Original Xbox Favorite original Xbox game (for multiplayer)


New Member
Jan 31, 2013
So as said in the title, name your favorite Xbox game that you used to either play on Xbox live or system link. My favorite would have to be Mechassault 2: Lone Wolf. fairly decent graphics, fast paced gameplay (but not too fast), requires a LOT of teamwork, lots of multiplayer maps (with even more through DLC + limited edition disc), There are a lot of options at the start of a game.

There are 30 mechs, 2 battle armors (power armors), a tank, defense turret, and VTOL (Vertical Take-Off and Landing, Think Tiltrotor or Harrier). While the mechs were fighting, the VTOL could bring upgrades (health packs, upgrades to lasers / missiles / ballistics) and drop them on allied mechs. I personally used to use a VTOL almost all the time, I liked supporting my team.
I'll have to say Pro Evolution Soccer 5. I am a football (soccer) fanatic, and so is my friend, and we literally tore the controllers apart playing that game together!
We'd make international tournaments playing with an underdog country, and we'd bring it to glory!
Good times.
Sadly for me, I never really played online when I was younger, mainly because I didn't know that I could. I did however, after I learned about Xbox Live when the 360 came out, go back and play a lot of my old games using their online features. I really wish I had known about them earlier!
Halo 2.

Best online experience I have ever had was back when I was playing Halo 2 competitively. Such a great game, and the people I met on there were very unique. I will never forget the tournaments we had every weekend, and the LAN parties we setup to stomp a public server. Oh the memories!
Gotta give it to Unreal Championship. That game was too awesome for its era. Even offline, playing cpu's were time-consuming for hours on end (atleast for me) The weapons were plentyful, atlEAST 25 different ones. Man I miss that game...
Halo 1 split screen, me and my brother tore that game apart! Then halo 2 online was unbeatable It was so sick, I'll never forget it!

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