Xbox 360 Has your Xbox ever broke?

I have had 3 versions of the xbox.

The original Crystalized version of xBox

xBox pro (white)

And the newer black version that some people call xBox slim but that's not its name :P

Out of all of these consoles, I never had one break on me. I take really good care of my stuff so I am lucky. Never had got one with the RRoD either. People just miss treating their systems, or are always moving them, or something.
My Xbox that I bought a month or so after release has not broken once.

My friends think that I'm just really lucky because they see me leave my Xbox on for over 24 hours at a time just to keep my pause. I'm actually pretty safe with my Xbox and I make sure that it is always in a cool area. I remember around the time all my friends got the red ring of death I was scared that it was going to happen to me. It never did.

My headsets on the other hand...
Since jumping into the world of Xbox I've had 2 consoles.

The first I bought back in 2008 (Along with GTA: IV) and it lasted a year before I had 2 flashing lights :(

It happened 1 month after the 1 year warranty ran out - I think it was the model after the arcade model (I can't remember if it was called pro or core)

Then the following Christmas I was bought an arcade console, and it's lasted me up until now *touch wood*.

Although there has been the odd occasion when I turn the console on and it's flashing 3 lights. But that's because i'm having a silly moment and the mains are not plugged in correctly :)
I did have the tray break and it wouldn't open when I would hit the button on my 360. Luckily, it was still under warranty at Best Buy and I was able to return it. The downside was that it took forever to get it fixed. They ended up giving me a brand new refurbished console and it has been working pretty great. I never thought I'd say this, but sometimes it's better to get the warranty if you're a heavy gamer.
I've been pretty lucky with my 360, but my original Xbox broke after a couple of years. On its own it would randomly put deep scratches into discs. Completely unpredictable. It might play the same game perfectly for a week and then the game freezes and there's a monster scratch that ruins the entire disc.

The few times a game or movie would actually work, the system would lock up and force you to reboot. It was infuriating.

This actually put me off of Microsoft for a while, leading me down the PS3 path before I eventually tested out the 360 later on in its cycle. I haven't had any issues with either the 360 or the PS3, but the frustration and anger I went through with the original Xbox is unforgettable.
I have one of the first Elite models, it RRoD'd after about 2 and a half years, the Microsoft repair service was great, they picked it up and sent it back under a week.
It's been working ever since with no problems at all.
Yes, got the horrible red ring eventually. Right as i was about to get some glorious achievement in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. It sucks extra because that was the first warranty i have ever lost in my life!

*sigh* Now im sad.
Yep, my xbox got red rings back in 2010 and that was it and I had to get a new one.
I'm glad to say that mine has not broken down on me yet. I have had my Xbox for over 4 years so far and no major issues have arisen. I'm hoping it stays that way. I'm so scared of my Xbox getting a RROD.
Yeah my Xbox kicked the bucket two times. Both times it was a RROD issue. I've noticed that newer systems just don't hold up nearly as well. Maybe it is all the technology that they pack into these things, but i never had a problem with my good old N64 and PS1.
Mine has not broke. I do also own a PS3 and that is a totally different story. My original phatty PS3 broke after two years. So, I bought a slim and that broke after a year and a half. I'm not on my third PS3. Xbox has been a breeze in comparison.
Nope. I've only had one console die on me - PS2 and I'm honestly surprised it lasted as long as it did. I wasn't very kind to it at all.
I'm surprised that so many people here never experienced a RROD. I know it was a major problem with the early consoles. I guess Microsoft must have finally gotten their stuff together and fixed all the issues on the newer 360's.

I have to wonder if we will get something similar to the RROD on any of the new consoles. Only a few more months to find out!
I thought mine died once; I got red rings and I panicked. I tried to turn it back on, to no avail. I made sure everything was plugged in properly, gave it a rest, and tried again. This time it worked. What I had assumed to be the worst had turned out to probably be just a loose cable. Beyond that, my fortune with the 360 has been exceptional.
No my Xbox 360 has never broke. It never even came close to breaking, not even once. I think Xboxs is the most durable system you can have. While owning the Xbox 360 I have not even encountered a problem with the Red Ring Of Death either.
Right now I'm on my second Xbox 360. My first Xbox 360 was great for ages until the red ring of death got it. I had nothing to do for about a month until I could get a new Xbox. I was devastated. And now I'm just counting down the days until my second one gets the red ring of death. I really hope it doesn't though. I hate having to buy a new Xbox.
No. I keep it well ventilated, clean and rarely use it for prolonged periods.
I actually got mine in late 08. Got it for free from a Samsung Rewards Program. Never bought my own because i was afraid of the Red Ring of Death, but luckily it has been flawless since day 1.
I upgraded the harddrive which corrupted alot of my files but that has been the only hiccup so far.
I had Xbox elite in 2008, after a 3 years a got the Red Ring Of Death. Then i bought a new Xbox - Jasper !
I never had any problems in regards to the actual console breaking down, but i had some games that did not work.

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