GTA V Online

Has anyone had any luck playing online yet? I have played and replayed the first race about 8 times. The game then glitches and when I return I'm told my character is corrupted and must over write and make a new one. I haven't had any other missions or jobs apart from the initial race lol.

But for anyone in the crew, my gamertag is spleendingo1 Maybe we can all cause some mayhem this weekend? Rock on! :)
I was able to play yesterday for a few hours. Didnt want to log out in fear of not being able to get back in. Most of my friends could not get on.
My roommate was able to get on also. He was very good about telling me in great detail how much fun it was.......the A**hole lol. :mad:
I don't know anyone that has been able to get online for a solid multiplayer game. Wow. This server issue is worse than when a new expansion of WoW comes out. I'm not even bothering to try and get on. My buddy tries every day so he'll let me know when they get this all straightened out.
I was able to play for a few hours yesterday. I heard clearing tha HDD cache somehow helps you connect better and although that makes no sense to me technologically, it did work lol. I had a lot of fun killing random people and robbing liquor stores together lol
Hey everyone...lets cause trouble this Friday at 8pm est. Dont hesitate to send me a FR under this GT. There are loads of fun missions to do. Or we can hijack a jet and blow others up. Thats always fun.

There are also missions where some are in jets hunting others on motorcycles trying to reach a certain point. Thats always a laugh.
CAn you find 16 Players?
Or the best thing to do is find 8 players, and wreak havoc for the remaining 8
We have a group that goes around annoying ppl. We like to hang around
Los Santos customs to rob the glitchers. Put bounties on randoms. Its real fun to send the mercenaries after randoms.