Xbox One How much longer can Call of Duty do annual releases?


Nov 4, 2013
It seems like Call of Duty isn't as popular as it used to be. Pre-orders are down and the multiplayer servers seem to have a lower population as well. How many more years do you think will pass before Call of Duty becomes unprofitable enough to stop doing annual releases? I think the series may have 5-6 years left and unless they do something amazing, I think the franchise is going to die eventually. What do you think?
I dont know if its the annual releases so much as the type of stuff theyre throwing into it. Zombies? Ghosts? Aliens?

Those are cool novelty factors as unlocks to a game, but when the game is advertised with these things on them, it gets kinda old kinda fast.
Call of Duty developers has two main studios, so it's more like every two years per studio. I do think they should pump the brakes a bit on the releases either way, since it implies that they don't have faith in the existing products. I still play games from series that are a few years old or more, so it's not like it's magically going to stop being fun after a year (or any given point, really).
I can't imagine it will be very long before they start mining the American Revolution for plot lines. They will need something fresh to keep it going, as it stands right now they appeared to have already hit its zenith. They won't let it go quietly though. They made so much money off of it already that they can't afford to have it lose popularity outright.
I can see them doing one last push into some kind of far future genre. They've already announced aliens so I don't think it's too far outside the realm of possibility either. All I wanted was Modern Warfare with the combat training that Black Ops 1 had. I'm a sucker for playing against bots and if Ghosts has some kind of amazing bot support, then I'm probably going to give them my money again.

I think one of the main ways that they're shooting themselves in the foot is by fragmenting the community with DLC packs and all these similar releases. People still play CoD4, BlOps2 and everything in between. You're leaving behind a chunk of the community every time and eventually, you're going to run of of players.
I think the pre-orders were down this year due to the new consoles and people waiting to order it then. My roommate went to the midnight release for Ghosts last night at the local Gamestop. Usually, the line for COD runs around the corner. But he said this one didn't even have half of the typical crowd. It could also be because of the timing of all the triple A games coming out. Within a few weeks time, you have GTA5, Battlefield 4, Assassins Creed, Batman, COD Ghosts, and the usual sports titles. That's a lot!
I really can't see an end to COD for a long time unless something comes and really blows it away. Well over a half million preorders between both new consoles plus many more on the older ones.

I paid the $59 myself, just because......................................
Really? Huh. I think I saw a pre-order chart a few weeks back that just compared the pre-orders from Ghosts and previous installments of the series. Maybe they've picked up since then. I'm seeing a lot more hate recently as well. When Call of Duty makes a top 10 list or gets a high review score, the videos usually get a bunch of dislikes lol.
From what I've read, Ghosts has shown me that people are FINALLY starting to get tired of Call of Duty, or at least of the anual release schedule, so perhaps the franchise is starting to die...
It is still the #1 presold game for both the Xbox One and PS4, so its not doing that bad.
Really? Huh. I think I saw a pre-order chart a few weeks back that just compared the pre-orders from Ghosts and previous installments of the series. Maybe they've picked up since then. I'm seeing a lot more hate recently as well. When Call of Duty makes a top 10 list or gets a high review score, the videos usually get a bunch of dislikes lol.

No, you are right. I thought you meant presale for the consoles which it is #1 for both. Overall sales have been slower compared to past COD games.
After Black Ops 1, they somewhat killed all morale in a good game and shouldve buried the hatchet while they were ahead. Sure, its a household name now, but why not make 3 or 4 different household names of the caliber?

Failed franchise, for all its success.
Modern warfare games are becoming like WWII games have been for the past few years. Maybe they're going to bring back WWI games? It seems like people just lost interest in the historical aspect of it. Any kind of futuristic games are pure conjecture, but I always thought that Call of Duty was all about (relative) realism. Who knows what they might do?
Modern warfare games are becoming like WWII games have been for the past few years. Maybe they're going to bring back WWI games?

I am looking forward to Wolfenstein, back in the day fighting Nazis. The game play and graphics looks great. I already preordered it.
As long as there are children to buy, Activision will continue to make us Call Of Duty. And good, because trying to imagine COD players move on bigger games like Battlefield .. etc. ..
Thus, COD is not useless. Then I'm glad GTA5 managed to do better than COD. I will not buy a COD before a long time.

Then it reports full of money to Activision. It would be stupid for them to stop it.
well, i guess they will continue doing those until people get tired eventually haha But since its a huge annual amount of money going on, my bet is that for a couple of years - for sure
This is going to be my first COD since world at war. I don't know how long they can keep up with the yearly releases, I skipped a few years because it was getting stale.
there will always be fans out there. it just depends on when will the income fall or become stable, then they would stop. But since its continuing, my guess is that a couple of years for sure
I think it will definitely last another few years. There are still quite a few dedicated CoD players out there and they probably don't care if it it the same thing over and over again. The reason I quit playing is because of all of the quick-scopers, jumping around corners, head glitching, and drop-shotting. That stuff gets really tiring when I can't even go a full game without 1 person doing any of these.

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