Xbox 360 Dragon Age II, DLC: The Exiled Prince Achievement Guide


Feb 11, 2013
The Exiled Prince was the first downloadable content released for Dragon Age II. Available on launch day: March 8, 2011, The Exiled Prince featured new missions, a new party member (Sebastian Vael), and new items. The official description of the game from Bioware’s website:

“Sworn to the priesthood as a boy, the noble archer Sebastian Vael is thrust back into the viper's nest of princely politics when his family is brutally murdered, leaving him as the sole surviving heir. Choose to either avenge Sebastian's murdered family and reclaim his title or direct his holy vengeance on your enemies in Kirkwall.”

The Exiled Prince includes five new achievements worth 130 gamer points.

This guide does include some minor spoilers, so read with caution.

NOTE: There were issued with the DLC’s achievements originally. If you’ve turned in any of the quests without receiving the achievement, delete the DLC and re-download it.

The Exiled Prince Achievement Guide
Avenged (25G)
Confront the culprit behind the Vael family's murder.
You’ll need to complete the quest “Repentance” which is available at the beginning of Act II. You can start the quest by going to the Chantry. Be sure that you pick up the Starkhaven Longbow for the achievement Memento. Once you’ve completed “Repentance” by spoken with Sebastian in the Chantry the achievement is yours.

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Cloak and Dagger (25G)
Meet secretly with the agent of the Divine
You must have completed Sebastian’s quests in Acts I and II to be able to do this in Act III. Assuming you’ve completed everything up to this point, head for the Chantry in Act III and speak with Sebastian. Agree to help him and the Grand Cleric before putting Sebastian in your party and traveling to Hightown at night. Once you’ve made it to Hightown travel to Viscount’s Keep. Make your way through the keep to the throne room, fight the mages that appear, and then speak with the “Agent of the Divine.” After speaking with the “Agent of the Divine,” head back to the Chantry and speak with the Grand Cleric. After speaking with the Grand Cleric the achievement is yours.

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Loyalty of the Prince (30G)
Earn either a friendship or rivalry with Sebastian.
This achievement is not too difficulty, you just have to make sure to do all of Sebastian’s companion quests and consistently choose the option that corresponds to friendship or rivalry. If you complete all of the quests correctly you will get this near the end of the game. Once you’ve maxed out Sebastian’s rivalry or friendship the achievement is yours.

Memento (25G)
Give Sebastian a family heirloom.
You will find the heirloom during the “Repentance” quest (see the Avenged guide for more information on starting that quest). As you progress through the mansion you will eventually reach a cut scene, after which a waypoint will appear on the map. When you reach the room that holds the exit into the dungeon you will see a wine cellar. In the wine cellar is a corpse. On the corpse is the gift (Starkhaven Longbow). Give Sebastian the gift and the achievement is yours.

Secret Achievements
Retribution (25G)
Dealt with the mercenaries that killed the Vael family.
The first time that you visit the Chantry you will be introduced to Sebastian in a cut scene. After the cut scene, inspect the notice board and begin the quest “Duty.” Upon completing the quest, return to the Chantry and speak with Sebastian and the achievement is yours.
Nice thanks for the guides Lewis, DA2 is probably one of my favorite XBOX games to date. This has got to be one of the best rpg's in the past 5 years. Being able to change the story line by the decisions you make in conversations/etc is a great feature and allows for some good replay ability instead of a static story line.

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