Xbox One Exciting Times

i got an e-mail from the ms store asking me to confirm my address info to endure i get the xb1 on launch day! I wasn't 100% sure i was getting it on launch since i ordered a bit late, but this seems to seal it.

I'm pretty pumped now. I saw a display in my local walmart too, but it was mobbed and i didn't feel it appropriate to push children out of my way to try it.

f those kids!!!!! Gaaaaaaaaaaaa!
I got an e-mail from the MS store asking me to confirm my address info to endure I get the XB1 on launch day! I wasn't 100% sure I was getting it on launch since I ordered a bit late, but this seems to seal it.

I'm pretty pumped now. I saw a display in my local WalMart too, but it was mobbed and I didn't feel it appropriate to push children out of my way to try it.

Awesome! But I thought you were nixing the XB1 for the PS4??? Haha, just kidding... Congrats!

Oh and btw, I'm seeing more stores with the XB1 popping up in display areas. This is, indeed, a good time to be a player!


I also got a phone call letting me know about this earlier today.
I am so jealous! It's looking like I'll be picking my system up at 7am on 11/22. Doubt if my Walmart is going to have a midnight sale.

Ok got my controller in on Saturday. Sorry been gone all week hunting lol.
This is just about as intense as the anticipation for when the 360 was released!
I am so jealous! It's looking like I'll be picking my system up at 7am on 11/22. Doubt if my Walmart is going to have a midnight sale.


Ok, found out that Walmart will be hosting a Xbox One midnight release even if they aren't a 24 hour store. Getting my system at 12:01 am baby!!!

I'm really happy too, the launch of a new console is always great news.

I've started to dislike this last generation quite a lot, from about 2008/9 onwards. The business model changed and it was all about DLC, adverts, promotions and other stuff I didn't like at all, it was less about games and more about everything surrounding games. This is all my opinion, but I'm sure the rest of you can agree. I can't see it being any different for this new generation, but any way, hopefully things will change for the good.

I'm kind of upset in a way too. It's making me feel quite old, especially when I think about how old I'll be by the time the next generation arrives :(
We are so close I can taste it LOL I'm not sure I can handle so much anticipation at this point, there's signs of the XB1 everywhere. Share your sightings in this thread!

Awesome! can't wait as well, seems like Xbox es everywhere now - on the news, the internet, billboards etc. I wish i would lay my hands on one of those ASAP
The only thing i don't like is the lack of software support. Do you remember the old generations launch days, where things would go nuts over which game would you play first? Nowadays the first thing i think about is when will it get a price drop/ slim version so i can get it for cheaper.

This is exactly what im thinking. After seeing multiple better versions of the Xbox 360 come out, im just going to wait for that to happen before i buy an xbox one
This is exactly what im thinking. After seeing multiple better versions of the Xbox 360 come out, im just going to wait for that to happen before i buy an xbox one

If you're not psyched about any of the games, I'd wait for something that makes me "need" the system.

Holy crap.. those are some beautiful pictures of the Xbone controller. Can't wait for me to get my console in. Exciting times indeed. Really can't wait for Titanfall. I have a feeling the game is going to be big. I've been waiting for a game to come along and take the crown from CoD, and this one has potential.
Holy crap.. those are some beautiful pictures of the Xbone controller. Can't wait for me to get my console in. Exciting times indeed. Really can't wait for Titanfall. I have a feeling the game is going to be big. I've been waiting for a game to come along and take the crown from CoD, and this one has potential.

The controller is VERY beautiful and the button design for the trigger and right / left buttons is sweet! Almost feel as if they are unified.

I am soooooooooooooooooooo excited!!!!!!!! 3 more days!!!!!!!!!!!!


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