Favorite Pokemon Game?

Pokemon Fire Red.
It has got to be Pokemon Emerald. That was the greatest game of all time,the first time I completed it was 3 years ago on my GBA. And I have finished the game around 5 times in total. I probably have more than 500 hours on that game.
I have a GBA emulator on my phone just to play the old Pokemon games.
My favorite Pokémon game would have to be Emerald. When I look back on it, I completed so much on that game it's amazing. If I remember correctly, I had managed to catch around 205 Pokémon, the most I had ever caught on a Pokémon game. What hurts though is the fact that game was stolen along with my blue Gameboy Advance SP by who I thought was a very good friend.
My most favorite Pokemon game would have to be Soul Silver. It used to be Pokemon Emerald, but when I first played Soul Silver I automatically fell in love. It's a whole new experience when playing with the DS than with the gameboy. There's so many new features you can take advantage of in the more recent games. Playing online with other people wireless really puts the cherry on top.
Either Pokemon Red because it was my first Pokemon game or Ruby because I loved how many things it improved.
Both are excellent games, and I really want a 3DS just to play Pokemon Y.
Pokemon Black/White is my favorite in the series overall. The generations I loved the most was Red/Blue/Yellow and Silver/Gold/Crystal. It was simply Pokemon kept simple.
Blue was my first and I always enjoyed the original Pokemon generation the most.That was nostalgia, man. Then G/S came out with the day/night cycle and it was awesome. I think I played every other monster battle/collection game that came out on GBC because of Pokemon: DW Monsters, Metal Walker, Robopon, etc.
I remember liked Metal Walker and loving Robopon. I don't think the other version was ever release statside. I liked the sequel that hit GBA as well.
I never played Robopon or Metal Walker. I remember Azure Dreams on GBC and PS1. Monster games were awesome. They all had the same mechanics, objective, and jump off point, but boy were they fun. Perfectly made for turn based RPGs.
I played Azure Dreams on GBC first and eventually tried it on PSX. I liked both, but preferred the handheld more. There should've been a lot more Metal Walker and Azure Dreams. I believe there was another on DS.
Yeah there's an Azure Dreams for DS, but I've never given it a try. The Dragon Quest Monsters games on DS are so-so. They're not up there with the GBC ones really, but they don't suck. I hope we see another for 3DS soon, it could be the one to get it right and return to DQM and DQM II.
Square Enix needs to get back to old school DQM. I'd put that series in the top tier of the pantheon of monster battle games with Pokemon, Digimon, and Monster Rancher as the three main gods. Robotrek would be like a titan or giant. It was the first, but long forgotten. That's probably why Robotrek was never continued, they had DQM.
Getting back to old school DQM is the least of Square Enix's problems, but I would like a straight forward DQM. The game didn't need much for it to work. I'd love if they brought the first and second to 3DS' VC and allowed for online multiplayer.
Did not care for the DQM on DS. I still play the two on GBC to this day, though. I agree with Swift that they need to hit the VC soon.
I actually thought DQM on DS was better than so-so. The first of the two was pretty good and the second was good. Not great or anything.
Finally got Pokemon Y. Should be enjoying this when I get time.
Mystey Dungeon Explorers of Time, DX, and Red, seeing as it was the first I played. Can not say I ever really got into Pokemon quite as much as my friends since they talk about EV's and what not.

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