Favorite genre of games?

My top two have to be first person shooters and racing games. I've always loved FPS games for some reason, I've shot an assault rifle once in my life and it felt amazing, since then I've loved shooting guns in games and the satisfaction of being the best in multiplayer games is great. Racing games are also great fun because they let you drive in a way you can't in real life - fast and recklessly.
Games like Forza, Need for Speed and Driveclub do it really well, they don't have to have the perfect physics engine but if they look great and you can make your ride truly yours, they're games I consider worth playing.

Third place would go to MOBAs. There's just something about them that make it fun to play. The sheer amount of content and features that most MOBAs have make them a great game to invest time into. Honourable mention goes to Clicker games for being addictive and ruining my fingers!
I think it would be easier for me to name the genres I don't like than it would be for me to try and single out a favorite. The only genres I don't care much for are sports (boring) and maybe racing. If I had more gamers in the house to compete against, though, I might even like those.
I lоvе а lоt оf gаmеs. My list оf fаvоuritеs is mаdе uр оf diffеrеnt gеnrеs. Bаttlеfiеld 3, Mirrоrs Еdgе, Skyrim. But my fаvоuritе gаmе оf аll timе is thе gооd оld Dаyz mоd. Hоly shit my friеnds аnd I рlаyеd thе shit оut оf thаt gаmе. My friеnds рlаyеd in а tоurnаmеnt аt Drеаmhасk аnd finishеd 2:nd рlасе аnd I hоnеstly bеliеvе оnе оf my friеnds is оnе оf thе bеst in thе wоrld оn thаt gаmе. Thе аdrеаnаlinе rush yоu gеt whеn yоu sit bеhind а trее with bullеts rаining dоwn аrоund yоu whilе yоur sniреr is flаnking thе еnеmy is nоt sоmеthing thаt I hаvе gоttеn in аny оthеr gаmе. I dоnt knоw whаt gеnrе it fаlls undеr thоugh
Mine is easily platformer. There's no way to encapsulate my love for platforming games into a brief post, but something about the mix of adventure and strategy has always made me enjoy platformers. There's no stupid competition with others, no stupid carrot-on-a-stick rewards, just you & the game and joy.
Western RPG's, simulation, racing, 3D platformers (mostly just Mario), shooters (third person and first person).
This is not an easy question for me, since I like lot of game genre - except for, maybe, sports game.
If I had to choose, based on what my favourite games are, it would probably be action games, something like Devil May Cry or the Batman games. If it have some platforming part, even better since I love platforms - a genre not so popular today probably.
I think if you had asked me this question 5 years ago, I would've probably said FPS. Nowadays, I enjoy the simple things in life. Like playing Fifa 14 with my friends. I enjoy games like CS:GO, COD, and others. But I think overall for me nowadays, sporting games are my personal favorite. I'm American, so I thoroughly enjoy the Madden series as well as NBA 2k17.
There's hardly any genre that I dislike playing. I think every game genre has good and bad sides that make the games within it what they truly are.

However, the genre that I prefer the most/enjoy playing the most is RPG, open world, free roam type of games or the ones where the story isn't linear and you can affect how it will unravel with your own decisions. Those type of games offer so much fun and you can spend hours on them!

Oh, and survival games. I love a good survival game with a wide open world with tons of activities to do - crafting, exploring, collectibles.
@Algera I can also agree with that as well! Open world/free roam games with the ability to make choices within the story are excellent gaming titles.

You never quite know what's going to happen. It also keeps you intrigued as the story continues on.
I love video games with captivating stories and plenty of action, like Horizon, Halo, and The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. I also enjoy watching DiceGirl Egle, an expert slot streamer, on Twitch. Currently, I’m playing The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom, and I absolutely love seeing Zelda as a swordswoman! It’s about time she had her own game, and I’m enjoying every moment of it. ;)
I mainly play offline games - anything with a decent story. Some of my favourite games are Dying Light, Deus Ex, Halo, Horizon and Mirrors Edge.

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