Xbox One How much longer can Call of Duty do annual releases?

The more releases the continue doing, the more people will get bored with that. Cause its always the same, really. The graphics are awesome, of course. But what about gameplay? I really enjoy playing COD, but the annual releases, i think , are bound to end soon. Sad, though
COD is the number one selling game on both the Xbox One and PS4 and it generated 1 billion in sales the first 24 hours and
the 2nd best seller for the 360 according to the MS website. Looking again there are 3 COD's in the top 14 bestselling 360

I don't see it changing anytime soon and expect yearly releases until sales start falling a lot.

a quote I just found:

"Activision recently announced that 2014 will bring another Call of Duty title from Treyarch, which will most probably be Call of Duty: Black Ops 3. With a franchise that guarantees such massive profits with each release, it’s unlikely that the annual release pattern will break any time soon."
Call of Duty's pre-orders are down and the multiplayer servers are getting more empty? Where in the world are you finding this information, because Ghosts was the number one pre-ordered game this year, just like it has been the past few years. Logging onto Ghosts now, I can still see over 280,000+ people online, that's about the average, like usual. Also, you have to remember that there are now two different versions of the same game currently out. So while the player base on the 360 or PS3 might dwindle down a bit, those players are going over to the Next-Gen console, so that overall amount of people playing is STILL there.
People are talkin badly, but tons of people are still buying and playing. Still though, talk is where it all starts. before long people will start believing noone is on the servers, so they wont buy because they think they wont have anyone to play with. as more people do this, the "noone on the servers" line will become true.
I personally have lost a lot of love for the 'Call of Duty' franchise. The games are good but they are turning it into a fifa style campaign where you know each game is going to have little difference from the rest.

Zombie killing is great but even that gets dated after a while. I think a break would do the brand some good. Just my opinion.
Personally, I think they need to bring out something new again if they want to keep the franchise going. I remember getting MW3 because of the 'survival mode' they had made. That alone kept me with the game for quite a while. Now they've moved back to the old zombies and barely added anything into multiplayer, except maybe nerfed camping and destruction. That isn't going to convince a lot of people to buy the game. I even saw a chart on Reddit that showed preorders of the past COD games compared to Ghosts, the preorders are going down a lot, so I expect the game to die out fairly quickly.
[Uh... What? They didn't go back to Zombies at all, seeing as the new game mode is Extinction, which requires you to actively progress through the map. As for Multiplayer, they've added quite a lot, with how the unlock tokens worked and the wild cards in Black Ops 2, and now the squad points in Ghosts. Was Modern Warfare 3 the last time you even played a Call of Duty title? Also, Reddit has been known to be severly wrong several times, so I'm not about to trust anything from their site while places like NeoGAF, VG Charts, and Wikipedia articles protest that. Call of Duty: Ghosts was still the number one pre-ordered game for both PS3 and 360, only leading by a small amount for the next gen versions as well. As for "Nerf camping", you've clearly never played Black Ops 2 or Ghosts, seeing as they made camping a little easier in Black Ops 2. As for Ghosts, that's ALL anyone is doing right now since the maps are so openly flanked, which is causing everyone to play a bit more defensively and slow.

As a few others and myself have Stated, Call of Duty isn't going anywhere any time soon. It's a VERY competitive scene for MLG and UG Dallas and those things just like Star Craft and League, so there will always be that, and it offers some of the tightest controls of an FPS has ever seen on Console.
Maybe it'll diminish? I'm not sure how long they can last with annual releases. Many will say it's the same game over and over, and many say it's improving. Well, for me, I'm just wondering if they can come up with something that's really gonna revolutionize the series. I'm hoping for something new, something that can stoke up the series to a whole new level. So they've gone from zombies to aliens. What's next? We'll have to wait and see. But if the reviews of Ghosts in any indication, then they're going to need to shake up the series.
...I'm not trying to derail this discussion or anything, but is there any particular reason why people dislike Call of Duty so much? For some reason it's become the Meg (Family Guy reference) of game franchises. I don't get it. I mean I'm not even someone who likes FPS, but I can't really find fault with the series. And since I actually studied up and followed the development for this game I am really having a hard time understanding a lot of the complaints. I don't know it's kind of like the Wii/WiiU and everyone calling it kiddie fair, but then like half the complainers haven't actually really played on it - or bought any games for it. I don't know. I just don't get it.
If you ask me, it mostly started when BF was released and a divide started COD vs BF. Many either love or hate one or
the other and go on to criticize the other. BF is more complex and COD is more run/shoot so more younger people seem to
play COD and that makes something for some to point out like its a bad thing.

Some people that bust on COD say it should be updated more and things changed more, but why change what is obviously working judging
by sales figures. If they change COD too much, they could actually lose players as they want to play COD not a COD/BF derivative.

They also don't like that COD comes out with a new release every year, the simple solution is to not buy it then and let the people that don't see any problem with it buy it.

If COD was to totally revamp and change every single aspect, there would still be people saying something.
They can probably keep up the annual releases for some time. Even if it isn't as popular as it once was, they will still make money on it. FPS games are still the most popular genre of video games these days. As long as that is the case, COD will do fine.
There is honestly no reason for preorders anymore, they stock enough games you don't need to honestly. They did say though that Ghosts didn't beat BO2 in preorders.

Titanfall is coming out in March, I think it will crush CoD...only problem is that its for PC/XBOX only. EA did say that future titles will be for PS3 as long as it does well, which I have no doubt it will. That being said, you also have Destiny releasing next year for all platforms and PS3/PS4 get early BETA access, then top on Halo for XBOX next December. Futuristic FPS will dominate next year.

Treyarch's CoD I think will be the final leg for the franchise and I'm really really hoping they return to WWII era, they had a good run but its time to focus on some 3rd person games. Maybe Treyarch will then be able to focus on putting together an awesome Zombies only game. I thought Ghosts was gonna suck but it turned out to be pretty good besides a few flaws and its still early so they have time to fix it. In the mean time I can focus on BF4 which I think will be the only remaining current solider style FPS game.
I agree on the preorders thing. The only reason for a preorder is for bonus gifts or if it is more of an underground game. I could see preordering a game like The Last Story on the Wii because there was going to be limited quantities of it. That is not the case with COD.
The whole structure of Call of Duty is as expensive as it is disposable. Each game carries lots of multilayer DLC (at premium prices); DLC that's required if you want the full online experience. It's disposable because in about a year, a new COD game will release, and most of the online player-base will migrate. With that new game, will be more multilayer DLC, and the previous game will plummet in value (current Amazon prices have vanilla MW3 at around $20, and Black Ops 2 at around $30) because not a lot of people will be playing it like before. There's simply no reason to keep the game around after the next game comes out. The online rapidly shrinks like a balloon losing air, and the singleplayer experience is a formality at best

So, People, vote with your wallets.
I stopped caring about Call of Duty a long time ago, if I want to play a war series that is still trying than I go with Battlefield. Online play with COD is annoying and repetitive in my opinion, and you need to buy the DLC in order to have any real kind of experience. It's just a cash cow now and if the devs don't care then why should we. I would rather that Call of Duty goes away for a little bit and then comes back better than ever. Say what you will about Assassin's Creed at least they are still trying.
If you ask me, it mostly started when BF was released and a divide started COD vs BF. Many either love or hate one or
the other and go on to criticize the other. BF is more complex and COD is more run/shoot so more younger people seem to
play COD and that makes something for some to point out like its a bad thing.

Some people that bust on COD say it should be updated more and things changed more, but why change what is obviously working judging
by sales figures. If they change COD too much, they could actually lose players as they want to play COD not a COD/BF derivative.

They also don't like that COD comes out with a new release every year, the simple solution is to not buy it then and let the people that don't see any problem with it buy it.

If COD was to totally revamp and change every single aspect, there would still be people saying something.

Youre probably right. Im not dying to go get it, but then again im not dying to go get any game if its not on sale.

I happened to play battlefield 3 recently and was amazed by it so naturally i played the battlefield 4 demo, and will be picking up battlefield 4 on black friday. If i had played call of duty instead i might be a big call of duty fan.
Well Ghosts is trying to copy BF with the larger maps but they seem to be too big and still have a terrible spawn system. I wasn't looking forward to Ghosts but its actually not that bad. I still hate MW3, it was the most boring CoD period.

I'm a big S&D player in CoD so on Saturday when I noticed their is a variant of that in BF4 I got super happy.
The whole structure of Call of Duty is as expensive as it is disposable. Each game carries lots of multilayer DLC (at premium prices); DLC that's required if you want the full online experience. It's disposable because in about a year, a new COD game will release, and most of the online player-base will migrate. With that new game, will be more multilayer DLC, and the previous game will plummet in value (current Amazon prices have vanilla MW3 at around $20, and Black Ops 2 at around $30) because not a lot of people will be playing it like before. There's simply no reason to keep the game around after the next game comes out. The online rapidly shrinks like a balloon losing air, and the singleplayer experience is a formality at best

So, People, vote with your wallets.

Nice job! Economics 101 people. Dollar votes. They will stop making COD games yearly when the dollar votes tell them to stop.
Well Ghosts is trying to copy BF with the larger maps

I almost forgot to breathe for a second after reading something so illinformed. Ghosts didn't, or isn't trying to copy BF with their map sizes. World at War had incredibly large maps, and so did Modern Warfare 2. There's only abut two at most maps that are LARGE and those are still the standard size compared to Wasteland or the snow map in Modern Warfare 2. However, I will agree with Modern Warfare 3 being the most boring one. It was a close tie between World at War and 3, but 3 takes the cake.

Back on Topic;
While we are voting with our wallets, it's not going to change. As I said before, there's a reason they are the number one, because they have incredibly tight, responsive controls, interesting multiplayer (Though rehashed year after year), and offer up the right amount of competitive playing. Games like Battlefield are incredibly fun, but compared to Call of Duty it's more of a "I hope our team can win" as opposed to "Our team is going to dominate." since I doubt someone is going to have 32 friends all manage to get into the same lobby, on the same team. Titanfall MIGHT get quite a lot of pre-orders and such, but seeing as it's not going to be on the PlayStation 3 or PlayStation 4, in no way is it going to crush Call of Duty.
As long as they have the interest they will continue with their releases. I love the games and others also seem to.

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