Xbox One For those who aren't purchasing the Xbox One right away: what would change your mind?

I have posted this article before, its before they changed the policy, you should read it. Ill quote a spot for you:

But hey, if all you want is a game machine, after Sony's massive Q & A, That is EXACTLY what you will get ;)

Well said. What did people say when cell phones would have internet capabilities???" Well if I want to go on the internet I'll just use my computer. Stupid advanced technology!"
Well said. What did people say when cell phones would have internet capabilities???" Well if I want to go on the internet I'll just use my computer. Stupid advanced technology!"

And Illa dmit...I WAS one of those peeps back in the day lol
The start with the sega cd,our game creators created this stuff with a vision of theres all the way to now with the Wii U (gamepad),Xbox One (Kinect),and PS4 (eye).Sony is not pushing their device but it is there for a reason!I am with Nintendo and they vision so I bought a Wii U,I am with Microsoft and they vision so I am patiently waiting for my Day1 edition,and I don't know what sony's vision is but gaming,but I am going to get one still cause I want one too!A lot of you all just need not to get it then!EVER!!!!Cause the kinect is here to stay!!!!
It would have to be a massive price drop. I am talking a ridiculous price drop that will probably never happen in the console's life cycle. The reality is that I am not that interested in the XBox One, so it would really have to be a dirt cheap console for me to purchase it day one.
Well if you wait to see what is going to happen in the future, the PS5 is not going to be any better..

Right now the biggest thing holding me back is the Kinect. I don't want a Kinect and I never did. If it was something you could buy separately like it was with the 360, then I would be running up to Microsoft and trying to give them my money. But because they had to attach the Kinect, the console is going to be more expensive and the specs might suffer for it too. Having backwards compatibility would also score some major points with me. It used to be that the Xbox and Playstation were the two "hardcore" consoles and the Wii was the casual/family one. Now it seems like it's just a hierarchy where PS4 will be the hardcore console, Xbox will be the middle child, and Wii U will be the casual/family friendly one.

The price, and by extension the Kinect, are what's holding me back. I'm not as interested in Kinect gaming as I am in just regular controller-in-hand gaming, at least not until they come out with some seriously innovative games. Right now the extra weight of the Kinect's price can't be a justifiable purchase for me.

Then there's the lack of interesting games, but that's an issue that solves itself with time.

Reading this thread makes me realize that many have missed a big point of the Xbox One. It is not just a video game system even though it can be used as one, it is a universal device to control your entire living room and viewing experience. It is meant as the center piece of your home viewing environment.

You take away the kinect, you remove most of the functionality of the Xbox One as it was designed to use voice/motion. Removing the kinect will even limit some games as you can use voice/motion like in Ryse, Dead Rising and others. Removing the kinect also removes the multitasking, snap windows, voice and motion control and so much more.

I look forward to walking into my living room 11/22 and saying "Xbox On", "turn to channel XYZ", snap Internet Explorer so I can look something up when watchingTV, "play music", etc..... I want to scream and yell :) playing Ryse to control my army. None of which is doable without the Kinect.

If you just want a basic video game machine the 360 or even PS4 is fine.
Ok but lets be serious here. While it may end up working perfectly for you, there are going to be so many people it has trouble understanding and who will get frustrated. We like to say we're hardcore gamers but since when did hardcore gamers need voice commands to turn their console on. Hardcore gamers just want to play their games. We dont want to have the option to watch tv while paying our games, because then we'd be distracted. i dont want to tweet or fb about my game, because if i wanted people to know im playing a game, id have them at my house playing with me!
I don't hate the Xbox One, and I understand it just fine. And I agree: I don't need to turn my console on with my voice to enjoy playing games. Both Microsoft and Sony are trying to expand the market beyond people who identify as gamers (which they've already done by allowing apps like Netflix), but I'm already in that demographic so I don't need more convincing, so to speak. If I get an Xbox One---and I will, eventually---I'll use it to play games, maybe stream Netflix, and that's pretty much it. No voice commands, no games that you control with your body; just me and a controller and a bunch of 13 year-olds telling me about their sexual exploits with my family members.
Ok but lets be serious here. While it may end up working perfectly for you, there are going to be so many people it has trouble understanding and who will get frustrated. We like to say we're hardcore gamers but since when did hardcore gamers need voice commands to turn their console on. Hardcore gamers just want to play their games. We dont want to have the option to watch tv while paying our games, because then we'd be distracted. i dont want to tweet or fb about my game, because if i wanted people to know im playing a game, id have them at my house playing with me!
That's like saying a hadcore PC gamer doesnt need their PC to check email or browse. Do you all realize that these extra options are just that??!!

Why is it so diificult to comprehend that you DO NOT have to use any extra features. My vehicle came with standard
heated seats. Didnt ask for it and I dont use it but Im not running around moaning about it.
Ok but lets be serious here. While it may end up working perfectly for you, there are going to be so many people it has trouble understanding and who will get frustrated. We like to say we're hardcore gamers but since when did hardcore gamers need voice commands to turn their console on. Hardcore gamers just want to play their games. We dont want to have the option to watch tv while paying our games, because then we'd be distracted. i dont want to tweet or fb about my game, because if i wanted people to know im playing a game, id have them at my house playing with me!

Please show me one advert or article where MSFt calls the XB1 a gaming console. They don't, they say it's an all in one machine. You get what you pay for, if you don’t like it, you don't buy it, but why cry about it? I don't groan about my Sharp Smart TV doing too much. Its nice to have all the options, but they're not for me. I may not need a browser or games on my TV, but they're there and it didn't stop me from buying the tv.
People seem to miss, the Xbox One is more a entire living room entertainment extension than just a video game machine. That is why it appeals to a wider range of people than just gamers. Sure you can use it just for games, but you can even use it just for all the other things too. If it was just a gaming machine, I would probably not rushed to get it and stayed with the 360. It's all the oddities and add ons and tweaks that sucked me in and helped me make a decision.

"Xbox On".

If we think about it and use the Xbox One "like it was designed and shown in the commercials" we will probably use it way more for "non gaming" things than gaming. I play games a few hours a week, but use the TV, play music, use apps like YouTube 10x more.