Xbox One Game Feeling Dead After Completing Story?


Aug 27, 2016
I don't know about you guys, but I absolutely LOVED the game. I didn't realise up until halfway the story that I should upgrade my ship, hunt animals to craft better holsters and such, and all of the other awesome stuff you can do which I previously ignored.

Then it happened. I completed the story.
... And the game just felt completely dead. As if there is nothing left to do, yet I hadn't done half the things you could do. Let me try to explain.

Doing side missions and such while NOT having finished the story, felt like an amazing experience. You're in the Caribbeans, you're messing up enormous ships, and you're searching for treasure as the whole world is sitting on the couch with you.

Doing side missions AFTER finishing the story, feels like the awesome characters are now programmed NPCs, the world which once felt alive is now simply a bunch of graphics, and you're alone on the couch playing the game.

How can finishing a story have such an effect on you?
Well I am usually so exhausted from finishing the story that I really need a break before picking it back up again. That said, though, I really do not end up finishing a lot of games these days, so that feeling is rare. I think the feelings usually return, though, but it depends on the game too of course.
Well, it's not that the game dies, the game stays alive, the only thing that I think really happens is that the vibe and the interest die right after you complete the game because you've finally achieved your objective which probably was so hard for you and that's why you would not like to pass through those hard situations anymore.
Guys, it's not really like that. I'm talking about games where the story isn't really the main focus of the game, such as Assassin's Creed 4 and The Witcher. Sure, they have cool stories, but they aren't really the only things you'll be trying to finish in the game.
Preferably, you'll want to put more effort into the side stuff. That's why I think it's odd how much of an effect completing the story has on the game.
@NotCasual I guess you're mostly talking about quests and stuff you have to search up for as you play by yourself without trying to complete any mission, I understand it. Well I personally think that it all may depend on the quality of the assignment and that sort of thing, you do not really want to go around searching for apples.
While I haven't played Black Flag I do know what you're saying. I feel that way about Fallout 4. The DLC will renew my interest until I finish the primary storyline in the DLC at that time my interest begins to wane. I suppose on a subconscious level that's why I haven't started the Nuka World DLC I know once I complete that there is no more. Oddly enough I can repeatedly do the same mindless tasks, killing the same mobs in Diablo III guess that loot does make a difference.
There is all sorts to do on this like collect the collectables . I love this game I do try to get as many achievements as possible.
I agree with you. AC: Black Flag is one of the top games from the Assassin's Creed franchise for me. Exactly for the reasons you've listed! It is absolutely incredible because it has so many side activities and side quests. If you want to collect everything and reach that 100% you will have to invest a lot of time into it. I love games like that - that aren't just the main story and done. Games should always have some depth and things to be excited about besides the basic plot.

I've spent hours and hours playing this game and it was an amazing experience. Great naval battle system, so many little-hidden islands to explore and more.
My recent game I have started playing is watchdogs was one of Xbox games with gold this month great game. I nearly completed it already but like with the assassins games I want to totally complete it lol by doing everything.

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