Xbox One Future genres

I'm pretty sure that survival oriented games will be big in the future. It doesn't matter if they are FPS or RPG games, it can be anything. I'm talking about games like DayZ or (soon to come) H1Z1. I'm sure we will get more games like this in the future. Hopefully, at least. :P
Do you think horror games would have a big market appeal or just be something for a smaller crowd?
Not sure if they would do it if there wasn't a huge interest...

Well, I'm not so sure though. I don't think it has that huge of a following but there are a lot of horror fans out there, especially on games. Since the success of Amnesia, horror games have been popping out one by one, mostly by indie developers really, but I think the horror genre is kind of getting wind lately, I think Bethesda will be releasing one.
I'm pretty sure that survival oriented games will be big in the future. It doesn't matter if they are FPS or RPG games, it can be anything. I'm talking about games like DayZ or (soon to come) H1Z1. I'm sure we will get more games like this in the future. Hopefully, at least. :P

Well games like that would be a success for sure, I don't really consider those horror games though, I was thinking more like Amnesia, Slender, etc.
Man I'm really excited for H1Z1, I hope it lives up to the expectations and doesn't flop.
I saw hasbro is making risk for xbox one... so I downloaded the app but the game is unavailable, so I'm going to go ahead and assume their working on the game. Unless that's their trick to get people to download the hasbro app.

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