Xbox One Game of Thrones New Story, Side Story or Based on Novels/TV Series Story?

Oooh, the books are SO good. The series is good too, of course. I would dig a prequel a la Wolf/Walking Dead by Telltale. I don't know, if they go the way of some of the other movies that have gone to video game it could go either way. I typically stay as far away from those games as possible because, well, quite often the games just suck.

If they did such an epic undertaking as Skyrim then well, yeah, it would be great. Oftentimes it seems that the developers don't put nearly enough effort into games based on shows/movies (even though this is originally a set of novels, it gained tremendous popularity when it appeared on HBO, so for sake of the thread, I'm calling it a show/movie).

I have a feeling Telltale can pull it off. I didn't think they could make a good standalone story to The Walking Dead but somehow, they did, as marthyrocks said. But we can tell if they'll base the game on the novel or show/movie IF the characters look anything like they do in the TV series. Either way, I know it's going to be good. Telltale can do it, I know they can.
Oooh, the books are SO good. The series is good too, of course. I would dig a prequel a la Wolf/Walking Dead by Telltale. I don't know, if they go the way of some of the other movies that have gone to video game it could go either way. I typically stay as far away from those games as possible because, well, quite often the games just suck.

If they did such an epic undertaking as Skyrim then well, yeah, it would be great. Oftentimes it seems that the developers don't put nearly enough effort into games based on shows/movies (even though this is originally a set of novels, it gained tremendous popularity when it appeared on HBO, so for sake of the thread, I'm calling it a show/movie).

Well, that's the developers after all. Some of them just choose to I guess to not put much effort to it. But Telltale, on the other hand, have shown good credit when they adapt well-known stuff into video games. I got faith they can do this. Show/movie or novel, I know they got something that can really add to the awesomeness of Game of Thrones. I know they can do this, as the others have said here. We'll just wait and see what they have for us in the coming months.
Well, that's the developers after all. Some of them just choose to I guess to not put much effort to it. But Telltale, on the other hand, have shown good credit when they adapt well-known stuff into video games. I got faith they can do this. Show/movie or novel, I know they got something that can really add to the awesomeness of Game of Thrones. I know they can do this, as the others have said here. We'll just wait and see what they have for us in the coming months.

It's way better if they can make one really similar to the series.
Hmmmm... but interesting to know if they'll adapt the novel or the show/movie. The novel had a lot of things that was never adapted to the show/movie or even changed. Telltale, as we can see, adapted mostly to the literary source with the exception to Back to the Future. So we'll see if Game of Thrones will adapt to the novel or show/movie. Well, let's hope they can do something good with their license. I'm looking forward to this.

Yeah, the first season of the show was pretty true to the first book, but the second season strays a bit from the books. I wouldn't mind seeing a collaboration with the author to do kind of a spin off on characters or a prequel. Wait, I think they should make a story around Tyrion! Not really, but I do love his character :)
Yeah, the first season of the show was pretty true to the first book, but the second season strays a bit from the books. I wouldn't mind seeing a collaboration with the author to do kind of a spin off on characters or a prequel. Wait, I think they should make a story around Tyrion! Not really, but I do love his character :)

Tyrion! I love that character. Yeah, why not? There's a lot we don't know about Tyrion, especially that time about his first true love. Hahahah XD When they give me the dialogue choices, I'll make sure it's Tyrion-like!
Yeah, the first season of the show was pretty true to the first book, but the second season strays a bit from the books. I wouldn't mind seeing a collaboration with the author to do kind of a spin off on characters or a prequel. Wait, I think they should make a story around Tyrion! Not really, but I do love his character

Sounds cool. Hey they're releasing a movie for Game of Thrones this year.
Wehhh.... WHAT?! A Game of Thrones movie?! Whoa, that's new. That's really, really new. Well, well, more GoT this year then!

I don't see a movie about it yet. I don't know where he got this info anyways. I've seen some videos online but they all point to Game of Thrones Season 4.
Sounds cool. Hey they're releasing a movie for Game of Thrones this year.

I don't think you're right about that. Can you source the information? Are you sure you're not confused by the big deal they made over the season four trailer?
Maybe this is what he meant? It's mostly a hint by the actor who played Jon Snow. It's still an option he said.

NO movie about it yet. He probably mistook season 4 as a movie. Haha.
NO movie about it yet. He probably mistook season 4 as a movie. Haha.

Probably right. Then again, when you assemble Season 4 and watch it all together... it's a movie too lol. I mean hey, I know of an indie movie in the Philippines that runs for 5 HOURS man. 5 HOURS. That's already half a season of Game of Thrones!
Probably right. Then again, when you assemble Season 4 and watch it all together... it's a movie too lol. I mean hey, I know of an indie movie in the Philippines that runs for 5 HOURS man. 5 HOURS. That's already half a season of Game of Thrones!

What? There was a movie in the philippines that lasted for 5 hours?? What was the title? I want to look for that movie.
Probably right. Then again, when you assemble Season 4 and watch it all together... it's a movie too lol. I mean hey, I know of an indie movie in the Philippines that runs for 5 HOURS man. 5 HOURS. That's already half a season of Game of Thrones!

It kinda makes sense if you put it that way. a 5 hour indie movie? What the.
What? There was a movie in the philippines that lasted for 5 hours?? What was the title? I want to look for that movie.

It kinda makes sense if you put it that way. a 5 hour indie movie? What the.

It's called Batang West Side. I asked thedoodseven in PM about translation of the movie title since he's a Filipino himself and he said the rough translation is: West Side Kid. Batang, remove the ng, is Bata or Kid. West Side is... well, you know the West Side already. You can also say Kid of the West Side as well. I checked up on the film beforehand and yes, it's really 5 hours long. It's that long my friends ;-D Oh and to be technical about this, the film was shot in New Jersey and deals with the Fil-Am community there. Still.... 5 hours guys. That's already 5 episodes of a Game of Thrones season.

Oh and did I mention the director of Batang West Side also made a movie that lasts for 9 hours? YES. This director, Lav Diaz, really has the knack for making movies that lasts longer than the conventional film.

It's called Batang West Side. I asked thedoodseven in PM about translation of the movie title since he's a Filipino himself and he said the rough translation is: West Side Kid. Batang, remove the ng, is Bata or Kid. West Side is... well, you know the West Side already. You can also say Kid of the West Side as well. I checked up on the film beforehand and yes, it's really 5 hours long. It's that long my friends ;-D Oh and to be technical about this, the film was shot in New Jersey and deals with the Fil-Am community there. Still.... 5 hours guys. That's already 5 episodes of a Game of Thrones season.

Oh and did I mention the director of Batang West Side also made a movie that lasts for 9 hours? YES. This director, Lav Diaz, really has the knack for making movies that lasts longer than the conventional film.

My golly.. this director really has the knack indeed. I can understand if he had to make the 5 hour movie as means of expression but 9 HOURS?! That's almost a season of Game of Thrones already. SHEET... what do the characters even do in that span of 9 hours?!

It's called Batang West Side. I asked thedoodseven in PM about translation of the movie title since he's a Filipino himself and he said the rough translation is: West Side Kid. Batang, remove the ng, is Bata or Kid. West Side is... well, you know the West Side already. You can also say Kid of the West Side as well. I checked up on the film beforehand and yes, it's really 5 hours long. It's that long my friends ;-D Oh and to be technical about this, the film was shot in New Jersey and deals with the Fil-Am community there. Still.... 5 hours guys. That's already 5 episodes of a Game of Thrones season.

Oh and did I mention the director of Batang West Side also made a movie that lasts for 9 hours? YES. This director, Lav Diaz, really has the knack for making movies that lasts longer than the conventional film.

My golly.. this director really has the knack indeed. I can understand if he had to make the 5 hour movie as means of expression but 9 HOURS?! That's almost a season of Game of Thrones already. SHEET... what do the characters even do in that span of 9 hours?!

Yup, the director is crazy indeed. So all of you users here, you've now learned that indie movies like the ones that exist in my country are like this. Hahaha. Anyway, back to the topic: Game of Thrones: The Game.. looking forward to it. Whatever form it is, as long as it's good, it's good!
Oh and did I mention the director of Batang West Side also made a movie that lasts for 9 hours? YES. This director, Lav Diaz, really has the knack for making movies that lasts longer than the conventional film.

Wow. Now that's way longer than any movie that I've watched, you could literally watch 3 lord of the rings movies.
Wow. Now that's way longer than any movie that I've watched, you could literally watch 3 lord of the rings movies.

XD I know right? Seriously, that director must've really loved it. Man, the world of movies gets weirder when you know somebody made 1 movie that is literally 9 hours.,
Wow. Now that's way longer than any movie that I've watched, you could literally watch 3 lord of the rings movies.

Yeah, I agree. 3 Lord of the Rings movies... and even longer. Damn.,.. that's just one movie even. What if there were 2 more chapters or parts for that movie and ran the same time? I'd be... seriously! That's already literally 1 day!

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