How many controllers do you buy per year?


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2014
Last year I only bought one since the controller I already had was becoming unresponsive on some button presses. Then again, I'm not the type of gamer that gets mad and smashes the controller on the floor :p What about you guys, how many and why?
I'm still using the stock controller that came with the console. I found that this gen's controller is very sturdy. It's still very responsive albeit a little dirty. I've already matured so I don't smash controllers like I used to as a kid anymore.
I usually only buy the one controller ever, so the one I got with the console in addition to anothe rone, and thats all i ever need, still have my Originals, and even though i game hard, they're still in pretty good shape...
I am on my 2nd Xbox One controller. I stepped on my first one and must have hit the perfect spot as it split.
I usually buy one controller in addition to the one that comes with the console. I want to have two working controllers at all times because I have friends over a lot and we like to play together.
I only ever have to buy about two controllers per year unless I am playing a game that I get angry with a lot and then I slam the controllers but other then that I like to keep a few in my backups just so that I am never without controllers at all.
Knock on wood, I've yet to buy another controller. So far I have managed to keep my rage in check and not tear up the controller that comes with the console.
I bought 20 controllers since XB1 was released. Of course I have my own mod chip company and have built controllers for friends and associates. (Many just sell my pcb / mod chip boards though.)

As for myself I own 3 controllers; one stock, one modded, and one that's a clear case thats led modded (cosmetics).

Contollers last me a long time as I'm not heavy handed on the anologes and I'm also not I'll tempered lol.
What's the popularity of couch co-op for others? I have three controllers myself. I have two for my xbox and one that's wired that I use with my PC and go to other people's places. I have a friend who is super sketchy about others touching his controller. He's kind of a weird guy. Ha. Anyway, I don't buy many controllers through out the years, I just keep my three in good working condition.
Usually I buy 1 controller every 18 months, but I remember on the 360 how mine kept breaking for some reason, and becoming unresponsive. They would either become unresponsive, or they would completely break. The 360 controllers felt a bit more flimsy to me, and they broke more. I ended up getting a sturdier custom controller, which lasted me about 2 years, and it still works.
I usually average about one controller per year. I'll either want another one for co-op games, a spare, or maybe one will break from time to time. This applies to multiple consoles, not just the Xbox One, though. I have two One controllers at the moment, and they haven't shown any signs of wear. I don't expect them to break down anytime soon because they seem fairly well made.
I'm not much of hardcore 24/7 gamer maybe that's why I still use the old controller that the console came out with. I only buy a new one when the other one broke or if my I'm playing with another person.
I don't break controller often, so I don't need to buy more than 2 of them per year. I still remember breaking my controller in rage while I wa playing Dark Souls 2. That was the only time I threw my controller.
I bought 20 controllers since XB1 was released. Of course I have my own mod chip company and have built controllers for friends and associates. (Many just sell my pcb / mod chip boards though.)

As for myself I own 3 controllers; one stock, one modded, and one that's a clear case thats led modded (cosmetics).

Contollers last me a long time as I'm not heavy handed on the anologes and I'm also not I'll tempered lol.

I was like DAMN when reading the first phrase - then you explained why you bought so many.
How's the market, are players interested in modded XBox One controllers?
The modded controller market is really stale right now. My prediction is it won't pick up for about another 3 years in the next gen market. Only a hand full of companies are doing good through this recession.
My XBOXONE contoller is still too new, but most of Microsoft's controllers have been built with quality and durability in mind. I DID have to replace one of my older 360 controllers because I dropped it a few times and it had an annoying rattle. Despite the noise it still functioned perfectly well, it was just distracting and you could also "feel" it.
I had no idea this was even an issue, I've never had to buy a replacement controller for any of my consoles, I only ever bought a second one for my Wii at the time since it was pretty cool to play with someone else, otherwise I only ever use the stock one.
I usually just stick with the set I got the console with? Do people wear out their controllers?
Well, some people have anger issues or little brothers that care not about controllers and how much they cost :p
And if what I keep hearing is true, you need one more controller to leave unplugged and give to those pesky siblings that don't let you game in peace.
All my brother are either older or just a tid bit younger so I never had that issue..

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