Original Xbox Favorite Game

I would have to choose Halo 2. I played Halo 2 almost everyday with my friends. It's kinda hard just to choose one game because their are so many good ones. The Burnout games for the original Xbox were really fun! I enjoyed them a lot. I wish I still had an original Xbox so I can go back down memory lane. Halo 2 was my first experience of online gaming, I was stunned by the technology. The game was popular when I was in middle school, I used to brag to all my friends at school about how awesome Xbox live was lol. I can say with complete honesty that no other first-person shooter can touch Bungie's epic in terms of level design, gunplay, sheer action or multiplayer entertainment. Halo 2 is my favorite original Xbox game because of all the good experiences I had playing it? What do you guys think about Halo 2?
The first game I've ever played on an original Xbox Console was Halo 2 when I was in elementary school. I would go to one of my friend's apartment room after school and we would play the game endlessly, having fun and not knowing what to do because we were too small to understand much about games and about the world in general at the time. It was amazingly fun and entertaining for the both of us, even though we absolutely had almost no idea what we were doing in the game and constantly kept dying as well. Honestly, ever since that, I was intrigued by Bungie's games, so you can say that because of that experience I've taken a liking into Bungie and the entirety of the Halo series.
Of course I'd have to second both Halo 2 and Fuzion Frenzy. But I'd have to also include both Kung Fu Chaos (Was just a really fun off the wall multiplayer game) and Voodoo Vince (Probably one of my first games for the system and really memorable for me).
My first Xbox experience was with the original Halo game when the system had just come out. It was my first time playing an alien shooter, as I my FPS familiarity was almost exclusive to the James Bond series of games. My friend had just received one as a present, and had the Halo game as well as the Fuzion Frenzy demo and some other demo which I can't remember. It was an absolute adventure being part of such a strange, graphically intense world. I felt like I was playing the games of the future (though that's the same way I felt when N64 came out).
I´m far away from everybody on this one, but this title really made my head explode.
Man, this game is awesome, and only a few people played this one. But i know some people who did, and they all agree that the game is really underated, and the ending is simply EPIC! And the game is challenging as hell!
You´ll get your ass kicked so many times ( It is made on purpose, at first you suck at fighting, will get sick of getting your ass kicked so many times, but if you learn to fight and pass the first half of the game...surprise! )
Breakdown is by far the best game on the console for me.
Yes, i´ve played ( and own ) all the games people already commented here, and I agree with that all of them are very good.
But man, you should give Breakdown a try.
I don't remember Breakdown at all. I'll have to check it out. It sounds like an early cycle title.
A friend of mine had Breakdown and it was pretty sweet. First person beat 'em up is the simplest definition for it, but it was more than that.
My favorite original Xbox title was Morrowind with Fable being very close. I've played Breakdown and it's as awesome as Ben Dover said. The game should've gotten a better run. By now we should've had a third installment. I truly believe that.
I don't remember Breakdown at all. I'll have to check it out. It sounds like an early cycle title.

Hey, MetalSwift, check this video to know more about Breakdown.
Doesn't look like, but the story of the game is very complex, and the ending... man, one of the best i´ve ever seen.
A friend of mine had Breakdown and it was pretty sweet. First person beat 'em up is the simplest definition for it, but it was more than that.

That's a good definition, despite the fact that you DO make use of weapons in the game. You must master the mechanics of fighting to beat the main common enemies of the game, wich are immune to bullets. They´re just a training for you to be able to have two epic fights with THE main enemy of the game, but 'till then, you'll get your arse kicked many, many times. Basically, you fight the T'lan Warriors with your fists and feet ( yes, you can kick and spin around, just like the trailer ), and kill the enemy soldiers ( human ) with guns, but you can beat the crap outta them with your fists too if you want.
You learn to fear the T'lan warriors in the beginning of the game because you just can't fight or shoot them, the thing you will hear often is "DERRICK, RUN!!" and that's the only thing you can do for now. Every time you see one of them, you´ll crap your pants and run like hell to find a way to escape. But at certain point, you will discover you can fight them, and that's when you will learn how to do it. But at this point, they're still strong as hell and will kill you very quickly. It's when the game becomes a little frustrating, because you will die a lot, even fighting well, cause very often you won't be fighting one T'lan Warrior, you will meet at least two, and even four or five at the same time. It's a mess... They literally beat all the crap out of you, mercyless. Then, you'll start to HATE them.
All this frustration has a purpose... They made it this way for you to hate them with all your guts, because later, in the game, the time for revenge will come... and that's when you'll see yourself beating the crap outta THEM.. And man, what a PLEASURE... Never revenge in a game was so sweet...
Anyways, i'm writing too much... It's because I really enjoy this game and never miss the chance to recommend to everybody I can.
Believe me, you'll agree with me when you beat this game.
Ninja Gaiden, Halo, Splinter Cell, Need For Speed games, pretty much that, I haven't played that much Xbox games,I don't really have a huge library of games, but those are my absoulute favorite and I think most people agree.Halo multiplayer matches are awesome, Splinter Cell has that intense and heavy atmosphere and the NFS games,well who doesn't want to be a street racer in a Lamborghini?
My favorite games on the original xbox were the Splinter Cell games, the GTA games and burnout 3. Those games are just a few of the games that I was addicted to on the original xbox. Good days were those and every time that I talk about the original xbox I keep getting those memories back as a matter of fact I am going to play mine right now.
I loved renting Conflict: Desert Combat from the video store back in the day and getting a few friends for a sleep over. We'd stay up late in to the night playing this ridiculous game, which in hindsight wasn't even that good. Local co-op and the general feel of tactical combat made us feel pretty awesome though.

I've since tried some of the spinoffs but really nothing has been able to capture that youthful naivete haha.
My favorite original Xbox games has got to be Halo: Combat Evolved. My friends and I would spend hours practically everyday playing online or just spit screen amongst ourselves. Halo will always be my favorite game for the original Xbox.
I loved renting Conflict: Desert Combat from the video store back in the day and getting a few friends for a sleep over. We'd stay up late in to the night playing this ridiculous game, which in hindsight wasn't even that good. Local co-op and the general feel of tactical combat made us feel pretty awesome though.

I've since tried some of the spinoffs but really nothing has been able to capture that youthful naivete haha.

Man, My friends and I used to do this too, awesome game to play with friends over local co-op, this game alone made me want to get an xbox.
Your right that it wasnt THAT good as far games go but it pulled it off so well.

EDIT: This was prob my favorite game too, if not then it was Ninja Gaiden, I liked how you pretty much had to play at the top of your game and not stuff around, sometimes it was a bit too much but when you were playing well it made you feel pretty bad ass.
Probably Fable. I sank so much energy in to that game, it's almost embarrassing.
Man, My friends and I used to do this too, awesome game to play with friends over local co-op, this game alone made me want to get an xbox.
Your right that it wasnt THAT good as far games go but it pulled it off so well.

EDIT: This was prob my favorite game too, if not then it was Ninja Gaiden, I liked how you pretty much had to play at the top of your game and not stuff around, sometimes it was a bit too much but when you were playing well it made you feel pretty bad ass.
Conflict: Desert Storm? If this is what you're talking about I totally forgot about this game. I rented it from Movie Gallery back when they were still a thing and played it non stop for that week. I unfortunately never bought it but would always play with my buddies at their place. If I remember correctly there was a sequel or two but they weren't as good.
Conflict: Desert Storm? If this is what you're talking about I totally forgot about this game. I rented it from Movie Gallery back when they were still a thing and played it non stop for that week. I unfortunately never bought it but would always play with my buddies at their place. If I remember correctly there was a sequel or two but they weren't as good.

Yeah the Conflict series, Desert Storm I and II were both great, i enjoyed Global and Vietnam too but they started to get a bit more complex IMO which wasnt really a bad thing i guess but the Desert Storm ones were a bit more straight forward and fun. Just stay away from the FPS Conflict title Denied Ops on 360, it was terrible.

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