How important is online multiplayer to you?

its probably 80% of next gen games. most every game will have some type of multiplayer..
i can see the fps dropping solo mode all together in the next 2 games. look at how big bf4/cod are and its not for story line.

even games like ac4 are including a multiplayer aspect

look at the big anticipated games. tom clancy the division, titanfall, destiny are all very deeply invested in multiplayer.

most all the games i play are multiplayer... forza5,bf4,boarderlands ect ect.. you get the idea. if you really think about it developers can save energy by building a multiplayer instead of a cut and dry ai system. you cnt train the guy on the other end.. he will always do his own thing.
Multiplayer doesn't affect my gaming experience at all as I play games for its campaign. I do admit that some games that offer online co-op is a lot of fun but as long as the game can be played alone then I'm okay with it also. Some games have tacked on multiplayer they are so aweful I would have preferred the devs to spend more time working on the single player.
I think now days multiplayer is what makes or breaks a game. I hate how dumb the AI can be sometimes.

I believe it makes or break some games. It's pretty much a regular feature in games now and days, but in some games it's just kind of there for people who really need online multiplayer. Genres like FPS ride on online multiplayer whereas sports and racing titles are given a breath of fresh air with them.
I usually never buy a game if it doesn't have a multiplayer option. In my opinion, it makes the game way more enjoyable. You have an option to play with friends and even player against other people. I just don't like playing alone.
I buy games with or without a multiplayer option. If I do get a game that has online and I decide "Eh, I play it" it's either on PS3 or Wii/Wii U.
I think that multiplayer is one of the reasons that I look to buy a game. Honestly to me if the game does not have the ability to play online in a multiplayer mode then I think that I really do not want to get the game in the first place.
Not at all, for the most part I really prefer to play alone or with friends. Sometimes the online players get really obnoxious and I just want to play without having to deal with that silliness.
Singlерlаyеr is mоst imроrtаnt tо mе, but I hоnеstly fееl likе оnе wоuld bе missing оut withоut а hаndful оf multi gо-tоs. Gаmеs likе Gеаrs аnd оthеr аrе just mаdе fоr thе multiрlаyеr еxреriеnсе, аnd thеy'rе аll thе bеttеr fоr it.

Multiplayer is extremely important. Just think of games like DOTA, Counter Strike, Call of Duty - those are all the biggest games in the world and why are they so big? Because the multiplayer is great. Games would be nowhere without it, there would be no communities, no competitiveness, no eSports and no social aspect to it. I usually finish singleplayer to get the feel and controls of the game, then I head off to multiplayer and start my journey.

Singleplayer is usually something you just play once or twice and then leave, it gets mundane. Sure, sometimes it's great to play alone, especially in games where the multiplayer community is either a bunch of hackers or a bunch of people ten times better than you, but multiplayer wins it for me.
It is the most important aspect of games to me at the moment. There is never a time when I play a single player game and don't imagine what it would be like to have pvp or coop mode, it is one of those things that just couldn't exist until the internet was more robust
Having the online multiplayer option in games is important to me aswell now. I used to be just a solo gamer and I never really saw the appeal of gaming online for a number of years.

Eventually though I started to play it more and more and now it's at the point that I only play these days if I know my friends are going to be online aswell.
Exactly, why do it alone when you have friends? There are still a lot of styles and genres that haven't incorporated this yet because it's only been 5~7 years since higher speed internet has been an absolute guarantee, before then it was still kind of patchy in a lot of places, but now it's pretty much expected. Give it another 5~7 years and you'll see the next leap in technology
Having a relatively fast and stable internet connection as certainly opens up online gaming to more people than ever before, and that's a trend that's only set to continue as far as I'm concerned.

Sometimes it is good to just play by yourself and hone your skills maybe on a particular game, but it is usually more enjoyable to play with others.
Yeah, multiplayer is definitely important for me. The reason is simple. I feel like when a game has multiplayer it's impossible to truly finish it. You always have new things to do online, whether it's competing with your friends or strangers or something else but the game can't end. When you buy a singleplayer game, sooner or later, you end up playing it through. Then what? It loses so much value unless you constantly replay it, which I don't do so much.

That's why the majority of games that I do buy for consoles has a multiplayer mode. I think those games tend to give me a feeling that my money was well spent considering the number of hours I can put into the game. I really hate those short single player games that cost $60 and you can complete in two days.
For me, it's not a deal breaker. But in the long run of things, I would prefer multiplayer in the games I play.

Generally speaking, I play games to complete the offline missions. This is entertaining especially if an intriguing storyline follows it up. Once I've completed the game, if multiplayer is available, I usually start to work on my skill to compete with others online. If, however, multiplayer is not available, I then switch to modded versions that I can download or cheats I can implement. It is at this point becoming bored can start to take effect if multiplayer is not available.

To sum things up, not having multiplayer isn't a dealbreaker. Though it's an appreciated add-on to any game.

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