Graphics or gameplay?

If the gameplay is fun, the graphics do not matter to me. I used to play text adventures and they are still fun till this day, with no graphics.
I always go for gameplay vs graphics. I love RPGs and other games with a solid storyline. Its the same way about books. Would you rather read a book with a good storyline or a flashy graphic on each page? Its all about the content!
If I had to choose I would go with gameplay, but a good balance of both is always good! There are some beautiful games being created today, but sometimes they just don't interest me and I go back to playing my SNES and my PS2 :P And then sometimes you get lucky with a game that has amazing graphics AND gameplay. Those are awesome :)
Graphics are ALWAYS an optional plus. What a game wants to avoid being is UGLY, not low definition. Games were obviously great back when they couldn't look great, so there's no reason why they can't be awesome without looking great now.

And sometimes developers put SO much effort into the graphical prowess of the games engine that they don't focus enough on the gameplay and it ends up sucking, and a good looking game that isn't fun is not an enjoyable game.
Yeah, that's true omar, there are still some older games that I love to play even if they are butt-ugly in comparison to today's games.

I still like Ultima Online on the computer too even though it's 15 years old, the graphics were awesome back then but the game is so complex that it's still fun to play.
Gameplay by far, unless it's a FPS, where I do like the graphics to be exceptional, as they all basically have the same gameplay anyway. Overall I prefer the gameplay, especially for one off games, like Family Guy, ect.
Sometimes I play for the graphics, but if the game is boring then I'll turn it off quickly. I hate it when you can tell that a game is all graphics and no gameplay. It looks sleek and cool, but the fun isn't there. I was disappointed with the Godfather because the cars were cool and the city was pretty, but the missions were so easy and boring.
Gameplay far outweights graphics. Crysis 2 for example, had simplified, mediocre gameplay as compared to Crysis 1, in my opinion. Despite the game being absolutely gorgeous, I simply couldn't enjoy the game because of said reasons.
I would choose gameplay over graphics anyday. Take minecraft for example which has terrible graphics but for some reason is still so addictive.
I agree with the OP. Gameplay definitely matters more than graphics because its the core mechanics of the game that make it appealing and not the outer, superficial looks (the graphics). Games that can prove this point are Mario and Pokemon. Neither of these games had amazing graphics, but they sold well and were loved by many for their gameplay mechanics. I believe this point still holds true today for games such as Minecraft.
Gameplay wins this fight everyday of the week. There is nothing not even cost that outweighs gameplay. I'd pay more for a game with longer or better gameplay than I would for some graphics which are a bit better. If you're not enjoying the game then why play?
Gameplay above all else. Why have the best looking graphics out there when your game is absolutely horrid. Immersion into the world and the characters you'll meet and interact with are what I would place at the top of my list.
I always want to have both in a game. I dont wanna play a game that looks good but have a really awful gameplay or a good gameplay but with an original XBOX graphics. I still play classic games in my PS3 too, yes. But if you wanna buy an XBOX 360 game, you wanna get an XBOX 360 quality. Not an old generation style.
I always want to have both in a game. I dont wanna play a game that looks good but have a really awful gameplay or a good gameplay but with an original XBOX graphics. I still play classic games in my PS3 too, yes. But if you wanna buy an XBOX 360 game, you wanna get an XBOX 360 quality. Not an old generation style.

Pretty much the same thing, though I don't really mind graphics too much but I DO enjoy the eyecandy when it is there.

But I prefer interesting graphic STYLES instead of QUALITY. Like, Katamari and El Shaddai. Those games have very attractive styles which will make them live longer. Like, a game with great quality but generic style will not age as well as soon as the technology is upgraded but a game with a unique style won't be outdated as soon as technology is upgraded. This is why games such like Okami, for example, are still really good looking despite being technologically outdated.
Yeah, Okami has a kind of visual that won't get old that easy. Same thing goes to Valkyria Chronicles, because of it's drawing-style graphics, it still look pretty impressive despite almost being a 5 year-old game.
I prefer gameplay a lot above graphics. I'm more of the gamer who likes plot based games. But having a game with good gameplay and good graphics just makes it even more better.
I prefer gameplay a lot above graphics. I'm more of the gamer who likes plot based games. But having a game with good gameplay and good graphics just makes it even more better.

Same here, as an RPG gamer, I also focus on the gameplay. But I always set my expectations. I have an old-school RPG collection and of course those doesn't have a good graphics but the gameplay and the story are awesome. But I know that those are old-school. But if Im gonna buy a new RPG for my XBOX or PS3, then I always at least expect to have a good graphics. Best example is Tales of Graces and Vesperia.
Graphics: A+
Battle System: A+
Story: A+

These kind of games doesn't sacrifice one portion of the game to focus on the other, but they both polish every single part.
I would choose graphics over gameplay. Because I can name 3 games with a weak gameplay but great graphics, MW2, MW3, and Black Ops I. The gameplay of these games are just to shoot the f**k out of other people. And the great graphics compliment that.
I'm going to have to go with gameplay on this one hands down. Graphics are indeed very nice to have but it means nothing if I don't find the game entertaining. There is no reason to play if the game can't hold interest.

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