, it would have a chance to catch up with the PS4, but if they ever release the other console, then that's never going to happen, not either in a million years, that's my opinion though.
It won't be easy, playstation got the head start when they launched the playstation 3. If the next xbox is launched with something revolutionary and a game that can take advantage of it, xbox could become a reference in the gaming world.
@SirJoe It will probably become a reference in the gaming world, but the Xbox ONE will no longer be the last console and therefore it will highly lose its value, that's why I personally think that Microsoft should hold it and not release anything yet, they have to wait for the perfect timing for it, I surely believe they already know it, that's my opinion though.
@Casiox I agree I think what everyone is waiting for is VR, which ever console comes out with the best platform for VR and games to go with it will be the next reference. Backward compatibility is also important after all I'm sure that Microsoft wants to keep it's old clients but also attract new ones.
If the console manufacturers are waiting for VR, then I think that might explain the lack of activity being released for the consoles that are already on the market. Microsoft might have teased us with the new Xbox coming out in the future, but as of yet we don't know a great deal more about what specifications it's going to have.

After all, there's no point in releasing a state of the art console and then realising that it still isn't powerful enough to handle VR as I think that's what people will be expecting as VR becomes more and more important in the console market.
@pwarbi what has been released so far is that the XBox One S is going to be the most powerful console to date. I don't know if it's true or not but they do have enough time to get it right after all it's going to be launched next year in August.
@SirJoe According to the statstics, I personally think that it's going to be a rough fight between the PS4 and the XBOX One S, it's going to be a really close fight since both consoles are going to be highly good, that's my opinion though.
@Casiox I think your right, everything is pointing in that direction. There is a lot of speculation flying around about new features that the consoles might have but I still think that any year that a new console is launched is always a good gaming year.
@SirJoe Of course it is, but hopefully the Xbox ONE S and Scorpio come out for good prices and good features because I am really looking forward to one of these.
@Casiox they should since they are have to keep their prices in check other wise people will buy the PlayStation instead.
@SirJoe We never know, remember what happened with the PS4 and the Xbox ONE, of course the PS4 was cheaper than the Xbox and therefore they sold more consoles.
I don't think it can catch up to PlayStation but I do think it could pass it in North America and the United Kingdom again, but I don't think they could go beyond that. Sony's brand power is far too strong in Asia, mainland Europe, South America, etc. I also really don't think it matter; so many people are fixated on sales but that's not an actual measure of quality. The Wii U is my favorite console this generation and look how many units it has sold compared to the other two. If we go by sales only, Call of Duty is the greatest video game consistently every single year. Finally, if I'm just being honest: I don't think I want them to catch up in sales. The reason for the Xbox One launch being as horrendous as it was is because Microsoft was king of the hill last time around and they thought they could do anything they want. Sony did the same thing last generation with the PlayStation 3 launch, and is starting to do the same again this generation. Microsoft on the other hand has been doing a lot to repair their image in their customer's eyes, which allows us Xbox users to reap the benefits of that ten fold.
@GunGunW Well, you're right. Sony is really powerful down here at South America, everybody prefers PS over Xbox, but I do not really know why that happens here, it probably is because of the prices or maybe something else, the point is that Xbox still has to work hard to make their customers see they were wrong.
I think when you get to that level that Sony is at right now there really is no catching up. The PlayStation 2 is the best selling console of all time bar none, and the only thing that looks like that'll pass it is the PlayStation 4.

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