Xbox One How big is the TV you will be hooking up to "the One"

It will never be comparable to a High End PC running games on max settings at 4K resolution on a 4K TV. That's all really I'm saying, and its highly unlikely that people have the money to purchase and own such a described possession, but as I've said, you get what you pay for. I'm just saddened by the fact that the Xbox One isn't able to play at 1080P native, while a lowly mid-end gaming PC is capable of such a feat while costing at around the same price as the Xbox One itself.

You're missed informed there. The XB1 can and will run games at 1080 native, The exception so far seems to be COD: Ghost. Forza and NBA 2K are confirmed for 1080p and 60 FPS.
I've just got a 42" Samsung in my office. I sit pretty close so it is big enough. I recently noticed a dead pixel on it though which is driving me nuts. :mad:
That looks nice. My "computer room" I posted a pic of a few posts above, is really the small pantry off the kitchen. I took some of the shelves out, put in a desk and viola!!! computer room.
I will be using my 50" plasma vierra, its a bit old now but i still love it !
Has anyone seen anything about the range of the controller and if its rf or ir???
Gotta be rf or Bluetooth. I doubt range will be an issue unless you got a really big room.
From IGN

When you plug a micro-USB cable into the controller for wired play the internal radio is shut off and all data is transmitted through the wire.

Guess they are rf.
i'm thinking IR since the Kinect itself is an IR blaster, I would think they would have kept that tech through out the console.

My bedroom is right next to the living room and I was hoping I could use either TV without dragging the box around. In the past I would unhook my 360 and bring it to the bedroom to free up the larger HDTV.

I can display it to either TV easily, and if the remote will work from the other room, I can easily use either TV.
My Samsung HDTV is 46" and I can't wait to see all of the Xbox One in its crisp glory!
