Girls on Live

Yup. Like yesterday I was in a skype call with a supposed 'friend' on an mmorpg and I just got a view of... It was really disgusting and even though I tell him i'm gay he just ignores it and continues making these faces and noises. I honestly don't know what I see in him and the general population of men.

Well, you can't let one make your decision collectively about the whole. But as you personally saw first hand, saying you're a lesbian isn't simply enough to keep some of them away.
Comic Sans MS]Well it just goes to show how immature some people can be to girl gamers I mean come on now why cant all gamers play as equal's and same respect when a girl player is around
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My teenage daughter and I are both avid, obsessed gamers and we don't play on Xbox Live because both of us have female gamertags, so we can't lie and pretend to be male and we don't want to deal with the abuse. Until they clean it up and start banning douchebags who verbally abuse women on Live, we don't feel the need to go into battle and deal with conflict every time we want to play a relaxing game.

I know we're taking the path of least resistance and we should fight harder for our right to play on Live, but I have higher priorities in my real offline life right now and I'd rather not deal with male gamers and their stupid misogynistic comments.

I get the feeling that they make a huge deal about women on XBL because no live woman voluntarily wants to sleep with guys that act like that.
You will always have the individuals that are rude to female gamers. It's common early teenage behavior, but I'm not saying it's right. Just sad.
I find it very funny when I'm playing on live and one of the players says that she's a girl. Almost all the players send her friend requests, like it's something that weird to see a gamer girl.

Hahaha i find that hilarious too.

The other day when i was playing, a girl did exactly that but it was her boyfriends account and she had the mic. Right when she started talking you could hear her say "Why do all these people keep adding me and popping up in the corner" and after that when i was talking to her and we had muted everyone else she had said that everyone besides me in the lobby (like 10 other people) had added her since she was a girl.

Its like they think they're going to get some over xbox :D
Yeah guys instantly go crazy when they hear my voice or they think I am a 12 year old boy and tell me to shut up. Then I sneak up on them and they see my girl avatar on GTA and then apologize. At that point, I see what real jerks they are and just block them. Some guys just don't go out.
I really don't care whenever I come across a girl gamer on XBL, as I come across girl gamers everyday at school. I do think it's a bit funny when some of these clowns try and hit on girls over Xbox. Shows just how pathetic and desperate they are to get a girlfriend.
I am a 31 years old guy that loves whores, beer, pizza and xbox. Recently I have subscribed under the gamertag “sweetcandyxx” and I receive a lot of friend requests. One guy from Canada court my character and we chat almost every day. Until one day he gives me Microsoft points in exchange for some sexy pics. That’s the day that I became a scammer, lol.
Honestly, that's pretty sad. No wonder there aren't a lot of girl gamers on very much. They are tired of little boys in mommy's basement trying to be smooth when they want to just play and be left alone. Also, I'll bet anything most of them aren't married or have boyfriends b/c they say that so they'll be left alone! Just stop trying lame ass pickup lines and just talk to them and you'll get much further, IMO. They'll appreciate it.

But you know what? I DONT CARE LOL. I love flirting on live!
It's not just women, younger kids and same-sex individuals get harassed daily as well.
It's very interesting to see girls on any type of game. With live many guys get excited. :P

Somebody in my homeroom said they were dating a chick from Xbox live. I didn't believe it, but I thought it was interesting.
I've heard women describe this, and it's like how they describe being the one female in an engineering college.
The immature children who are always like "Go back in the kitchen!"...grow up kid.

This is something i've noticed, a lot of the people who abuse women with insults such as that are immature and underage. Saying that, I think real life media has something to blame for that, as well as part of the Xbox live community. When so many people do it, others will eventually too.
I think boys fear it because some of these girls are better than they are. Losing to a girl in X-box will hurt their precious ego and then on top of that, make them lose digital cred with other gamers. It's kind of like sports. Tennis used to be a male sport. Now, when people talk Tennis they'll talk Williams sisters or one of the Russian girls before they mention any male players. Now that Agassi is retired I mean. As times change, men freak out in more and more lame ways. Ho Hum.
hmm I'm kinda split on this one. I mean if they're your teammate and your insaulting them then that's kinda dumb but if they're on the other team I'm all for using anything to get into their heads to throw them off their game. I mean I play as a girl character whenever I can as most people tend to go easy on girl sprites so there's always gonna be some form of sexism/racism in games as there is always gonna be some in life. To quote a former xbox employee "Deal with it" :p
Classy players on X-BOX, like in life though. Can get into someones head without lowering the bar of discourse and dialogue. It's the same as saying on a basketball court, your jumpshot is about as dangerous as a one day old cupcake. But when you start crossing lines and attacking the person's physical appearance or a recent break up with a girlfriend, that's when you've lowered yourself. And have proven you will do anything to win in the worst way. Instead of the best way, which is pure effort and skill.
It's called Trash talking for a reason. One of the quickest ways to throw someone off their game is to make them mad which an easy way to do that is to try and offend them. Just cause they're girls doesn't mean you shouldn't trash them, it just means you have more stuff to work with. Now don't get confused between a trash talker and some random troll. If a trash talker realizes that the gender card isn't working they'll switch to another tatic.
It's called Trash talking for a reason. One of the quickest ways to throw someone off their game is to make them mad which an easy way to do that is to try and offend them. Just cause they're girls doesn't mean you shouldn't trash them, it just means you have more stuff to work with. Now don't get confused between a trash talker and some random troll. If a trash talker realizes that the gender card isn't working they'll switch to another tatic.

Still it's lame. When I trash talk I usually can do better than racial, gender, or those kinds of remarks. I think attacking someone's weight is borderline but isn't as low as the gender or race card. But this is coming from someone who doesn't agree with the "mom" and "girlfriend" jokes neither when in the heat of competition. Even though they're used very often.

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