Xbox One GameStop A Big Factor In Xbox One DRM Reversal

I wouldn't be surprised if GameStop had some sort of influence in the decision.

It will be very interesting to see how their position differs moving forward - GameStop has pretty much always had an affinity towards Microsoft since the XBOX entered the gaming world, so I fully expect them to go back towards relegating the PS4 to smaller numbers now that they seem to be on good terms with Microsoft again.
all microsoft would have to do to bankrupt game stop is :

offer 1 week before on shelf with xbox live download
knock 5 dollars off game purchase on xb live
intigrate the game bonuses(map pack gun or vip ect ect)

combine 2 of the 3 mentioned on xb live and game stop would take a major hit and proably be shut down in 3-5 years. do u think gamestop could live off used ps/wii games?? all game stop has to do is loose pre order power and a id say 70% of their profits go out the window.

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