Xbox One Excited For James Pond: Codename Robocod HD?

I can't even decide if this is a great idea, or a quick cash in.
That's the thing man. My little cousin's bugging me to get the game so he could play it on my Xbox One.

Hmm. no wonder you hate the game. haha. well good luck man, looks like it's gonna push through.
Don't worry about it, that's just how kids are :)
When the game comes out he won't even remember about it.
Not really, there hasn't been a good James Bond game since PS2...
I'd say get the kid a handheld and some games he can play if you need to bribe him. James Pond is like a D-tier platformer anyway it colorful and cute like a Nintendo platformer with 0 of the stage complexity and difficulty. You could pretty much get him a bunch of much better plaformers on PSP (depending on his age and if he understands not breaking stuff) or a Nintendo handheld.

Now if he's a teenager or preteen you should tell him "You're almost a grown ass man, what are you doing playing James Pond?"

Give him a ball and a cup and say "That's what I played when I was your age."

This works too!
But the kid really wants James Pond. Who knows what will happen if he doesn't get James Pond. In his eyes James Pond is probably the bees knees. Why deprive him of James Pond, Knives :(

...James Pond, James Pond, James Pond.
I'm honestly suprised. I thought poor James Pond was dead and gone was going to forever remain in the history of gaming.. That's kinda cool that they are bringing him back!
I would probably only ever buy this game pre owned for cheap.
I would never get hyped for it and buy it on the first day of it coming out.
Seems not the best.

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