GTA 6 Rumours


Jun 19, 2017
A lot of people keep telling me that there are either plans of GTA 6 or there in middle of it . Then someone says it be 2020 . Not sure what to believe does anyone else have any news on this please as my self I am a big fan of GTA I love playing GTA V online what a brilliant game . Also the story mode is great as well.
As much as I love the whole GTA franchise I find it highly unlikely to see how Rockstar Games would be able to currently develop or dedicate any time to making GTA 6 when they're putting all of their resources into the new Red Dead Redemption 2. They even had to delay RDR2 to next year to make sure it will be good quality.

So I am afraid that the rumors of GTA 6 in the making aren't true. I am sure that they will make the sixth installment but not in the near future. At least a couple of years away before they might consider it.
I agree with Algera. I dont see it happening for a while.

Given RDR2s upcoming release and they fact they still dedicate much time to GTAV online updates, there isnt much need for them to rush into it.

They're going to be making money very well in the meantime, and make sure there are updates after the RDR2 release to continue their level of quality. No need to dilute the brand.

Cant wait for GTA6 though
Yeah thank you both for the reply it was a long shot lol but at least I know now. Yeah I can't wait either but its good they keep doing the updates for GTA V tho like the recent Bunker one that is pretty fun.
Yep, that's why I love Rockstar Games so much. They're one of the most generous and quality developers. They could easily charge for all of these DLC that they're constantly releasing for GTA V online but they're giving out for free.

Any other company would probably charge $10 per DLC. Even after all of this time, I still constantly play GTA V because they're the ones that make it fun by keep adding new activities, cars, clothing items and so on. More developer teams should learn from them :)
As much as I love the whole GTA franchise I find it highly unlikely to see how Rockstar Games would be able to currently develop or dedicate any time to making GTA 6 when they're putting all of their resources into the new Red Dead Redemption 2. They even had to delay RDR2 to next year to make sure it will be good quality.

So I am afraid that the rumors of GTA 6 in the making aren't true. I am sure that they will make the sixth installment but not in the near future. At least a couple of years away before they might consider it.

Completely agree with you. Considering everything Rockstar Games are juggling in the field of gaming development, I don't see GTA VI coming anytime soon. Personally, I could see them releasing lost episodes (like in GTA IV) before VI is released.

On another note, my own theory (with no tangible evidence) is that Rockstar Games is running out of ideas for the GTA series. I think they maxed out the possibilities in GTA V. So I don't feel they have any sense of direction for the next installment. To substitute, they're focusing on other titles like Red Dead Redemption II. But that's just my opinion, which could be completely false.
I will be blasting out GTA V later online need to save over $4million I want that ruiner 2000 car which is in warstock as anyone seen it in stunt race they done it up as Knight rider car lol it jumps and parachutes as well. its ment to hold missiles as well.
I've heard some rumors about it, but it's been a long time. Since then, I've never heard any rumor or any official news about it.

I really like the "GTA" franchise... But I think unfortunately, this will be a very uncertain release, however, it's not something impossible. I just think it's going to take a long time to happen.
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I really hope it comes out soon, this GTA 5 am not feeling it,
Let me make another thing clear: I was excited about GTA5, and I mean really excited. Up until it was released I’d just play FIFA and the occasional 10 minutes on other games here and there. I was looking forward to getting some good hours in, completing tricky missions and doing all sorts of maniacal things.
GTA 5 promised so much, and it looked so great. But to be honest – it’s a flop. A complete and utter flop.
Why do you think it is a flop? I mean, in which aspect specifically? You mentioned missions and you have so many good heist and missions in the online mode... Rockstar Games also adds new free DLC ones very frequently.

I think that the majority of people probably disagree with you since they have sold over 80 million copies so far. Sure, GTA V isn't my favorite all time but it definitely beat GTA IV, fair and square. I would never call it a flop :)
I agree they take their times with games and Red Dead 2 isn't even released.

On top of that GTA V is still incredibly profitable for Rockstar they make a lot of cash from people buying imaginary cash for the online part of the game alone.

You can bet GTA VI will happen but I'm sure the delay will be as long as they can in their best interest financially. They spend a lot to develop the games they develop it's worth the wait for them and us in getting the high quality development Rockstar has consistently delivered.

As much as I love the whole GTA franchise I find it highly unlikely to see how Rockstar Games would be able to currently develop or dedicate any time to making GTA 6 when they're putting all of their resources into the new Red Dead Redemption 2. They even had to delay RDR2 to next year to make sure it will be good quality.

So I am afraid that the rumors of GTA 6 in the making aren't true. I am sure that they will make the sixth installment but not in the near future. At least a couple of years away before they might consider it.
I think it's gonna be a long time before we get a GTA VI because:
1. They are still giving gta online dlc's and people still play it like crazy.
2. They are making red dead redemption 2 which I think will have a massive online multiplayer plus dlc's, season pass, etc.

Though you could have a point. If GTA 6 is on the runs it could be announced in 2020. This is why.
Gta V release trailer came out 5 years after gta IV which is a lot considering that gta 4 was not as massive as gta v but they where making red dead before so it's the same thing here but with a couple of years of difference because red dead 2 is gonna be massive and imagine how massive gta 6 will be. So you just gotta see the pattern. Gta 4 to 5 took 5-6 years back in the day. Gta V to 6 will take 8-10 years for them to announce.

Maybe I'm just a bullshitter but it could be true.

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